Weekly Angelic Forecast from Volcano
Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...
Angelic Forecast ~ #389
Emergency Alert: The New World Order Criminals Go NAKED In Their Bid To Become Complete Technocratic Tyrants Ruling the Entire Globe
However...Two *Wildcards* During the Week Will Challenge This Future ... Watch For It Because the Truth Will NOT Be Televised
And, Murdering the Artistic Soul ... This Is One Diabolical Endgame of the Dark-side Globalist Elite
Article: "HOW THE GLOBALISTS BURY YOUR DESTINY We build this world using our minds, art and souls then they tell us they were the authors of it all"
On the magickal, mystical front, this week the 'Mages of Ages Lost' spin like giant cyclones using their lightblades to LIGHT UP the world. For, now they use their power to REVEAL the TRUE POWER OF GOODNESS ... the Goodness that is *Inherent In Humankind*
For, We Are THE CONNECTION to the One Divine On Mother Earth. This Is What the Dark-side Powers Are Battling, Goodness Itself and Our Natural Connection.
On the personal front, this week will likely be a complex one for most of us. This centers around relationships and that ole bugaboo, money.
Because of the Aquarian Age transition, and the opening of the human heart, relationships are being fundamentally redesigned. Or, LOVE soars higher, and the ability to be intimately loving increases. However, this new paradigm of LOVE is not an easy journey for many, and there will be challenges for all of us.
Also, as is obvious, the whole economic system needs to be redesigned in a manner that truly serves us all individually, as well as collectively. This DOES NOT mean *overhauling* the current disastrous Babylon system that was put into place to keep humanity down and out, and enslaved.
The new economic paradigm must come from the heart, and serve the heart of humankind. So it begins.
However, this will mean a roller coaster, chaotic ride as the old system crumbles and crashes. Your job, at this time, is to protect yourself and your loved ones as much as possible -- and to create a local economy that works for you and the community.
On the paranormal front, VIDEO NEWS: "Unexplained Flash Lights Up Russian Sky" ~ Security cameras throughout three cities in Russia captured a strange flash which lit up the night sky last week, leaving experts baffled over the source of the illumination.
The extremely brief event resembled the effect of a lightning strike, but the weather appears to be clear in the footage and meteorologists have dismissed that as a possible cause of the flash.
An electrical mishap has also been ruled out as the source of the odd event.
On the SPIRIT WORLD front, BLURB: Spirit World & New Orleans ...an 11th generation Creole New Orleanian, Bloody Mary ~bloodymarystours.com~ made her debut on the show. A strong advocate for spirits' rights, she runs Bloody Mary's Tours, and guest lectures at Loyola and Tulane Universities. She discussed the rich history of voodoo and the paranormal that permeates the culture of New Orleans, and her interactions with the spirit realm. Spirits aren't necessarily something to be feared but rather can act as our protectors, she revealed. She sometimes even invokes spirits at weddings that she officiates, inviting the "ancestors" in, or holding weddings under the old oaks in a haunted area. Mary spoke about the origins of Voodoo, which was brought in by slaves who had more freedoms in New Orleans than other parts of the country.
So called voodoo dolls or effigies were initially created as a spirit tool or surrogate to help a particular person accomplish positive desires or healings, she cited. Interestingly, Mary said she was called onto the set of American Horror Story-- Coven (which was filmed in New Orleans) to conduct an exorcism or banishing because most of the cast and crew were experiencing unpleasant paranormal effects. Mary, an expert on haunted bars, quipped that "spirits love spirits," and Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop in the French Quarter, the oldest bar in the country, has had many ghost sightings. She also stressed the importance of people occasionally doing their own spiritual cleansing (such as through salt baths) as well as clearing their homes of negative energies. Book: "Bloody Mary's Guide to Hauntings, Horrors, and Dancing with the Dead"
On the TELEPATHY front, ARTICLE: "Atheist Doctor Witnesses Telepathy, Now Aims to Merge Science and Spirituality ~ Monday, February 15, 2016
Multiple strange experiences caused Rick Sheff, MD to reassess the possibility of non-local consciousness." — Epoch Times
On the UFO front, ARTICLE: "Could NASA Be Lying To Us About A Huge UFO Orbiting Asteroid Near The Earth? Is 'Exo-Vaticana' Deception About To Unfold?"
On the ALIEN SECRECY front, Alien Secrecy Remote Viewing UFOs and Stargates (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. In this special Dark Journalist episode he welcomes back Bestselling author of Alien Agenda Jim Marrs for a fascinating rundown of his latest cutting edge research on UFOs, Remote Viewing, Stargates. Genetic Engineering and Alien DNA. Remote Viewing UFOs Marrs reveals his 20 year investigation into the shadowy Black Ops..." ~beforeitsnews.com~
On the BIGFOOT front, VIDEO: Bigfoot In New Mexico News Report (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. New Mexico is abuzz with bigfoot rumblings while Jeff Meldrum is visiting the state for a confernce on bigfoot in New Mexico. There have been quite a number of sightings over the years, and some very impressive evidence. Check it out: Thanks http://bigfootevidence.blogspot.com~
On the DRAGON front, VIDEO: Exceptional Discovery! 120-Meter Skeleton of a Dragon Discovered in the Iranian Desert! CONTRIBUTOR: TILO. Exceptional discovery! 120-meter skeleton of a dragon discovered in the Iranian desert!... ~beforeitsnews.com~
On the PYRAMID front, VIDEO: Mysterious Rays of Light Began Radiating From the Pyramids Around the World! CONTRIBUTOR: TILO. Mysterious rays of light began radiating from the pyramids around the world!... ~beforeitsnews.com~
On the DESERT SHIP front, ARTICLE: "Mysterious Ship in the Desert CONTRIBUTOR: Ghost Hunting Theories. Perhaps one of the more unusual legends, but persistent, is that of an abandoned ship in the desert. Native People, Spanish explorers, prospectors and migrant workers have been among the witnesses over hundreds of years, reporting a ship in the California desert (between the Salton Sea and the delta of..."
On the *past revealing itself* front, ARTICLE: "New Nazca Lines Discovered In Peru ~ Monday, February 15, 2016
High winds have uncovered more geoglyphs near the more famous ones we all know about." — Daily Grail
ARTICLE: "Archaeologists Unearth More—a Lot More—of a Massive Underground City"
On the *psychedelic coyote* front, ARTICLE: "Coyotes on psychedelic mushrooms are staring down and attacking cars
The Marin Humane Society of Western Nevada County, California, has been fielding calls concerning coyotes that are staring down cars and approaching passersby off Highway 1. The strange coyote behavior has been the talk of the county, especially at Beth's Community Kitchen in the Bolinas..."
On the land changes front, Earth Changes: Big Doings Are Here... Everything Intensifies and Quickens -- Volcanoes, Earthquakes, the Superstorms, Odd Weather Patterns, Floods, Droughts, Winds, Sinkholes ... and the Oceans Will Rise Over the Next Several Years ... So Will Lands Once Above the Ocean
HEADLINE: 5.1 and 3.9 magnitude earthquakes recorded in Oklahoma
HEADLINE: Upstate New York mountain reaches minus 114 wind chill at its summit ~nydailynews.com/news/national/upstate-ny-mountain-hits-110-degrees-wind-chill-summit-article-1.2531580~
HEADLINE: Spectacular eruption of Japan’s Sakurajima volcano throws 2.2 km smoke column skyward
ARTICLE: "Earth changes intensifying: Volcanoes across the globe go ballistic as 2016 arrives"
ARTICLE: "Record-breaking heatwave sends temperatures into the 90s in Los Angeles... while arctic blast is set to thwart North East with subzero wind chills this Valentine's Day
ARTICLE: "Blown away! 100mph Storm Imogen causes havoc on roads, rail and the seas as 13,000 homes across Britain are left without power" -WOW-ASTONISHING PHOTOS
On the WEATHER WARS front, ARTICLE: "Climate Engineers Continue To Disrupt Global Weather As US Military Conducts Climate Change War Games"
On the CLIMATE CHANGE front, ARTICLE: "Combatting Climate Change in the Courts
David W. Schnare | How the progressive left intends to use the courts to harass those who don’t agree with them on the climate."
ARTICLE: "Supremes Halt Obama’s Global Warming Plan
Truth Revolt | Say carbon emission plans must be put on hold."
ARTICLE: "Pentagon orders commanders to prioritize climate change in all military actions
Washington Times | A new directive’s theme: The U.S. Armed Forces must show “resilience” and beat back the threat based on “actionable science.”
ARTICLE: "1/3 Of Americans Say Special Interests Control Over Government Is Full Blown CRISIS
Steve Watson | “Undoubtedly fueling the rise of unconventional presidential candidates”
On the *engineering the cashless society, a renegade* front, ARTICLE: "Austrians Need Constitutional Right to Pay in Cash, Mahrer Says
Bloomberg | “We don’t want someone to be able to track digitally what we buy, eat and drink, what books we read and what movies we watch.”
ARTICLE: "German plan to impose limit on cash transactions met with fierce resistance
London Guardian | Proposals to ban payments above €5,000 have been condemned in country where 79% of transactions are in cash."
Meanwhile ... ARTICLE: "Something Very Disturbing Spotted In A Morgan Stanley Presentation: Consider this the latest, and loudest, warning on the road to digital fiat serfdom.
On the GOLD RISING front, ARTICLE: "Gold eyes best week in 4 years as stock market turmoil lifts haven appeal
Reuters | Gold took a breather on Friday after soaring 4 percent the previous day but was still set for its best week in four years after stock market turmoil sent investors into safe haven assets."
ARTICLE: "Global Stocks Continue To Crash As Oil Plummets And Gold Skyrockets
Michael Snyder | In the U.S., the Dow lost 254 more points on Thursday, and it has now fallen for five days in a row."
ARTICLE: "Canada sells nearly half of all its gold reserves
Global News | The government of Canada sold off nearly half its gold reserves in recent weeks, continuing a pattern of moving away from the precious metal as a government asset."
On the *stock market* front, ARTICLE: "Global Stocks Enter Bear Market
Zero Hedge | The World enters a bear market… at a crucial level…"
ARTICLE: "Dot-Com Bubble 2.0 Is Bursting: Tech Stocks Are Already Down Half A Trillion Dollars Since Mid-2015
Michael Snyder | Do you remember how much stocks went down when the first dot-com bubble burst?"
On the *possible bank holiday* front, Article: "FEMA Is Beta Testing a Bank Holiday As the Economy Nears Collapse- there is no end in sight to this financial massacre of America’s economic life-blood, as the Baltic Dry Index, continues to plummet to all-time low of under 30"
On the economic front, The Ruthless, Behind-the-Scenes Battle Between Those Who Want To Crush Humanity Into Mindless Slaves ... and Those Elite Who Want To Restore a Workable Economic System, Breaks Out Into the Open ... Blood Will Fly Literally and Figuratively
ARTICLE: "Welcome To Obama’s Recovery: Carrier Moving 1400 Jobs To Mexico
Zero Hedge | In his final state-of-the-union address, President Obama famously accused anyone who dares to question the strength of the US economic “recovery” of “peddling fiction.”
ARTICLE: "Obama: We’re Not ‘Wildly Overspending,’ A Lot of Stuff People Put On Internet and News Is ‘Factually Inaccurate’
Breitbart | “There are a bunch of folks who say that we’re wildly overspending, even though we aren’t.”
ARTICLE: "Why Trump Thinks Unemployment Is 42%
Zero Hedge | “If we had 5% unemployment, do you think we’d have these gatherings?”
ARTICLE: "Financial despair, addiction and the rise of suicide in white America
London Guardian | Montana officials wrestle to explain why the state has the highest rate of suicide in the US at nearly twice the national average – and it’s rising."
ARTICLE: "Farmers Riot In Greece As Recession Returns
Sky News | The demonstrations come as official data shows that the Greek economy has returned to recession."
On the *welcome to more serfdom* front, ARTICLE: "Maine Makes Welfare Recipients Work for it. Guess What Happens Next…
Louder With Crowder | Because if they keep you dependent on the government, you’ll have to vote for them over and over again."
On the *too big to fail, too big to jail* front, Article: "DERANGED CENTRAL BANKERS BLOWING UP THE WORLD: The fiat currency system, fractional reserve banking fraud, insane Keynesian fiscal policies, and consumer debt based consumption economy are mathematically unsustainable" ~theburningplatform.com/2016/02/15/deranged-central-bankers-blowing-up-the-world~
ARTICLE: "Negative Interest Rates Destroying World Economy: 'Doom-and-Gloom Outlook for Banks in Europe'"
ARTICLE: "Keiser: Deutsche Bank ‘technically insolvent’, running a ‘ponzi scheme’ ~rt.com/news/332446-keiser-deutsche-bank-technically-insolvent~
ARTICLE: "Why a selloff in European banks is ominous
Market Watch | Europe’s bank index has posted its longest weekly string of losses since 2008."
ARTICLE: "Day Of Reckoning: The Collapse Of The Too Big To Fail Banks In Europe Is Here
Michael Snyder | There is so much chaos going on that I don’t even know where to start."
ARTICLE: "Central Banks Are “Malicious Tools Of Wholesale Cultural Destruction”
The Daily Bell | Blame it on the dollar!"
Meanwhile, in Canada ... BLURB: "Bank of Canada Controversy ...Canadian constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati joined guest host Richard Syrett to talk about his legal case against his government and its abandonment of the Bank Of Canada (the rough equivalent of America's Federal Reserve) to pay for government projects. The organization was incorporated in 1934 to allow the government to borrow money interest free for such things as public works projects and national healthcare. Galati says that from its inception, this is what it did and it worked very well. However, in 1974, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was convinced that money for government projects should henceforth be borrowed from the Bank Of International Settlements, a private consortium based in Europe. Although he was told that this would stabilize world financial markets, Galati described the resulting situation as "being enslaved to international loan sharks."
Galati reminded listeners that this is not simply a Canadian issue, as it concerns most western democracies giving up economic control to private interests who are not answerable to any government, and that this situation has gotten much worse since the end of WWII. There are only a few countries who have bypassed this system for varying reasons, including China, India, Argentina, and Iceland. Galati says the yearly interest owed on loans to the Canadian Government exceeds the national military budget and "the healthcare budgets of several provinces," to the tune of up to 40 billion Canadian dollars annually. In his legal case, Galati hopes to cast a spotlight on this issue and show how the situation is "a focused and indisputable case of how private interest can take away your government's power." ~coasttocoastam.com/show/2016/02/14~
On the ONE-WORLD EVIL ECONOMIC SYSTEM front, ARTICLE: "‘Greeks will have to become migrants’: 10,000 farmers protest EU-imposed reforms in Athens" ~rt.com/news/332332-greece-farmers-protest-athens~
ARTICLE: "Henry Kissinger came to Moscow to discuss new financial system with Putin
On the *if we weren't all serfs to the big bad banks, we could likely afford this* front, ARTICLE: "The luxurious superyacht that looks like an alien spaceship: 'Flying pyramid' LEVITATES over the sea and has a top speed of 45mph" ~dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-3443863/Tetrahedron-Super-Yacht-appears-levitate-sea.html~
On the EMPIRE OF LIES *yes, lies are the currency* front, ARTICLE: "President Kennedy and His Brother Robert Kennedy Were Murdered By The Military-Security Complex
Paul Craig Roberts | Presstitute Media, such as the UK Telegraph, spend a lot of energy debunking exposes of government conspiracies."
On the truth front, Government, and Governments Around the World, Are Now Consumed By the Darkest and Most Vile Evil ... Now More of the People Become AWAKE and AWARE
On the war front, GLOBAL FLASHPOINTS ... and, the Relentless Byzantine Factional War In the Middle East ... This Week, the Russian Bear Rules
ARTICLE: "‘We Have Slid Into A New Cold War’: Chilling Statement From Russian Prime Minister
Daily Mail | Medvedev over tensions in Syria further raises the spectre of WWIII as France accuses them of bombing civilians."
ARTICLE: "US Allies Are Now Fighting CIA-Backed Rebels In Syria
ARTICLE: "CIA director says IS group has used, can make chem weapons
AFP | CIA director John Brennan has said that Islamic State fighters have used chemical weapons and have the capability to make small quantities of chlorine and mustard gas, CBS News reported."
ARTICLE: "U.S. in a tizzy: Russia destroys CIA's arms smuggling operation in Syria :For at least the last three years, the CIA has been smuggling arms into Syria via Turkey and Jordan. Not anymore. The rebels are increasingly cut off from their arms suppliers..."
ARTICLE: "Obama Supports Saudi Invasion of Syria
Kurt Nimmo | Anxious to rollback Russian support for al-Assad."
ARTICLE: "Saudi Arabia Sends Troops And Fighter Jets To Military Base In Turkey Ahead Of Intervention Against Isis In Syria
London Independent | Saudi officials have stated that they want to fight Isis and see President Bashar al-Assad removed."
ARTICLE: "Erdogan [of Turkey] Blackmailed EU for €30 Bln Over Migrant Crisis Plan
Sputnik | Erdogan threatened to send migrants to Europe."
ARTICLE: "Road To World War III: Turkey Shells Syria For Second Day As Saudi Warplanes Arrive
Zero Hedge | To be sure everyone knew Ankara and Riyadh would have to do something quick if they wanted to preserve the rebellion."
ARTICLE: "Turkish military shells Kurdish targets in northern Syria – Kurds to RT" ~rt.com/news/332380-turkey-shells-northern-syria~
ARTICLE: "Britain to send five Royal Navy warships to join Nato’s maritime arm in response to Russian threat Britain will send five warships to join Nato's maritime arm"
ARTICLE: "Bashar al-Assad vows to retake whole of Syria by force despite ceasefire attempts
London Independent | The US has backed anti-government rebels and more than a dozen countries are involved in the civil war."
ARTICLE: "Putin scrambles thousands of troops and hundreds of warplanes across south-west Russia in large-scale military drills amid growing tensions with the West"
ARTICLE: "American F-15s to join 1st Finland drill over ‘increased Russian activity’
RT | The US military is sending F-15 fighter jets to Finland for the first-ever joint exercises in the country due to perceived increased military activity by Russia, according to the Air Force Command Finland."
ARTICLE: "North Korea orders military takeover of a factory park shared with the South after Seoul's decision to remove all staff is deemed a 'declaration of war'"
ARTICLE: "North Korea to cut hotlines with South amid Kaesong shutdown: North Korea has vowed to cut two key communication hotlines with the South, amid rising tensions after Pyongyang's recent rocket and nuclear tests."
On the *cultural rape and invasion of Europe* front, ARTICLE: "Imam Hits Out At Danish Government After Plan To Rescue Child Bride Migrants: ‘It’s Part Of Their Culture’
Breitbart | A number of recent cases where marriages of adult men to girls as young as 14 years of age, sanctioned by the Danish state, has become a national scandal."
Article: "REPORT: Christians, Gays, Women Fleeing Asylum Centres Due To Persecution By Muslim Men
Breitbart | According to German newspaper Die Welt, the violence toward ethnic minorities, religious minorities and women continues to skyrocket across German asylum centres"
ARTICLE: "19 Year-Old Afghan Migrant Sexually Assaults 4 Girls Between Ages 11-13 – German Officials Set Him Free
Gateway Pundit | In five to seven years the migrants will bring in their family members."
ARTICLE: "Algerian Sex Attacker Shouted “Inshallah” – If Allah Wills It – As He Raped A 25-year-old German Student
Daily Mail | Then asked her if she had enjoyed it’."
ARTICLE: "Orban Accuses Germany And Turkey Of Secret Pact To Flood Europe With Another 500,000 Illegals
Breitbart | Uncompromising Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has accused Germany and Turkey of contracting a secret pact."
ARTICLE: "Danish Man Convicted, Fined For Facebook Post Comparing Islam With Nazism
Paul Joseph Watson | Message deemed “racist” despite the fact that Islam is not a race."
VIDEO Resident of Calais speaks: “This is the death of civilization”
Pamela Geller | What powerful testimony."
ARTICLE: "This “Stunning” Chart Shows How Quickly Europe’s Refugee Crisis Is Accelerating
Zero Hedge | We’re going to need bigger fences…"
ARTICLE: "Norwegian Police Chief Warns Mass Immigration Threatens Civil Unrest
Paul Joseph Watson | Influx of Muslim asylum seekers will have “unfortunate consequences”.
ARTICLE: "‘Islamic State Commander’ Found Living As Refugee In Rural German Village
Breitbart | German police have searched two homes in a rural village after a television channel interviewed a suspected Islamic State commander living there as a refugee."
ARTICLE: "France to Shut Down 100 to 160 Mosques; War-grade Weapons Found in Some
New American | George W. Bush and others have often emphasized that Islam is a “religion of peace.”
On the *cultural invasion of America and Canada* front, ARTICLE: "Bachmann on Muslim Migration: ‘This Is A Planned Invasion’ For The ‘Purpose of Destroying Western Christendom’
CNS News | Bachmann said Minnesota is expected to have its “highest level immigration” this year."
ARTICLE: "Liberals plan to build refugee camps on seven Canadian military bases — Taxpayers will fund mosques, Korans
The Rebel | Included in the Department of National Defence budgets are hundreds of thousands of dollars set aside for “religious support.”
ARTICLE: "Major United Nations Secret They Don’t Want Out, But Has Just Been Leaked, It’ll Put All The Puzzle Pieces Together: that a majority of the 'peacekeepers' at the UN are Muslim. this makes sense of who all the billions of dollars of ammo and firearms are for..."
On the energy front, If You Possess Skills To Make Alternative Fuels, and/or Build Any Kind of Energy Device, Now Is the Time Move Ahead At Lightning Speed ... For Your Sake, and the Sake of Others, Do All You Can To Create Such an Enterprise
ARTICLE: "Experimental Fusion Reactor Generates First Hydrogen Plasma ~ Saturday, February 13, 2016
A new experimental fusion reactor built by the Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics in Germany received a brief test run on February 3, bringing the promise of clean and sustainable fusion-generated power one step closer to reality.
This new reactor, called the Wendelstein 7-X, is a doughnut-shaped, 425-ton device, made up of a series of winding magnetic segments. The reactor was test-fired using helium last December, since helium is easier to convert to plasma than hydrogen (the intended fuel for a fusion reaction), and helium plasma can clean the interior of the plasma chamber of any dust left over from the unit's construction." ~unknowncountry.com~
On the *gee, aren't death threats and threats of rape illegal?* front, ARTICLE: "Pub takes foie gras off Valentine’s Day menu after ‘death threats’ from vegan activists
London Telegraph | Staff at the King’s Arms in Fleggburgh, Norfolk, received thousands of complaints."
ARTICLE: "Liberal Purdue Staffer Threatens to Rape Pro-Life Students…
Louder With Crowder | No group of liberals exhibit the party of hate more than pro-abortion liberals."
On the *gee, how many of these extremists are vegan...but they justify killing animals* front, ARTICLE: "Enviro Extremists Call for Shooting Ranchers’ Cattle
New American | Intentionally shooting someone else’s livestock is a crime — a felony."
On the WHISTLEBLOWER front, ARTICLE: "DHS veteran blows whistle on Homeland Security hanky panky: After leaving a 13-year career at DHS, I can no longer be silent about the dangerous state of America’s counter-terror strategy, our leaders’ willingness to compromise the security of citizens..."
On the tyranny-at-work front, The Redcoat Feds At Work
VIDEO: Martial Law in Burns, Oregon: Post Siege, Feds Terrorizing Local Citizens at Gunpoint CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. It appears the siege in Burns, Oregon is never ending. At this time, I’d like to call your attention to which group is ACTUALLY doing the terrorizing. Was it Bundy’s group that shot an unarmed man NINE times, or was that the Feds? Was it Bundy’s group that terrorized the... ~beforeitsnews.com~
ARTICLE: "Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy Arrested By FBI In Portland
The Oregonian | Bundy, 74, was booked into the downtown Multnomah County jail at 10:54 p.m."
On the PREPARE, YOU ARE THE ENEMY OF THE STATE front, ARTICLE: "With Collapse Arrival, Will Prepping Become Illegal And Preppers Labeled Outlaws And Enemies Of Society To Be Rounded Up And Slaughtered?"
On the *emergency now I'm King* front, ARTICLE: "Hawaii governor signs emergency proclamation on Zika, other illnesses: I dug up the legal doc they were referring to (attached) and summarized each section. THIS IS HUGE. The governor of Hawaii has declared himself king and can do anything he wants..."
On the ANY EXCUSE FOR MARTIAL LAW WILL DO ... THIS ISN'T A FATAL VIRUS ... MORE LIKELY THE CREEPAZOID-PSYCHO ESTABLISHMENT WILL BE SPREADING THE DEATH VIRUSES front, Article: "Experts Warn 'Guerrilla Warfare' & 'House To House' Methods May Be Needed To Combat Zika In America - 'One Neighbor Could Cause Outbreak For Whole Neighborhood' Is A Warning Of Where This Is Going!"
ARTICLE: "Brazilian government nullifies private property rights in fight against Zika ... Homes and property no longer 'private'"
In the *how secure is the internet, really?* front, ARTICLE: "Ongoing Threat To The Whole Internet - John McAfee: 'As Serious As It Gets - Absolutely No Defenses In Place'"
On the FIBER ASTEROID front, Cyber Attacks ~ BLURB: ...cyber technology expert Charles R. Smith ~softwar.net~ offered analysisPower grids are susceptible to hackers, such as was highlighted with the Ukraine electric grid blackout in December of 2015. It was brought about by the BlackEnergy computer virus, which is typically delivered by email and gets in via a software security flaw, he explained. Smith expressed concern over backdoor attacks which allow hackers to take over a system with administrative access. He also detailed the 'Juniper Hack,' a sophisticated backdoor attack on Juniper Networks, probably originally created by the NSA, and then possibly obtained by a nation state or third party.
ARTICLE: "While America watched the Superbowl, a hacker released details of 9,000 DHS employees, followed by data from 22,000 FBI workers"
ARTICLE: "UK Surveillance Oversight Board Says It’s All Cool When GCHQ Hacks Basically Anyone
Tech Dirt | The IPT was not too concerned about GCHQ spying, and even said that it’s fine even without naming specific targets."
On the *super surveillance commercial state* front, ARTICLE: "Big Brother Corporation? BBC to use facial coding cameras to study viewers’ emotions
RT | Facial coding technology will be used by the BBC to examine viewers’ subconscious reactions to their shows."
On the *presstitute media* front, ARTICLE: "New Emails Show Press Literally Taking Orders From Hillary
Daily Caller | A set of emails has exposed a sordid, transactional relationship between Hillary Clinton and the press."
On the communication front, CENSORSHIP ... The Brutally Striking Hammers Come Down On All of Us ... However, Humankind Creatively Battles Back
ARTICLE: "Political correctness is language control.. Political correctness is soft censorship. It is intolerance disguised as tolerance. As George Carlin said, it is fascism pretending to be manners."
ARTICLE: "Mohammad And Israel Cut From Tommy Robinson Interview On Al Jazeera
Israellycool | Can you criticise Islam or Mohammad in Qatar? No."
On the *smartphone and Twitter* front, ARTICLE: "How I quit my smartphone addiction and really started living
London Guardian | I don’t like being bothered or bossed around. I hated that anyone, for any reason, could interrupt my life, and I could interrupt my life just the same."
ARTICLE: "Twitter is losing customers and its stock is falling
CNN | It’s hard for the small core of Twitter addicts to accept, but Twitter just isn’t popular enough to be successful. In fact, Twitter is losing customers."
ARTICLE: "Twitter Recruits Feminist Who Thinks “Everything is Racist” to Police Content
Paul Joseph Watson | Social media censorship purge of conservatives accelerates."
ARTICLE: "Twitter Characterizes Criticism of Islam as “Hate Speech”
Paul Joseph Watson | “Advocacy” against religion off limits."
ARTICLE: "Twitter Announces Partnership With Islamists, Feminists to Restrict Free Speech
Kit Daniels | Social media giant organizing “Trust & Safety Council” with Islamists and feminists."
ARTICLE: "Twitter’s Attempt to Silence Generation Trump
Breitbart | It appears that Twitter’s war on free speech is directed at a specific generation of libertarians and alternative conservative voices"
Meanwhile... On the SOCIAL MEDIA front, ARTICLE: "Is Facebook RUINING your friendships? Sara Cox investigates how social media really affects relationships - and finds going online can be as addictive as Class A drugs ~dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3444196/Is-Facebook-RUINING-friendships-Sara-Cox-investigates-social-media-really-affects-relationships-finds-going-online-addictive-Class-drugs.html~
ARTICLE: "If you're plugged into broadcast media or social media, your thoughts are not your own
If you are plugged into broadcast media or the internet, your thoughts are not your own. You're being constantly bombarded by other people's ideas and narratives, and it doesn't take long before you think these ideas are your own. The purpose of the media -- both social media and mainstream..."
On the DRONE *this would be good if it was ONLY used this way...like that will happen* front, ARTICLE: "Sheriff’s Department Uses Drone to Help Fight Crime, Keep People Safe
Arkansas Matters | “To us it’s a tool. As long as it’s used that way.”
On the *gee, why doesn't the gov throw billions at it to find out the obvious?* front, ARTICLE: "Suicide Epidemic: Why Does The Number Of People Killing Themselves Just Keep Going Up?
Michael Snyder | According to the CDC, there has been a substantial spike in suicide deaths in the United States in recent years."
On the SWAT TEAM NATION front, ARTICLE: "Oops: Police Offer No Explanation After Officers Nearly Kill Entire Family
Adan Salazar | Florida man and woman, 12-year-old son subsequently handcuffed and kept out of house for 10 hours."
On the NO, THANK YOU, I DON'T NEED TO BE SCREENED front, ARTICLE: "Mandatory Depression Screening is A Depressing Thought
Ron Paul | The United States Preventive Services Task Force recently recommended mandatory depression screening for all Americans."
On the home front, Big Brother Daddy and Nanny State Mommy Is Here ... You No Longer Are Allowed To Raise Your Own Children
Article: "SPECIAL REPORT: FEDS ANNOUNCE THEY WILL RAISE YOUR CHILD Big brother wants to be called Big Daddy now" ~infowars.come~
ARTICLE: "Big Brother Seeking to Get in Your Child’s Head — Literally
New American | With help and funding from the federal government, Big Brother is about to get inside your child’s mind — literally."
ARTICLE: "NY school organizes ‘Hijab Day’ for non-Muslim students
EAG News | “As a high school teacher for over 30 years, let me say that this is wrong on so many levels.”
Meanwhile... ARTICLE: "UCSA pres. says well-being of illegals more important than lawful students’ careers
Campus Reform | The president of the University of California Student Association (UCSA) knocked his school’s administration for prioritizing the rights of lawful students over “undocumented” students at a Saturday board meeting."
On the *regardless of your personal politics, this is UNHINGED* front, ARTICLE: "Leftist Media Labels Trump Supporters Racist, Sexist Zombies After New Hampshire Win
Paul Joseph Watson | Vitriolic headlines highlight unhinged sentiment."
Meanwhile... VIDEO: ZOMBIE AMERICANS DON’T CARE, EXPRESS SUPPORT WHEN TOLD RUSSIA HAS BEEN NUKED 'Obama makes better decisions than I do, so it's really his choice.'
On the *non-lethal compliance* front, ARTICLE: "Can Tasers damage the BRAIN? Use of the 'non-lethal' weapons has been linked with symptoms similar to those seen in dementia"
On the *black lives matter* front, ARTICLE: "NJ State Troopers Remind Beyonce And NFL What Black Panthers Did To Their Officers…
Weasel Zippers | The person who escaped and is living in Cuba is Assata Shakur who is worshipped as a model by Black Lives Matter."
ARTICLE: "Anchor GOES OFF on racist Beyonce: What about little white girls? You and your ex-drug dealer husband are pathetic
Bizpac Review | She said that it “has nothing to do with equality,” and it’s stunts like this that put America in a place that “can’t heal.”
ARTICLE: "Imagine No More Safe Chocolate To Eat — 70% Of World’s Chocolate To Be Genetically Modified ~ CONTRIBUTOR: JB Bardot. With the intention of flooding 70% of the global cocoa supply with genetically modified (GMO) cocoa tree hybrids, a collaboration involving Mars, USDA and IBM is accelerating this process. With primary funding from US chocolate producer Mars, the partnership includes scientists based at the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the US Department of Agriculture and Science as well as researchers working at IBM’s Thomas J Watson Research Center."
On the ORGANIC front, ARTICLE: "Major Grocery Chain Expanding Organics to Meet Consumer Demand" ~healthfreedoms.org~
Meanwhile ... ARTICLE: "Are You Lovin’ Chemicals? Here’s What a McDonald’s Ad Should Really Look Like" ~healthfreedoms.org~
ARTICLE: "Bayer Refuses EPA’s Request to Pull Pesticide in US" ~healthfreedoms.org~
On the *biotech* front, ARTICLE: "Bio-tech is Dramatically Changing Food Production; The Death of Nutrition"
ARTICLE: "CDC Chipotle investigation leaves questions of possible food terrorism by biotech industry
In news that just about left us falling off our chairs, the mainstream media seems to be leaning toward the conclusion that dirty games and evil tactics may be behind the massive..."
On the SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM *starved into submission* front, ARTICLE: "The Ultimate Endgame Of 'Trap, Bait And Slaughter' Has Begun In America - 'Starved Into Submission' ~allnewspipeline.com~
ARTICLE: "America Is On the Verge of Mass Starvation: ~thecommonsenseshow.com/2016/02/15/america-is-on-the-verge-of-mass-starvation~
ARTICLE: "Venezuela Declares Another Emergency: It Has Run Out of Food
ARTICLE: "Venezuela Is Out Of Food: Here’s What An Economic Collapse Really Looks Like" ~activistpost.com/2016/02/venezuela-is-out-of-food-heres-what-an-economic-collapse-really-looks-like.html~
On the BIG-MONEY CORRUPT FDA front, ARTICLE: "FDA Wants to Jail Sam Girod for 48 Years, for Making Salves People Love ~healthfreedoms.org~
ARTICLE: "FDA Loophole Allows Possibly Dangerous Chemicals in Food" ~healthfreedoms.org~
On the BIG PHARMA front, ARTICLE: "Prescription medications identified as key gateway drugs in new study
Big Pharma is responsible for turning teenagers into illegal drug users by prescribing them dangerous medications which they may later misuse, according to researchers at the University of Michigan. A study conducted by the UM School of Medicine revealed that teens who were given prescriptions..."
ARTICLE: "Hillary Clinton sides with Big Pharma, against marijuana
Well, once again, as in 2008, the Iowa Caucus was not the coronation that she and her supporters thought it was going to be. Nominal Democrat presidential "frontrunner" Hillary Clinton barely made it out of the nation's first caucus as the technical..."
Meanwhile... ARTICLE: "Miracle molecule from licorice root nullifies liver damage from Tylenol, alcohol... see the science
I've collected stunning science that shows how a "miracle molecule" from licorice root provides extraordinary liver protection against tumors, viruses, alcohol inflammation and Tylenol pills (among other things).
This "glycyrrhizin" molecule should be the aspirin of liver health, but our own government and medical establishment continue to suppress all this, hoping the public never finds out.
If everyone knew this truth, the liver transplant industry would collapse, and Big Pharma would lose billions... find out why this "miracle molecule" from licorite root could save millions of lives and billions of dollars"
On the *yes, the world is this cruel* front, ARTICLE: "The Fraud of the American Cancer Society Exposed" ~healthfreedoms.org~
ARTICLE: "American Survival Newsletter Part I & II
CAUSE OF DEATH BY Rx IS 52% ~ by Herbalist Wendy Wilson
It is astonishing that out of the reported deaths caused by prescription medicines we find that the death rate is 52%. This statistic reflects only the reported cases by hospital doctors and or coroners performing autopsies. Are patients overdosing on purpose or are these deaths accidental? For the most part, the prescription drug-related deaths are from patients taking their medications as prescribed. Drugs accumulate in the body and cause a toxic condition. After a while the organs fail to clear the toxins under the strain and death can occur. There are also metabolic changes created by prescription drugs. If patients are on more than one medication, doctors and pharmacists do not know what those changes will be. The risk is high using life-long prescriptions in an attempt to stabilize function. In the long run, the drugs create worse conditions."
On the MONSATONO front, ARTICLE: "Doctors Name Monsanto’s Larvicide As Potential Cause Of Microcephaly In Brazil"
On the GM/GMO front, ARTICLE: "This School Went GMO-Free. Look What Happened to Their Food Costs…" ~healthfreedoms.org~
ARTICLE: "Big: New York Inches Closer to a Mandatory GM Labeling Bill
Christina Sarich | Joining numerous other states."
ARTICLE: "Zika HOAX exposed by South American doctors: Brain deformations caused by larvicide chemical linked to Monsanto; GM mosquitoes a 'total failure'"
On the *yes, you've been poisoned all these years* front, ARTICLE: "Fluoride Officially Classified as a Neurotoxin in World’s Most Prestigious Medical Journal" ~healthfreedoms.org~
ARTICLE: "The Lead Poisoning Crisis: Now In 11 States and Across America CONTRIBUTOR: Freedom Fighter. There is no safe level of lead exposure for a child – especially when it comes to ingestion of lead in food and water. LEAD poisoning is truly a national crisis! States affected (and we believe that unfortunately this list will continue to grow) are: Michigan, Indiana, Ohio,..." ~beforeitsnews.com~
ARTICLE: "Tyson Foods Dumps More Pollution Into Waterways Each Year Than Exxon" ~healthfreedoms.org~
On the NUKE RADIATION front, ARTICLE: "Cuomo to launch probe into troubled Indian Point power plant as radioactive leak gets worse"
ARTICLE: "65,000% Rise in Radioactivity of Leak Is Tip of Iceberg for Nuclear Plant near NYC" ~healthfreedoms.org~
On the really bad news front, Intuitive Warning: BIOWARFARE IN THE BIG CITIES ... BEING RELEASED NOW ... Take Care of Your Health ... Leave As Soon As Possible, If You Are Able
ARTICLE: "'It's a national SCANDAL' 10 'PLAGUE' cases as deadly diseases from past return to UK SOME of the deadliest diseases in history are making a comeback in the UK, and there are fears even the Black Death could return to these shores.
ARTICLE: "Flu Now Widespread in Arizona; Over 3,700 Cases Reported! NY Has 44 Counties"
On the LA GIANT GAS LEAK front, ARTICLE: "Experts: Formaldehyde is spewing from massive LA gas leak -'Very dangerous for public'… methane turning into embalming fluid — Can make your body 'start digesting itself'"
On the good news front, ARTICLE: "Homeless Given New Life after Working on a 22-Acre Organic Farm ~healthfreedoms.org~
ARTICLE: "Man patents natural, non-toxic pesticide that could make many agricultural chemicals obsolete
Back in 2006, one of the world's foremost mycologists secured a patent that, once fully developed, could shatter the power of the pesticide industry. This would be a major setback not just for manufacturers of chemical poisons like Dow, but also..."
ARTICLE: "Minnesota lawmakers consider banning neonicotinoid pesticides decimating bees and the environment
Like people in other states across the U.S., Minnesotans are concerned about their declining honeybee populations, and are pushing state regulators to take action. In October, the state Department of Agriculture released an outline on the study of neonicotinoids, a class of neuro-active..."
YOUTUBE: "Published on Feb 14, 2016 Alex Jones Covers the years of signs that the globalists are making their final move for a one world government. There is still time to stop this. Wake up and wake others up." ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9r6cGQCqNY~
ARTICLE: "Newly Built Then Closed Walmart's Hug The Railroad Tracks - COMEX Drill Across America February 12th Prepares For EMP - 'Solid Curtain - Citadel Shield 2016' Going On Through February 12th As Well!"
On the heroine and hero front, FOUR LIVES MATTER ... This Week True American Heroes Stood For Freedom At the Wildlife Refuge While the Redcoat Feds Desperately Attempted To Murder the American Spirit
On the hero front, Free Cliven Bundy, a True American Hero
On the *satanic* front, ARTICLE: "‘Bern like hell’: Satanists Rally Behind Socialist Bernie Sanders
Adan Salazar | “Bernie is actually pretty popular among Satanists.”
On the scumbag political front, ARTICLE: "Obama Owns Stock in Gun and Ammo Manufacturers, Profiting From His Policies
New American | A special report published by Reuters on February 5 reveals that President Obama owns stock in a couple of manufacturers of guns and ammunition."
ARTICLE: "People in This Airport Are Furious Over What Michelle Obama Just Did – ‘Let Them Eat Cake’
CONTRIBUTOR: AmericanPatriot. In a nation where power, in theory, belongs to the people, travelers wanting to fly in and out of Aspen, Colorado Friday learned where the real power lies. Travelers had to wait, regardless of schedules, so that the airport could be taken over by first lady Michelle Obama and her..." ~beforeitsnews.com~
ARTICLE: "Andrea Tantaros: Abusive Republican Elites Told Me to Quit Working Because I Support Trump (Video)
Gateway Pundit | FOX News host Andrea Tantaros told the Outnumbered audience today she has been harassed by Republicans for supporting Trump."
ARTICLE: "DNC rolls back Obama ban on contributions from federal lobbyists
Washington Post | The Democratic National Committee has rolled back restrictions introduced by presidential candidate Barack Obama in 2008."
ARTICLE: "What Clinton Said in Her Speeches – “She Sounded More Like a Goldman Sachs Managing Director”
Michael Krieger | She stands with Wall Street and always has."
ARTICLE: "Hillary 'shared Top Secret intelligence files which were too damaging to national security to be released with at least TWELVE of her staff'
ARTICLE: "Clintons Emails Released Clearly Show She Knew the Dangers to USA from Fukushima and Covered It Up"
ARTICLE: "Canadian Ted Cruz: Does He Have The Documents To Prove He Is A U.S. Citizen And Eligible To Be President?
Mac Slavo | The Constitution explicitly states that to qualify for the Presidency a candidate must be a “natural born citizen.”
ARTICLE: "If Anyone’s Going to Hell, It’s Madeleine Albright
Paul Joseph Watson | As UN ambassador, Albright justified the death of 500,000 children."
On the *very convenient death of Supreme Court Judge Scalia...R.I.P.* front, ARTICLE: "Scalia 2012: I Would Not Like To Be Replaced By Someone Who Would Undo Everything I Did [VIDEO]
Daily Caller | “I haven’t decided when to retire.”
Article: "SCALIA FOUND DEAD WITH 'PILLOW OVER HIS HEAD' Ranch owner recounts final hours of Supreme Court justice"
ARTICLE: "Antonin Scalia found dead with pillow over his head, justice decides against autopsy without seeing body! Mainstream media already attacking anyone who questions Scalia's death" ~intellihub.com/antonin-scalia-found-dead-pillow-head-justice-decides-autopsy-without-seeing-body~
ARTICLE: "Former Intel Officer Suspects Foul Play in Death of Antonin Scalia
Paul Joseph Watson | “Who dies with a pillow over their head?”.
ARTICLE: "Poll: 79% Suspect “Foul Play” in Death of Antonin Scalia
Paul Joseph Watson | Nearly eight out of ten think there might be a cover-up."
ARTICLE: "The death of Antonin Scalia: Chaos, confusion and conflicting reports
Washington Post | As official Washington tried to process what his demise means for politics and the law, some details of Scalia’s final hours remained opaque."
ARTICLE: "Antonin Scalia’s Death Could Mark End of Constitution
Ben Shapiro | Scalia’s philosophy of jurisprudence is well-known and shaped two generations of conservative thinkers: the Constitution ought to be interpreted according to its original meaning."
Youtube: CIA's Heart Attack Gun: Former CIA employee Mary Embree discusses the infamous heart attack gun. The weapon was first made public during the Church Committee hearings in 1975. Very lethal & untraceable, using this weapon a murder is made to look natural.
ARTICLE: "NRA: Scalia Death Puts Gun Rights In Jeopardy
“We are one justice away from a Supreme Court that would harm our Second Amendment rights,” said the NRA."
ARTICLE: "Supreme court justice Antonin Scalia dies at 79 Texas governor confirms supreme court justice found dead at ranch! [stevequayle.com NOW WATCH SECOND AMENDMENT DESTRUCTION GET FAST TRACKED-MATT DRUDGES WARNING, TO ALEX JONES WILL, NOW BE PUT INTO FULL PLAY]
ARTICLE: "Dems in Senate passed a resolution in1960 against election year Supreme Court appointments" ~americanthinker.com/blog/2016/02/dems_in_senate_passed_a_resolution_in1960_against_election_year_supreme_court_appointments.html~
On the FAST AND FURIOUS front, ARTICLE: "Court overturns order keeping ‘Fast and Furious’ documents secret
The Hill | The ruling does not necessarily mean that the eight documents will be released."
On the *how to murder FREE SPEECH* front, ARTICLE: "Free Speech vs. Islamic Law? Legislation such as H. Res, 569 would not only end America's long tradition of free and open debate; worse, it would reverse the protection of the First Amendment."
ARTICLE: "City bans workers from mentioning ‘Founding Fathers’ on Presidents’ Day
American Mirror | The City of San Diego is reworking its manual for employee communications after a section on “Bias-Free Language” sparked public ridicule because it instructed staff not to mention the country’s “Founding Fathers.”
ARTICLE: "University Of Texas Police Give Preacher Citation For Offending Students
Daily Caller | It’s illegal to offend people."
On the *come and take it* front, ARTICLE: "Rural Oklahoma School District Debuts Signs Warning Would-Be Shooters That Staff Is Armed
Daily Caller | A public school district in rural Oklahoma has erected four signs advertising the fact that staff members can carry guns and, if necessary, legally use them."
ARTICLE: "As Obama Plots Ban, Court Upholds “Fundamental Right to Assault Weapons”
Mac Slavo | The gun control crowd love clouding the issue about personal firearms – and misconstruing the idea that so-called “assault weapons” are too dangerous and too deadly for the American people to own."
On the GUN CONTROL CONFISCATION front, ARTICLE: "Obama Wants ‘Billions For Gun Control’ In 2017 Budget"
ARTICLE: "Mandatory Mental Illness Screening and the Drive to Confiscate Firearms Government study says half of all Americans suffer from mental illness"
On the *yep, that's how the psycho scoundrels roll* front, ARTICLE: "The Constitution Will Be Ruled 'Un' Constitutional!: Hitler knew he had to change the mindset of an entire nation and there is no better way to do this than to rewrite the history taught to children. This is very similar to today’s 'common core' pabulum!" ~jsmineset.com/2016/02/14/the-constitution-will-be-ruled-un-constitutional~
On the *freedom movie* front, VIDEO: AmeriGEDDON Exclusive Release: Powerful Film Exposes Globalist Takeover Plan: When a globalist terrorist organization aligned with the United Nations disables the US power grid and institutes Martial Law.
On the freedom front, Now, It's Begun, the True Patriots Who Love This Country Are Being Targeted... the Feds Are In the Process of Rounding Them Up, Hunting Them Down ... This Will Cause an Uptick In the Behind-the-Scenes Civil War
On the TREASON AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE front, QUOTE: “Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.” Henry Kissinger
ARTICLE: "Even More UN Peacekeeper Gang Rapes Reported, This Time in Central Africa
Daily Sheeple | How come everywhere United Nations Peacekeepers go, young women and girls end up getting raped en masse?"
ARTICLE: "They Are Here, They Have Always Been Here and They Are Coming After You ~ by Dave Hodges ~ February 13, 2016
...Because the administration has been caught bringing in the Russians, these traitors were forced to invent a cover story. Subsequently, the administration announced the creation of a series of extra-constitutional “agreements”(that means illegal agreements) which justified the presence of Russian soldiers on American soil. These agreements were inked in June of 2013 in Washington, D.C., at the fourth annual meeting which led to the illegally created “U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission Working Group on Emergency Situations.” This extra-governmental organization, formed under the Obama administration, is one of almost two dozen similar “working groups” bringing together top U.S. and Russian officials. These two bodies are cooperating on everything from the drug war and agriculture to terror, science, “rule of law” (could that be code for martial law?), health, environment, energy, nuclear issues, education, culture, media, business, arms control, and more, according to the U.S. State Department. The Senate has not ratified any of the international deals, as required by the Constitution of the United States. And as such, this is an illegal agreement. However, this is not just an illegal agreement, IT CONSTITUTES TREASON AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.
ARTICLE: "Apache And Blackhawk Chopper Convoys Over America Another Sign Before The Hammer Drops? 'Something Is Ratcheting Up - I'm Afraid We're Heading Into Perilous Times'"
On the POSSIBLE CIVIL WAR front, ARTICLE: "The Three Phases of FEMA Camp Mass Arrests Under UWEX 16" ~ by Dave Hodges ~ February 10, 2016
ARTICLE: "Liberty Activists And ISIS Will Soon Be Treated As Identical Threats
Brandon Smith | Many of us saw it coming a long time ago."
On the TERMINATOR front, ARTICLE: "Rogue 'Terminator' robots which can kill without human orders could become reality in just a few years
On the *this is old tech compared to what the black ops world has* front, ARTICLE: "Scientists take a step closer to ETERNAL LIFE as they PRESERVE and REVIVE brain
UK Express | FOR the first time, scientists have successfully managed to cryogenically freeze a brain and then revive it."
On the *scary gene editing and chimera* front, ARTICLE: "Genome editing is a weapon of mass destruction:. The concern is that biotechnology is a 'dual use' technology—meaning normal scientific developments could also be harnessed as weapons."
ARTICLE: "U.S. Intel Official Fears WMD Threat From Gene Editing Technology
The Daily Sheeple | We’re not in Kansas anymore."
ARTICLE: "What’s Wrong With Humanized Mice, Pig Men And Humanzees?"
Trendwise, Forcing the German Dictator Hitler Down Our Collective Throats ... Recently It's Been a Steady Stream of Movies, Documentaries, Books, Articles, etc. On Everything Hitler ... Why?
ARTICLE: "Shocked supermarket shoppers point out a resemblance between a model used in a Coles ad and German dictator Adolf Hitler
The Coles credit card model has brown side swept hair and moustache
A Melbourne shopper snapped the picture as they were checking out
Reddit users agreed the man bore a striking resemblance to Adolf Hitler
Thousands of viewers have criticised the choice of model and drafted puns"
PUBLISHED: 04:30 EST, 14 February 2016
THIS WEEK, as the song says LET YOUR SOUL SHINE ... better than sunshine ... better than moonshine ... "Soulshine" ~ Allman Brothers
Angelic Blessings from Volcano & Sedona
MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com ~
Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
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