For your reading pleasure here are seven paragraphs from my shapeshifter erotic menage.
Seven paragraphs from ~
Chapter Eight:
Dontoya watched their chosen mate's face...
Originally his kind had been genetically brought forth to prowl the deepest, darkest jungles. Amazonia and the other rainforest areas of Earth were hostile to one of the primary ruling races. Thus, his shapeshifting ancestors had brought back knowledge of the plant and animal life.
With a degree of ease envied by other shifters, Dontoya phased to what he called his other molecular body. For Sherilyn's sake, and to let her observe his change, he slowed the process significantly. Instead of under a minute, he stretched his shift from human to black cougar in under five minutes.
"O. My. Gawd. It's true."
Sherilyn's shocked pants of breath blasted into Dontoya's sensitive cat ears, while her luscious female fragrance tickled his nostrils, filling them to the brim.
"It's true! You're a shapeshifter...a real live..." Her voice trailed away.
With his cougar instincts, Dontoya honed in on her initial wild panic. Yet curiosity, a sense of wonder quickly gripped Sherilyn, and she leaned forward slightly, trying to take him all in.
After a leisurely stretch of his muscles, Dontoya flicked his tail. He decided not to gaze directly at her. Not yet. She might feel he wanted to steal her soul, as some of the old lore claimed.
For more of My Sexy Saturday ~mysexysaturday.blogspot.com~
My latest shapeshifter release: HER MIDNIGHT STARDUST COWBOYS, a ShapeShifter Seductions Presents Novel.
Sherilyn, Dono, and Zance invite you to read their love story ~
A woman desperate to save herself and her prize horses. Two shapeshifter cowboys who want her as their woman. That's only the beginning... Available: SMASHWORDS PREMIUM CATALOGUE ~ KINDLE ~ *TopSeller* at AllRomanceEbooks
For more info on my para-fantasy erotic romances check the sidebar.
Love shapeshifters? Wanna know what life is like in a shapeshifter town? Join us at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~ Turning into Your Wildest Desire
Have a sexy magical week ~
Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance
mmm, sexy. (but I like it, too)
great excerpt!
Hi Nora, thanks for stopping by!
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