Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...
Angelic Forecast ~ #386
"The Hour Is Late" ~ From *All Along the Watchtower* by Jimi Hendrix ... However, Now Comes a DIVINE WILD CARD On the Global Stage
Meanwhile, the entrenched evil of the dark-side elite bubbles to the surface like a lake of toxic magma for ALL to witness. Now, arises a Frankenzilla system disguised as the way to 'protect' the people.
On the magickal, mystical front, this week the 'Mages of Ages Lost' whirl their lightblades tornadically slicing through the lies of history/herstory. Thus, to reveal sparkling glimpses of the TRUTH. For, real knowledge is POWER. And, the People need this truth-weaponized power.
Also, the Phoenix-Rise of the Magickal Human Continues
BLURB: "David Bowie, Close Encounters and Star Magic ~ Friday January 22, 2016
Long time UFO investigator Timothy Beckley met David Bowie and discussed his UFO experiences with him. Here, Whitley Strieber taps those memories to explore and honor the life of the most magical rock and roll artist of all time.
Of course, being that Whitley is involved and Timothy has direct knowledge of David's experiences, this conversation will be the most extraordinary one you will hear about David, rock and roll, magic dark and light and the visitors. Whitley has always been deeply grateful to David for appearing in his second movie, the Hunger, and honors him now with this journey into the wonder that he brought to this world.
He truly was the man who fell to earth. May his journey home be filled with joy and new discovery!"
Timothy Beckley's YouTube Channel is Mr. UFO's Secret Files.
On the personal front, This week is about making up with loved ones, if there's been a significant disagreement. Also, look around for new friends, but only those who are high-caliber, heart-centered people. For, as the times worsen around us, good friendships are a way to weather the superstorms of life in a manner that benefits ALL.
Further, the roller coaster week ahead will likely jolt most of us into new understandings about the world around us. Adjust, and move forward with preparations that work for you and your family.
As a community, band and stand together, if that is possible.
On the paranormal front, The Truth Is Out There... In TVlandia? Will Truth Remain In New X-Files Series, Or Will the Truthers Be Demonized?
ARTICLE: "'X-Files' Creator: 'I Thought The FBI Was Going To Shut Me Down' ~ Monday, January 25, 2016
X-Files creator Chris Carter received a mysterious phone call before the first run of the series in 1993 that freaked him out." — Huffington Post
On the UFO front, VIDEO: "Watch: Illuminated UFO Filmed Over Paraguay?
An intriguing video from Paraguay purportedly captures a UFO sporting a remarkable ring of blue lights beneath the craft."
ARTICLE: "Doctor Catches Best UFO Photo Ever Over Montana (Photos) CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. Date of sighting: November 4, 2015 Location of sighting: Clancy, Montana, USA News source: http://www.greatfallstribune.com... This was captured by a doctor in Montana last month. He used a special software that catches moving objects and has worked two years trying to catch one. This has to be the most clear... " ~beforeitsnews.com~
ARTICLE: "Mysterious Interdimensional Appearance in the Sky Seen Near Colima Volcano, Mexico (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. A strange appearance in the sky is captured by the Manzanillo webcam near the Colima Volcano in Mexico on January 22, 2016. The phenomenon which clearly shows ring-shaped contours of a disc-like object was seen for over 10 minutes before it disappeared. Did the webcam captured an interdimensional alien craft,... ~beforeitsnews.com~
On the PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING front, ARTICLE: "X-Files Predictive Announcement: 'What Will Seem Like An Attack On America By Terrorists Or Russia, Driven By A Well Oiled, Well Armed And Multi-National Group Of Elites'" ~ January 14, 2016
On the NESSIE front, ARTICLE: "Nessie Mystery Gets Deeper with Trench Discovery ~ January 19, 2016
A tour boat captain on Loch Ness may have found a key to understanding why famed sea monster Nessie has proven to be such an elusive creature.
After spotting something anomalous beneath the waters of Loch Ness, Keith Stewart used advanced sonar equipment to discover a previously unknown trench that measures nearly 900 feet deep.
The find is significant because prior measurements of the Loch placed it at only 813 feet deep, meaning that there is far more space for Nessie to lurk beneath the surface of the water than heretofore believed.
Additionally, the trench was discovered near the shore of Loch Ness, where sonar searches had not been conducted before, suggesting that similar studies could reveal even deeper crevices yet to be found.
Some Nessie enthusiasts are already speculating that the newfound trench could be the creature's lair and that is why it is so rarely seen.
Researchers are hopeful that the discovery will inspire new sonar studies of the Loch to determine the true dimensions of the still-mysterious location and possibly find other areas where Nessie may be able to hide.
Consider it another round in the decades-old game of hide and seek between humans and Nessie."
Source: Daily Record
On the *past revealing itself* front, Video: History Changer: Oldest Writing System in the World Found to Predate Ancient Sumerian Text (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: N. Morgan. (N.Morgan) It has been discovered that the Danube Valley Civilization script is the oldest writing in the world and predates the Sumerian Writings in Mesopotamia and the Dispilo Tablet. Although the Danube Valley civilization isn’t nearly as famous as other ancient cultures around the world, is it one of the..." ~beforeitsnews.com~
On the land changes front, SNOWMAGGEDON2016 Strikes ... and from the prior forecast: "Major Weather Chaos Will Continue Across the Planet ... Earthquakes Could Die Down, However This Is Only Temporary ... Volcanic Activity Only Increases ... Also, Humongous Snowstorms 'Could' Hit Within the Next Month ... Prepare For Any and All Superstorms"
ARTICLE: "Europe wrapped in a snow blanket as winter finally sets in :Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic were almost entirely wrapped in a snow blanket while Turkey and Greece also reported intense snowstorms"
Headline: "MONSTER ERUPTIONS: Panic as two volcanoes EXPLODE simultaneously causing mass evacuation"
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Two Volcanoes Exploded Simultaneously in the Philippines and Russia (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence. 20Jan 16 Something biblical is going on with the second coming of Christ! We cannot continue to ho-hum and ignore. MONSTER ERUPTIONS: Panic as two volcanoes EXPLODE causing mass evacuation EARTHQUAKES struck today in a volatile region that saw TWO massive volcanic eruptions less than 24 hours ago. More than..."
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "41,000 people evacuated as the Popocatepetl volcano just 35 miles from Mexico City leashes a potentially deadly eruption: The second Mexican colossus to blow this month"
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Mass EVACUATION alert: One of world's MOST DANGEROUS volcanoes threatens to BLOW; HERES THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE! THOUSANDS of people living by one of the world's most dangerous volcanoes have been put on evacuation alert after the monster peak began spewing..."
ARTICLE: "Oklahoma Earthquakes Shake Up Scientists, Rattle Politicians :It is now one of the most active regions in the world, and the danger, according to the USGS, is greater than you think."
ARTICLE: "Alaska 7.1 Earthquake, Mysterious Booms CONTRIBUTOR: Deborah Dupre. A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Alaska early Sunday morning, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The Alaska quake epicenter hit near Cook Inlet, 162 miles southwest of Anchorage. It was about 50 miles deep. The massive quake follows mysterious booms heard throughout the area before the 2013 quake there. ~beforeitsnews.com~
And... HEADLINE: "Very strong M7.1 earthquake hits near Anchor Point, Alaska, US
HEADLINE: "M6.6 - 215km SW of Tomatlan, Mexico"
HEADLINE: "A magnitude 6.0 - 171km E of Ceva-i-Ra, Fiji is the seventh major quake of January and 2016.
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "'Mini-Tsunami' Strikes State Of Washington Along 'Ring Of Fire' - Two Massive 'Ring Of Fire' Volcanoes Erupt Simultaneously As 5 Planets Begin Alignment - Why Haven't We Heard About This From The Mainstream Media?
...Is it only a coincidence that these two deadly volcanoes in Russia and Indonesia have erupted simultaneously, and that it happened at the same time as 5 planets moving into alignment? As we learn in this story from EarthSky, the planets of Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Mars & Jupiter began an alignment on January 20th that will last for approximately a month. Is there more to this than we're being told?"
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Meanwhile in California ... El Nino batters the West Coast as one bay area city is forced to declare a state of emergency"
On the WEATHER WAR front, ARTICLE: "Geoengineered Mass Distraction, 'Winter Storm Jonas’"
On the LET'S TALK WITH EACH OTHER front, The Major Interview With ***Minister Louis Farrakhan*** That the Controlled Media Is IGNORING
"The people must be free; to grow; to develop; to be cultivated that the glory of God be seen in the human being he created"
ARTICLE: "The Real Threat To Black People In America
Prison Planet.com | Exclusive interview with Minister Louis Farrakhan"
VIDEO DOCUMENTARY: Louis Farrakhan: Angel or Devil?
Prison Planet.com | In this powerful, unprecedented interview, Alex Jones and Farrakhan break the mold."
On the AWAKENING front, AWAKE and AWARE To the Psychopathic Ruling Elite Grows Exponentially ... Even the Sheeple Might Bleat Against Their Enslavement
Hawking’s numerous warnings are aimed directly at the careless hubris of the ruling elites"
ARTICLE: "Putin: Human Evolution Under Threat By Big Pharma, GMO, Vaccines"
ARTICLE: "'Worst wildlife die-off ever recorded' anywhere on Earth underway on West Coast — Expert:'And we’re not just talking marine die-offs… yeah, it’s a really big deal' — 'There are many more species that are getting sick'"
On the New World Order Criminals front, ARTICLE: "Rob Kirby Exposes Secret NWO Fund That Controls It All -'Very Wicked Game At The Very, Very Highest Levels' By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine
On January 22, 2016 SGT Report published an interview with macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby from Kirby Analytics where he exposes what he calls a more closely guarded secret than the lack of gold in Fort Knox, more guarded than the U.S. Nuclear secrets, referring to a secret NWO fund which is controlling the "financial universe."
The fund is called the Exchange Stabilization Fund and is run at the sole discretion of the Secretary of Treasury, with no congressional oversight, subject to no laws, and is involved with everything from the drug trade, to arms dealing, murder-for-hire and regime changes, just to name a few projects where these "dark dollars" are manipulating world events in what Kirby calls a "very wicked game" going on right now "at the very, very highest of levels."
ARTICLE: "Who Will Lead The UN To World Domination?
Jon Bowne | The race to be Secretary General of the United Nations is clandestinely underway"
On the BANKSTER GANGSTER front, ARTICLE: "Banking Cartel: JPMorgan CEO gets 35% pay raise to $27M amid cutbacks
USA Today | Dimon paid $1.5 million salary, then over $25 million in bonuses and grants."
ARTICLE: "Gaddafi Was Killed To Stop Pan-African Currency
Prison Planet.com | Trying to make Africa financially independent ended up costing Muammar his life"
ARTICLE: "Davos Insider: World Economy Doomed, Central Banks ‘Out of Ammo’
Kit Daniels | Global banker admits Keynesian economics not working."
On the *better to control you* front, ARTICLE: "Cashless Society War Intensifies During Global Epocalypse"
ARTICLE: "War On Cash Escalates: China Readies Digital Currency, IMF Says 'Extremely Beneficial'"
ARTICLE: "The Beast System Arises: The Largest Bank In Norway Calls For The Elimination Of Cash
Michael Snyder | Many local bank branches in Norway already don’t deal in cash, but that is not good enough."
On the economic front, This Is How The Dark-side Elite Destroys the Middle Class ... However, a Battle Now Rages Between Those Who Want Complete Economic Collapse and Those Who Want a Stopgap Measure ... This Factional War Is Ruthlessly Playing Out Behind the Scenes ... Currently, This Teeter-totter War Is Being Won By a White Hat Group Who Are Playing Both Evil Sides Against the Middle
This week, look for teetering, crumbling big banks that are being propped up by manipulation teams. There should be a massive but quick shudder in the system, then a temporary stabilization.
Far more importantly, some of the bankster gangsters are having their GREEDY HANDS slapped for real. Why? One reason: the People are close to open revolt.
Article: "DAVOS 2016: Paranoid Elites Cower In Fear Of Revolution
Prison Planet.com | The meeting to terminate the American middle class is underway atop a mountain in the Alps"
ARTICLE: "A Run On The Banks Begins In Italy As Italian Banking Stocks Collapse
ARTICLE: "Davos: Elites to “Debate” Rising Inequality
Reuters | 53 of Davos attendees own as much wealth as the poorest half of the entire world."
ARTICLE: "Deep 'Freight Recession' Hits Railroads, Trucking, Air Freight :'Consumers just don’t seem to be showing up…"
ARTICLE: "Union Pacific 4Q Profit Falls 22 Pct As Freight Volume Slows
ARTICLE: "Dow falls to new low as oil plunges to $27 a barrel
RT | From an opening of 15,989.45, the Dow never went higher."
ARTICLE: "Crashing oil prices hit former Texas boomtowns
USA Today | “It’s just like a ghost town again,” bar owner says."
ARTICLE: "97% Of Rare Earth Minerals Go To China
Prison Planet.com | That’s only one of the ways they are stomping out American prosperity"
ARTICLE: "China growth slows, lowest since 2009
Reuters | China is locked in the midst of a protracted slowdown."
On the GLOBAL GOVERNMENT [trans pacific partnership] front, ARTICLE: "TPP Trade Deal Will Cost US 448,000 Jobs, Say Researchers"
On the EMPIRE OF LIES *yes, lies are the currency* front, Imposing Martial Law One Treasonous Step At a Time.
ARTICLE: "Chinese Military Hacks the VA Records of 21 Million Vets In Preparation for Martial Law ~ by Dave Hodges ~ January 24, 2016
It very likely that within the week, more revelations will begin to surface regarding the data breach of the veterans. It is important to remember that the VA stores data on gun ownership for individual veterans as the VA routinely sends out “surrender your guns letter” because you (the veteran) suffers from mental illness, usually PTSD.
It is also clear after reading this article, that the Chinese expect that the majority of veterans will be disarmed prior to their martial law occupation forces are brought into play. My advice to the veterans, you have all “lost” your guns and are not able to turn them in." ~thecommonsenseshow.com/2016/01/24/chinese-military-hacks-the-va-records-of-21-million-vets-in-preparation-for-martial-law~
ARTICLE: "Mitch McConnell Moves To Grant The President Unlimited War Powers With No Expiration Date
Bill gives Obama power to deploy military anywhere - including on U.S. soil
Kit Daniels | Infowars.com - JANUARY 22, 2016
President Obama nearly unlimited power to deploy the military anywhere in the world for any length of time – including on U.S. soil.
“The Authorization for Use of Military Force put forward by McConnell would not restrict the president’s use of ground troops, nor have any limits related to time or geography,” Defense One reported.
In other words, the authorization allows the president to deploy the military anywhere at his discretion – both foreign and domestic – for as long as he wants.
Several senators, including Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, were surprised by McDonnell’s decision to fast-track the bill after a year of deep in-fighting over similar measures in the Senate."
On the truth front, Humanity, THE WINDS OF TRUTH ARE IN YOUR SAIL As Never Before ... Time To WAKE UP, As Never Before
The world must act quickly to avert a future in which autonomous robots with artificial intelligence roam the battlefields killing humans
Infowars.com - JANUARY 24, 2016
On the PSYOP AGAINST THE PEOPLE front, ARTICLE: "Russian Report: "9/11 Was an Anglo-American Black Op Executed in Collusion with Israeli Secret Services"
Russian Report: CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson. RUSSIAN 9/11 DATA DUMP REVEALS STATE ACTORS “9/11 was an Anglo-American black operation executed in collusion with Israeli Secret Services.” — 9/11 Investigator Undoubtedly the 9/11 attacks on New York City and Washington DC are the most misrepresented by officialdom in US history. type of nuclear devices used on 911..." ~beforeitsnews.com~
On the war front, Ron Paul: "A Blank Check For War" ~ For, Congress Anoints the Executive Branch ... Meanwhile, the Russian Bear Masterfully Walks the Forests of the World, Hunting His Enemies ... This Week, A Major WILDCARD Reveals the Grand Wizard Behind the Curtain
Significant developments ahead of peace talks scheduled next week in Geneva
Kurt Nimmo | Infowars.com - JANUARY 23, 2016"
ARTICLE: "Islamist fighters in Aleppo, Syria, got reinforcements from Turkey – Russian Foreign Ministry
RT | The increased activity of the terrorists was witnessed in several suburbs of Damascus."
Article: "ISIS massacres 280 civilians for ‘cooperation with the Syrian army’
RT | 400 were also taken hostage."
ARTICLE: "Obama Changes ISIS-Linked Group Status To “Protected”
Prison Planet.com | US caught harboring terrorist affiliates once again"
ARTICLE: "Iraq's oldest Christian monastery that has stood for 1,400 years is destroyed in seconds: Satellite image reveals how ISIS reduced sacred site to rubble"
The Next News Network
ARTICLE: "Pentagon to increase number of US troops in Iraq
RT | Carter discusses ‘accelerating’ ISIS campaign."
ARTICLE: " Second Navy Combat Ship Goes Down Because Someone Forgot To Check The Oil :This marks the second incident over the last couple months that an LCS ship has been brought down due to mechanical failure."
On the *migrant invasion-rape of Europe* front, WATCH: ‘Angela Merkel You Have Killed Germany!’ – 16 Year Old Girl’s Migrant Fears Video That Some Claim Facebook Are ‘Censoring’
ARTICLE: "Islamic Murderer: Christian Girls Exist to “Pleasure Muslim Men”
Kit Daniels | “Christian girls are only meant for one thing, the pleasure of Muslim men,” Muslim killer said."
ARTICLE: "Caught On Tape: 1,000 Dutch Villagers Storm Town Hall In Anti-Migrant Melee :Wilders called for all Islamic male asylum seekers to be locked in their asylum centers in order to 'protect our women'."
ARTICLE: "Globalists Are Using The Third World As A Weapon
Prison Planet.com | Tens of millions of unskilled immigrants are creating a tower of Babel"
ARTICLE: "Report: Globalists Covering Up Jihadist Violence
International agreement between some nations to downplay migrant crisis? Wayne Madsen Prison Planet.com January 20, 2016 Evidence that municipal authorities […]"
ARTICLE: "Ultimate Proof Of Globalist Evil
Prison Planet.com |No matter who is in office, the elite agenda keeps getting worse"
ARTICLE: "Half a million girls in the US 'at risk of female genital mutilation': Rapid rise in immigrants has fueled the illegal practice, say experts"
On the *pray for a mini ice age* front, ARTICLE: "'It's too cold' Refugees would rather return home than face European winter REFUGEES are abandoning their bids for asylum to return home after claiming Europe is too cold."
On the energy front, What a Minefield of Competing Energy Systems ... That is, Power Systems Approved By the Dark-side Global Elite, Designed To Make You Pay Through the Nose ... However, Which 'Establishment Approved System' Will Be At the Top of the SCREW THE PEOPLE Heap?
On the *wow, politics is politics* front, ARTICLE: "Guest Post: How Hitler Came To Power: Promises to fix everything Hitler promised everybody something, so they supported him."
On the *theft by cop and law enforcement now far surpasses theft by thieves and robbers* front, ARTICLE: "It’s Like 'Nazi Germany'— Federal Police Officer Furious After Cops Attempt to Rob Him & His Wife
On the tyranny-at-work front, The Death of American Freedom By Thousands of Tyrannical Cuts ... Here It Is ... Do We the People, Stop the Bleeding, Or Do We Lay Down and Let the Beast Evil Ones Have Their Blood Feast
ARTICLE: "Special Report: Children and the TSA
Rex Jones | TSA expands its tyranny despite growing backlash.
ARTICLE: "TSA – Feel Up for Freedom!
Prison Planet.com | Infowars reporter gets “felt up” by the TSA while heading to Flint, Michigan
On the *how pathetically stupid is this?* front, Article: "STUDENT SUSPENDED AFTER SAVING GIRL SUFFERING ASTHMA ATTACK
Teacher waited for email as girl struggled to breathe on floor" ~infowars.com~
On the WHAT JUSTICE SYSTEM? front, ARTICLE: "LA will pay over $24m to wrongfully convicted men who spent decades in jail
RT | Police pinned the crime on men using faulty evidence."
On the GO GET 'EM HACKERS front, ARTICLE: "White House Science Czar John Holdren Targeted by Notorious ‘Teen Hackers’
Mikael Thalen | High-profile hacking spree reaches White House officials."
On the communication front, ‘Astroturf’ ... How the Mass Media Brainwashes THE PEOPLE
Our reality is carefully constructed by powerful corporate, political and special interest sources in order to covertly sway public opinion. Blatant lies are often televised regarding terrorism, food, war, health, etc. They are fashioned to sway public opinion and condition viewers to accept what have become destructive societal norms.
The practice of manipulating and controlling public opinion with distorted media messages has become so common that there is a whole industry formed around this. The entire role of this brainwashing industry is to figure out how to spin information to journalists, similar to the lobbying of government. It is never really clear just how much truth the journalists receive because the news industry has become complacent. The messages that it presents are shaped by corporate powers who often spend millions on advertising with the six conglomerates that own 90% of the media: General Electric (GE), News-Corp, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, and CBS. Yet, these corporations function under many different brands, such as Fox, ABC, CNN, Comcast, Wall Street Journal, etc, giving people the perception of choice.
...New Brainwashing Tactics Called ‘Astroturf’
With alternative media on the rise, the propaganda machine continues to expand. Below is a video of Sharyl Attkisson, investigative reporter with CBS, during which she explains how “astroturf,” or fake grassroots movements, are used to spin information not only to influence journalists but to sway public opinion.
How do you separate fact from fiction? Sharyl Attkisson finishes her talk with some insights on how to identify signs of propaganda and astroturf.
Here is a summary of astroturf tactics. Once you’re aware of them, you will notice just how popular they have truly become:
Creating of Wikipedia pages, monitored by corporations.
Creating a social media presence, including Facebook and Twitter accounts, run by paid professionals.
Secretly funding non-profit organizations to create third-party support and web presence.
Search engine optimizing web pages such as blogs and third-party sites that support a specific agenda.
Financing industry research that is deceitfully presented as independent opinion.
Funding experts working on unrelated projects, while in reality creating paid consultants.
These methods are used to give people the impression that there is widespread support for an agenda, when, in reality, one may not exist. Astroturf tactics are also used to discredit or criticize those that disagree with certain agendas, using stereotypical names such as conspiracy theorist or quack. When in fact when someone dares to reveal the truth or questions the ‘official’ story, it should spark a deeper curiosity and encourage further scrutiny of the information."
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple
ARTICLE: "Mind Controlling Mantras And Repetitious Usage of Words Such As Crisis, Collapse, Panic And Meltdown, Have Lulled The Sheep Into A State Of Passivity, Apathy And Denial, Resulting In Their Demise"
On the UN-SHEEPLE MOOD OF AMERICA front, COMMENT: "Our unholy rotten soulless criminal America destroying government killed 4 Americans in Benghazi. Period! What sort of chimpass punk would deny security, turn down 61 requests for security, then tell US forces to STAND DOWN-TED NUGENT"
On the home front, EVIL EXPOSED, Stealing the Land From You and Me, the Designated Serfs
ARTICLE: "Exclusive: BLM Admit They Steal Land!!
Prison Planet.com | BLM employees have zero regret for taking private property"
ARTICLE: "Feds Laugh At, Applaud Theft of Private Land
The Alex Jones Show | “We always take it for less than it’s worth.”
Video: Fed Employees Brag About Federal Land Grabs
Adan Salazar | Employee brags they “stole the money from Washington” to push World War II vets off land.
ARTICLE: "The New America: Welcome to Sherwood Forest, Serf
The Alex Jones Show | Everything is illegal…"
On the EDUCATION front, ARTICLE: "Exclusive: Former Pearson Exec Reveals Anti-American Agenda in Common Core"
On the STARVING THE PEOPLE INTO SUBMISSION front, ARTICLE: "Obama Is On the Verge of Starving Millions of Americans Into Submission-Absolute Proof :Stalin and Hitler both used food as a weapon of mass destruction against their people. Obama is next.
“If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”
Thomas Jefferson
...A government would subdue its soon-to-be rioting population before its population started hanging bankers and politicians from the nearest lamp post.
Obama has another motivation to subdue the American people before the full brunt of the public’s anger has a chance to coalesce. Obama has had five Watergate scandals in his administration. They were the Benghazi scandal, the IRS scandal of harassing Tea Party members, the spying on reporters from the AP scandal, the NSA/Ed Snowden spy scandal and the public questioning new revelations about running guns to the Mexican cartels in Fast and Furious. Now Obama has a sixth scandal. It is the BLM/EPA scandal in which the Ammon Bundy/Burns, Oregon situation. Because of Ammon Bundy and his followers are exposing the heavy handed practices of the BLM trying to force as many ranchers and farmers off of their land, an increasing number of Americans are beginning to see that the government wants to control all food and food production. Slowly, America is realizing that in this land of plenty, Americans will soon be starved into submission. Millions will die. This fact is exacerbated by the fact that I recently interviewed farming experts, Ed Petrowski and Cliff Harris, about their unfolding prediction that at least 15% of the nation’s farmers and ranchers will be leaving the food growing industry. This coupled with a plunging Baltic Dry Index of under 370 means that the American people will soon face a food crisis of Biblical proportions.
...When it comes to Ammon Bundy, it could be said that a rising tide lifts all boats. The Bundy standoff could become the catalyst for the coming civil disobedience of farmers and ranchers in the West. Obama cannot allow this. He will move against the American people and food seems the most likely avenue of attack.
Knowing these facts, would you not preemptively move to head off these crises with a series of false flag attacks which would provide the justification for martial law? Under martial law, Obama could thwart any legitimate challenge to the tyranny unfolding in this country. Under martial law, he could preposition assets to thwart the financial and food riots that are surely coming to America when the financial debts deliver a death blow to the economy and ultimately the banking system. MAYBE NOW, JADE HELM 15 MAKES SENSE TO YOU.
...With the stroke of his pen, Obama has total and absolute control over all food where his EO 13603 states:
e) “Food resources” means all commodities and products, (simple, mixed, or compound), or complements to such commodities or products, that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals, irrespective of other uses to which such commodities or products may be put, at all stages of processing from the raw commodity to the products thereof in vendible form for human or animal consumption. “Food resources” also means potable water packaged in commercially marketable containers, all starches, sugars, vegetable and animal or marine fats and oils, seed, cotton, hemp, and flax fiber, but does not mean any such material after it loses its identity as an agricultural commodity or agricultural product.
(f) “Food resource facilities” means plants, machinery, vehicles (including on farm), and other facilities required for the production, processing, distribution, and storage (including cold storage) of food resources, and for the domestic distribution of farm equipment and fertilizer…”
This unconstitutional EO is particularly disturbing in that it clearly states that the government has control over anything that is “capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals…” If you thought that you and Fido were going to get through the coming food crisis by storing and consuming dog food, think again.
How will farmers maintain the nation’s food supply when all fertilizer, their farm equipment and all of their vehicles are under the control of this sociopathic President or the next power-hungry President?"
ARTICLE: "Million of Americans Could Starve to Death Without Divine Intervention: History clearly demonstrates that when a nation’s food supply is put in jeopardy, revolutions frequently arise. When several nations experience food vulnerability, wars can take place.
During the worst of the Weimar Republic, we see a German lady literally paying for small item groceries with barrels full of cash. The situation was so bad, that shop-keepers used to shut down their businesses at lunch in order to change the prices on all of their goods. The 1920’s German crisis represented hyperinflation at is worst. These conditions ultimately led to the rise of fascism and Adolph Hitler and ultimately World War II. Unfortunately, history is beginning to repeat itself.
...Two Food Experts Speak Out
Cliff Harris has been making accurate predictions about farming and food trends for over 40 years. Ed Petrowski has been farming the fields of Pratt, Kansas for decades. I had both men on show this past Sunday night to present to the world a farmer’s perspective on what is happening with our food supply.
One of the more stunning trends that both men pointed out was the fact that over 15% of American farmers will leave the business this year because of extreme government intrusion. They both said that there will be an extreme food shortage as a result. In fact, they both said there would be a food crisis in the United States anyway. And as Cliff Harris, a climatologist pointed out, there would be a food shortage anyway due to extreme weather changes."
On the food front, The Government Push For Factory Farms Is Communism By Another Name ... This Is Also Horrific Animal Cruelty, and Devastating To Plant Life... Unless Stopped, Factory Farms Will Cause Widespread Disease For Animals and Humankind ... and Will Nearly Ruin the Food Supply Through Genetic Engineering ... The Tipping Point Is Here
Grow good food. Move out onto the land. Also, help the small farmers and ranchers stay in business. Do anything and everything to keep local farming and ranching in your community.
On the FRANKENFOOD front, ARTICLE: "California School District 1st in U.S. to Serve Organic, GMO-Free Meals
A school district in California is the first school district in the nation to serve its students completely organic meals." ~naturalsociety.com~
ARTICLE: "GMO labeling Florida
Huge News: Florida Launches 3 Bills for Mandatory GMO Labeling!
Due to the efforts of thousands and some political reps, 3 GMO labeling bills are being put forth in Florida!" ~naturalsociety.com~
ARTICLE: "State in India Goes 100% Organic, Protects 75,000 Hectares of Land from GMOs
As of the end of December, 2015, Sikkim has become India's first fully organic state in the country." ~naturalsociety.com~
ARTICLE: "A New GM Potato is Coming
The Food and Drug Administration has recently given a green light to a genetically modified potato engineered to resist a pathogen that strikes potato crops.
But while the FDA claims that this new GE creation is safe, the agency seems oblivious to the possible environmental risks, while ignoring citizen's concerns over the GE potato and GMOs at large.
How about we at least LABEL it so people know what they are eating?" ~naturalsociety.com~
On the BLACK DEATH front, ARTICLE: "Black Death may have been lurking for centuries: DNA of plague victims in France backs up theory that bacteria lay dormant" ~dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3412769/Black-Death-lurking-centuries-DNA-plague-victims-France-backs-theory-bacteria-lay-dormant.html~
On the *shoot 'em up with vaccines* front, HEADLINE: "Analysis and Overview of House Bill S.1203 Requiring Mandatory Immunization for All Veterans Receiving Medical Services" [stevequayle.com ~ SHOT IN THE ARM SHOT IN THE HEAD EITHER WAY THEY WANT VETS DEAD!] ~fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/analysis-and-overview-of-house-bill-s-1203-requiring-mandatory-immunization-for-all-veterans-receiving-medical-services/151904~
ARTICLE: "Opposition to Forced Vaccinations Growing – National Vaccine Information Center Leading the Way"
HEADLINE: "22,000 Nurses Refuse Flu Shot Could Face Termination!"
On the *planned parenthood* front, ARTICLE: "Planned Parenthood Sold Hearts and Brains of 18-Week-Old Babies Minutes After Aborting Them"
On the SUPERBUG front, ARTICLE: "Superbugs to Kill Millions Soon?A recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) now details the rise of a dangerous new superbug that scientists are calling the 'phantom menace'."
On the CANCER INDUSTRY front, ARTICLE: "Once diagnosed, you’re worth $300,000 to the cancer industry CONTRIBUTOR: The Tap Blog. For those living in the early 1900’s, the chances of getting cancer was 1 out of every 100 people, about fifty years ago the chances increased to 1 in 50. Today, it is said that a little less than 1 out of every 3 people will get cancer, soon to... ~beforeitsnews.com~
On the really bad news front, Flint, Michigan Is An Absolute Dangerous-Water Nightmare ... This Is Also Occurring In Other American Cities ... If You Can't Purify Your Water, Do All You Can To Move To a Better Place
The people of Flint, Michigan are being forced to pay SIXTY DOLLARS a month for TOXIC, POLLUTED water, and that's just to turn on the tap. That is not their total water bill, which is beyond belief. Further, if people try to get good water, and turn off the tap, they are being threatened with having their children taken away by the so-called 'authorities' ... because you have to have running water... running water that is ruining the health of their children, and killing their pets. What kind of sinister monsters run that city?
***YOUTUBE: Flint Mother is Furious*** ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSyPo6iuR2U~
MEANWHILE ... ARTICLE: "Alert: LA gas well has ‘destabilized’, large crater develops in area ,Officials: 'Could be catastrophic' , TV: Risk of massive fire, possible explosion — Expert: 'If wellhead fails, the thing is just going to be full blast… a horrible, horrible problem'"
On the good news front, There Are Fabulous Innovative Devices Out There ... Question: How Do We Get Them To Everyone Who Needs Them?
ARTICLE: "Solar Powered Water Distiller Turns Salt Water into Fresh Drinking Water with Only Sunlight Required"
On the global mafia cabal front, Social Media Is Designed To Be the BEAST SYSTEM ... And, You Are the Target ... You Are the Sheeple To Be Sheared and Fed Upon
ARTICLE: "Facebook Is Providing "Red List" User Date to the Chinese Military In Preparation for UN Led Martial Law
Facebook Is Providing CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. By Dave Hodges The Common Sense Show This just in: FACEBOOK is providing user data to the Chinese military. If the Chinese were to ever be a part of an United Nations peacekeeping/martial law force, this should send chills up and down your spine. This means that as an occupying..." ~thecommonsenseshow.com~
ARTICLE: "A Global Martial Force Is Being Assembled- Facebook to Provide Intel On American Citizens (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Dave Hodges The Common Sense Show Earlier today, I published a report which detailed the threat posed to Facebook users. Reportedly, Facebook is releasing private information to the Chinese military. This is to aid the Chinese military when they are called in by the UN to restore order inside the..." ~thecommonsenseshow.com~
On the VIPER ELITE front, VIDEO: "High-level CIA: Elite are Satanists: “I Organized False Flags for the CIA” (video)
CONTRIBUTOR: SGTreport. from The Alex Jones Channel: Former high level CIA operative Robert David Steele gives Alex Jones an inside look into just how corrupt the elite are...." ~infowars.com~
On the heroine front, ***Lee Ann McAdoo, Journalist*** ARTICLE: "Plan to Protect Flint’s Water Discovered
Lee Ann McAdoo | Man-made disaster created by the state."
ARTICLE: "Could Contaminated Water Have Caused Legionnaires' Outbreaks in Flint, Michigan?
Michigan officials are probing a possible link between lead-contaminated water in Flint and legionnaires' disease." ~naturalsociety.com~
ARTICLE: "Flint Resident Describes Symptoms of Lead Poisoning
Prison Planet.com | “My grandson who is nearly two years old, now has a high level of lead in his body.”
ARTICLE: "Shocking: People Drink From This Filthy River
Prison Planet.com | Notorious river has a green hue"
ARTICLE: "Confirmed: Poison In Your Tap Water
Prison Planet.com | More than just Sodium Fluoride in municipal water supply"
ARTICLE: "State Of Emergency Declared As Legionnaires’ Disease Spikes In Flint Michigan
On the hero and heroine front, Those Who Are EXPOSING the Massive Levels of Corruption and Evil-Doing In Burns, Oregon, and In Harney County, Oregon.
On the BUNDY AND HAMMOND RANCH, AND THE URANIUM CLINTON CONNECTION front, ARTICLE: "Clinton Is Selling Uranium From Bundy and Hammond Ranches to Russians to Fund Presidential Campaign ~ by Dave Hodges ~ January 5, 2016
When Donald Trump accused Clinton and Obama of creating ISIS, he was absolutely 100% correct. This fact was undeniably established in 2015 when I interviewed former Army Special Operations Officer and advisor to George W. Bush, Scott Bennett. However, this is merely the starting point of this article.
A Treasonous Conspiracy of Monumental Proportions
Both the Bundy and Hammond Ranch affairs is about control of significant amounts of uranium and the BLM is willing to shed blood in order to procure this uranium for very nefarious purposes.
This article will unequivocally implicate Hillary Clinton in her role of deliberately committing abject treason against the people of the United States through the illegal appropriation of uranium, at both the Bundy and the Hammond ranches and then selling the uranium to the Russians in order to help fund her presidential run through a largely untraceable offshore account.
I am taken back by the brazenness of the plot. I am even further taken back by the fact this event, as the reader will soon learn, was reported in the New York Times as well as other mainstream media outlets. Is it really necessary to point out that the uranium that Clinton, and the fact that it is subsequently being sold to the Russians, could potentially be used against the American people and its military, in the form of nuclear weapons, and this blood money is helping to fund the presidential campaign of a political despot of epic proportions.
Please walk through with me the progression of the events and facts related to this story which accurately casts Hillary Clinton into the light as the single biggest femme fatale traitor in American History.
...Hillary Clinton, the Ethel Rosenberg of her generation. Clinton sold uranium to the Russians while serving as the Secretary of State and this is what both the Bundy and the Hammond Ranch Affair is all about. And there is nothing to suggest that these nefarious acts are still ongoing."
On the DUMBER THAN DUMB front, ARTICLE: "Clinton Supporters Sign Petition to Repeal Bill of Rights
Adan Salazar | “Support Hillary’s plan to repeal the Bill of Rights to help modernize the New World Order.”
On the scumbag political front, ARTICLE: "Obama 2.0: Rubio to Deploy ‘Truth Squads’
The Washington Examiner | Pro-amnesty, establishment candidate following in Obama’s footsteps."
ARTICLE: "Hillary: ‘I Know How Much Money Influences Political Decision-Making’
Prison Planet.com | Want favors? Donate to Clinton Foundation!"
ARTICLE: "Breaking: Hillary Denies Email Hack
Mikael Thalen | Clinton refutes claim from ex-Secret Service agent."
ARTICLE: "Clinton emails so secret some lawmakers can't read them"
ARTICLE: "Former Congressman: Clintons Sold Military Secrets To China
Prison Planet.com | Selling arms to China can make you a ton of money"
The winners - and notable runners-up - of the Hillary contest!" ~infowars.com/winners-announced-make-fun-of-hillary-contest~
ARTICLE: "13 Hours: What The CIA And Hillary Don’t Want You To See
Prison Planet.com | Exclusive review on controversial Michael Bay film"
On the *CIA Scumbag* front, ARTICLE: "Obama exposed as White House ‘salter’ — foreign CIA operative, puppet, with falsified credentials CIA ‘salts’ White House, installs every president since Kennedy"
On the FAST AND FURIOUS front, ARTICLE: "Fast & Furious Guns Found in El Chapo Compound as Obama Scandal Cover-Up Loses in Federal Court :Yet this scandal cost lives, and the Obama Administration has been in cover-up mode for years to hide the truth about the reckless gunrunning Operation!"
Article: "ATF Gave El Chapo A .50 Cal Rifle
Prison Planet.com | Fast and Furious scandal now linked directly to Mexico’s largest drug cartel"
ARTICLE: "The price tag for implementing President Obama’s executive gun controls is $80 million, Attorney General Loretta Lynch declared during her January 20 testimony before the Senate Appropriations subcommittee."
ARTICLE: "Judge rejects Obama's executive privilege claim over Fast and Furious records The Justice Department's own public disclosures undercut the president's privilege claim, Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled."
On the SECOND AMENDMENT *the right to bear arms* front, ARTICLE: "The Marine Corps Times is Calling for Veterans to Violate Their Oath: advising veterans to '… lead the push for more secure gun laws'” in a tweet sent out earlier this week; a story first covered by Breitbart"
ARTICLE: "New Bill Would Give Tax Breaks To Concealed Carriers"
Article: "PRESIDENT OBAMA SUED IN FEDERAL COURT OVER EXECUTIVE GUN CONTROL “The President cannot simply announce sweeping new rules and implement them by giving a speech or issuing an executive memorandum”
On the EVOLUTION OF THE GUN front, ARTICLE-VIDEO: "Ghost Gunner: Evolution Of The Firearm
The future of firearms manufacturing with Cody Wilson
Prison Planet.com ~ January 13, 2016
Infowars spoke to Cody Wilson, pioneer of printable gun technology. Cody walked us through his shop to demonstrate how the Ghost Gunner is fabricated."
On the SYMBOLIC front, ARTICLE: "Bill of Rights Birthplace Partially Demolished by Developer
Kit Daniels | “The building as it stands now is rather indicative of the current state of our Bill of Rights.”
On the freedom front, During the Next Six Months, THE POPULIST UPRISING of the People Happening Here In America, and Around the World, Will Explode Into An Aquarian Age, Mass-Mind Revolt Against the Dark-side Establishment
In opposition, the Viper Elite will use terrible false flag events around the world, as the justification to clamp down on the people, to force an ever-increasing state of martial law on populations. This FEAR UPON FEAR tactic will *not* be totally successful, even with the deployment of advanced-tech, mind control methods. For, some of the people are too spiritually evolved.
On the TECH SCREW UP front, ARTICLE: "Couple Tormented by Phone Tracking App Error ~ January 22, 2016
A couple living in the suburbs of Atlanta have been plagued by a spate of unwanted and angry visitors who are being directed to their home due a glitch from phone tracking apps.
Christina Lee and Michael Saba say that numerous people have visited their house looking for lost or stolen phones due to a technological anomaly which seemingly places the missing devices there.
So far, the couple have managed to diffuse the encounters by explaining the situation to the visitors and convincing them that they do not have their phones."
On the DRONE SCREW UP front, ARTICLE: "More Air Force drones are crashing than ever as mysterious new problems emerge"
On the UNSMART TECH front, ARTICLE: "Why Smart Cars Are a Dumb Idea
Prison Planet.com | Smart cars will not only drive for you, but collect all the information they can in the process"
ARTICLE: "Davos Insiders: Self-Driving Cars Spy on You
Kit Daniels | Autonomous cars function as ground-based surveillance drones."
ARTICLE: "Self-Driving Cars: The Future Of Surveillance
Prison Planet.com | Future vehicles will be big brother spy machines"
On the *yep, the super surveillance state...no encryption for you* front, ARTICLE: "Now California state wants to ban sale of encrypted smartphones The bill, similar to a New York draft law, would prevent companies like Apple from selling its encryption-enabled iPhone on its own turf."
On the *yeah, who believes this? ... it's about more RULES for YOU!!!* front, ARTICLE: "FBI Says Encryption Preventing It from Solving San Bernardino Shooting
Kurt Nimmo | Insists crucial information locked up on a pair of cell phones."
On the PROTO BORG front, ARTICLE: "The US Military Wants a Chip to Translate Your Brain Activity Into Binary Code"
Trendwise, the Time Travelers Arrive and Interact With the Those Who Are *Not* In the Public Spotlight ... Likely, There Will Be Fictional Plots/Storylines Around This Theme
At this spinpoint, Time Travelers from various Earth timelines arrive to help stabilize -- with small *under the radar* adjustments -- the transition into the Aquarian Age renaissance-paradise that is the right of humankind, and Mother Earth.
THIS WEEK, look for moments where you can play, and enjoy the company of others. Time is speeding up, and such moments will become invaluable to your well-being.
Angelic Blessings from Volcano & Sedona
MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com ~
Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
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