Sexy Saturday kisses, everyone.
In the mood for a shapeshifter free read? Well, you're in luck. The ShapeShifter Seductions Authors have put together a flash-scene novel we hope you'll enjoy.
Here are the first seven paragraphs ~
Love To the Rescue
Chapter One:
Who Ya Gonna Call?
By Pat Cunningham
Just goes to show, you're not safe anywhere. One minute Ewan Carter had paused outside the bar to shake an annoying bit of gravel out of his boot, the next somebody yanked a canvas bag over his head, two somebodies grabbed his arms, and he was being hustled into the back of a van. Now, Ewan was a man who liked to see action on a Saturday night, but this was all a tad much.
His nose told him several things: his captors were human, not Tiger Yakuza; he hadn't smelled them around Talbot's Peak before; and they'd had a couple slugs at the bar, probably just enough that a public kidnapping seemed like a good idea. One of them tripped against a cycle's wheel and went, "Darn it!", which told him they were young and unprofessional as well as mildly drunk. It all added up to college kids on a dare. Them being human and him not, he could probably shake 'em off with a minimum of fuss, without even having to shift.
He was about to lash out when the one on his left arm crushed in a step closer and his nose let him know she was female. Chivalry checked the elbow he'd been ready to ram into her ribs. Curiosity did the rest. Now why would a bunch of college kids nab a random cowboy outside of Dante's bar? Confident now he could ditch these puppies any time he wanted, Ewan decided to play along and see what they were up to. Besides, for a Saturday night it had been pretty dull up to now.
However, token resistance did seem called for. The kidnapper on his other arm was male. Ewan hip-slammed him and trod on his foot and knocked his elbow into the monkey's chin before two more males grabbed hold of him. After that he let himself be man and womanhandled into the van with little fuss.
"Don't be frightened," the woman whispered to him as the van sped out of the parking lot. "We're not going to hurt you. We only want to help."
"You'd be helping a ton if you took this bag off my head. It stinks to high heaven in here."
"Forget it," the male on his other side growled. "You're not biting anybody, werewolf."
For more of My Sexy Saturday ~mysexysaturday.blogspot.com~
When Ewan Carter gets kidnapped outside a bar by a group of werewolf hunters, he doesn't expect to find his mate among his captors.
Maureen Starkey didn't expect to fall for the handsome coyote-wolf shifter. Neither expected to run into a mad scientist and his mutant mammoth monster.
But it's just another romantic week in the shapeshifter, supernatural town of Talbot's Peak, Montana.
ShapeShifter Seductions Presents: A Flash-Scene Novel by Pat Cunningham, Savanna Kougar, Rebecca L. Gillan, Solara Gordon, Serena Shay.
LOVE TO THE RESCUE is an Action-Adventure Paranormal Romance, on the sensual sweet side, except for the down and dirty cussin'. Shifters and Weres of every type and stripe abound, along with the Supernatural crowd like witches and demi-gods.
But beware! There's a convergence of Monster Hunters and fearsome vile monsters eyeing those who live in Talbot's Peak.
Meanwhile, the Tiger Yakuza is vying for control, battling Damien Hancock, the founder of Talbot's Peak. A werewolf alpha-thug, he is also in competition with his youngest son, Dante, the well-loved owner of the Pleasure Club. To stay in power, Damien funds a brilliant but mad scientist.
And watch out if you decide to visit. Maddened beasts lurk in the deep dark forest. They run and hunt in the tall grass prairie. Yes, some of them would enjoy you as dinner.
Coming Soon: Ride the Roan Stud, written by my alter ego, Stevie Klark. For a peek at the cover art go to ~stevieklark.blogspot.com~
My latest shapeshifter release: HER MIDNIGHT STARDUST COWBOYS, a ShapeShifter Seductions Presents Novel.
Sherilyn, Dono, and Zance invite you to read their love story ~
A woman desperate to save herself and her prize horses. Two shapeshifter cowboys who want her as their woman. That's only the beginning... Available: SMASHWORDS PREMIUM CATALOGUE ~ KINDLE ~ *TopSeller* at AllRomanceEbooks
For more info on my and Pat's books check the sidebar.
Love shapeshifters? Wanna know what life is like in a shapeshifter town? Join us at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~ Turning into Your Wildest Desire
Have a sexy magical week ~
Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance