Weekly Angelic Forecast from Volcano
Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...
Angelic Forecast ~ #343
Herald the Quantum Leap, the Ram-Charge Toward Freedom ... Humanity Is On the Evolution-Revolution Precipice
On the AWAKENING front, Waking Up To Your Genetic-Heritage Potential
Now is the time. For, *Sacred Cosmic Vibes* gradually activate humankind's long suppressed genome -- especially the heritage-blueprint we all carry inside that is our individually unique ancestry.
Watch for these signs within yourself. Specifically, the activation of your psi abilities, and the sharpening of your perceptions. Also, being able to more easily discern the 'truth' of a situation and/or if you are being told the truth, is likely to develop at a hyper-rapid pace.
The key is to remain AWARE of this gene resurrection. And to honor the restoration when it occurs.
On the magickal, mystical front, this week the 'Mages of Ages Lost' swing their mystical lightblades severing another head off the black-sorcery cabal -- those who would keep humanity in endless darkness and enslavement. As well, the Mages are assisting those AWAKENING to their magickal power and prowess.
On the resonating magic of STAR WARS front, BLURB: "...veteran journalist Chris Taylor ~mashable.com/people/futureboy~ talked about how the Star Wars franchise has conquered our culture with a sense of lightness and exuberance, while remaining serious enough to influence politics, and spread a spirituality that appeals to religious groups and atheists alike." Book: "How Star Wars Conquered the Universe" ~coasttocoastam.com/show/2015/03/28~
On the personal front, this week is about facing the 'mountain-sized ups and downs' of our lives in these current times. Accomplish and enjoy all you can while atop life's mountains. When in the valley, experience life's lows, and look for what will give you that shove upward and onward.
Compassion for yourself and others remains the huge key to overcoming ALL in the Aquarian Age. Look for simple ways to let others know you care, even when you can't help them in other way. For, this priceless energy is the currency of Divine love, and the currency which beautifully transforms our lives.
Also, good and wonderful opportunities continue to be abundant for most of us. Stay vigilant but beware of scams. Use your inner ability to 'see' through those who would take nasty advantage of you.
On the paranormal front, Bigfoot, Giants, Dog Man... The DNA Evidence of Dr. Melba S. Ketchum.
For more DNA info check the 'on the heroine front' below.
On the ancient Mars front, BLURB from ~coasttocoastam.com/show/2015/03/27~ "Nuclear War on Mars ~ Date: Friday - March 27, 2015 ...Richard Syrett welcomed Richard C. Hoagland in the first half of the program for a discussion about evidence for nuclear war on Mars, disclosure, and how our solar system appears to have been 'remodeled' for life.
According to Hoagland, his early analysis of Viking's Mars data revealed not only some kind of ancient civilization there, but also anomalous isotopes in the atmosphere resembling those seen in hydrogen bomb tests on Earth. "Some of the craters in the Cydonia region, around the face and the pyramids, did not look like natural meteoritic impact craters... they looked like the nuclear explosion tests in Nevada," he added. Hoagland concurred with plasma physicist Dr John Brandenburg that a global nuclear war wiped out Martian civilization . Article: ~dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2998835/Were-Martians-wiped-nuclear-bomb-Physicist-present-new-evidence-bizarre-theory-Nasa-conference.html~
Website(s):enterprisemission.com, northatlanticbooks.com
Book(s):The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever, Dark Mission: The Secret History of NASA
On the UFO front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Large, loud UFO sighted over Cannock Chase ~ Sunday, March 29, 2015 ~ Dozens of people reported a huge, slow-moving object passing over their homes on Tuesday night."
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Triangle UFO Photographed Near Sedona Arizona :While we were researching On the Path of the Immortals my wife Shelley Putnam captured this triangle UFO as it flew by in the distance near Sedona Arizona." ~supernaturalworldview.com/2015/03/22/triangle-ufo-photographed-near-sedona-arizona~
On the *who needs gov-leaders for disclosure?* front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Former NASA engineer claims he saw a NINE FOOT alien on 1991 space mission :He claims he was watching one 1991 mission when he saw a 9ft entity The 'humanoid' interacted with two US astronauts for a minute, he says
~ Clark McClelland was allegedly part of a team based at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, when he spotted the extra-terrestrial humanoid.
The 'entity', he says, stood on two legs and approached two U.S. astronauts, that he would not name, for one minute and seven seconds in the space shuttle bay.
On the 'past revealing itself' front, The Year of the Ancient Underground City Complexes
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "How this vast ancient underground city was accidentally discovered in Turkey Of all the famed underground cities pockmarking the landscape in Turkey’s Cappadocia region, perhaps the most remarkable is the underground network called Derinkuyu. When swelled to capacity, it could house 20,000 people in its 18 stories of living quarters, shops and escape routes. Today, it’s recognized as one of the jewels of this Turkish archaeological wonderland.
But as amazing as Derinkuyu may be, a recently discovered underground city buried deep inside a hilltop may put it to shame. And this one was discovered completely by accident...
...Right away, Mayor Unver was salivating over what this underground city could mean. He told the Daily News those other underground cities wouldn’t even be a “kitchen” in this underground city. He said the whole thing came in at more than 100 acres..." ~washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/03/27/how-this-vast-ancient-underground-city-was-accidentally-discovered-in-turkey~
On the land changes front, Earth Change Events Escalate Across the Planet... Dare To Prepare For Superstorms of Every Imaginable and Unimaginable Type
Worldwide, the coastal areas are at risk as the year progresses. Even though, Benevolent Forces are mitigating the worst catastrophic changes, rough times are ahead for some major areas on Earth. This includes earthquakes, volcanic activity, droughts, flooding, off-the-charts weather, and temperature extremes.
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Scientists Confirm Gulf Stream Weakening ~ Tuesday, March 24, 2015 ~ A study just published in Nature Climate Change reports an "exceptional" weakening of the Gulf Stream system across the twentieth century, and suggests that the entire system of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation is in jeopardy. ~unknowncountry.com~
WATCH: Hail Smashes Car's Windows as Tornado Approaches Tulsa ~accuweather.com~
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "March heat shatters records in bone-dry Los Angeles :This is the first March since record-keeping began in 1877 that has had six days with highs in the 90s or above in Los Angeles."
HEADLINE: "Russia's Shiveluch Volcano Wakes Up"
HEADLINE: "USGS upgrades Aleutian volcano alert level: volcano stirring after 28 year slumber"
HEADLINE: "Drought in São Paulo: Brazil’s Megacity on Verge of Crisis as Water Rationing, Shutoffs Continue"
HEADLINE: "Chilean president describes 'bleak' scene in flood-hit north"
On the economic front, The War On Cash ... It's Time To Back Out of the System... Trade and Barter Amongst Yourselves
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Economist calls for making cash illegal
Business Insider | Should the world go cashless?"
HEADLINE: "This is Why You Need Your Money Out of the Bank: Freeze Outs, Glitches and Holds Increasingly Locking Customers Out of Funds" ~shtfplan.com/headline-news/this-is-why-you-need-your-money-out-of-the-bank-freeze-outs-glitches-and-holds-increasingly-locking-customers-out-of-funds_03272015~
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "They Are Slowly Making Cash Illegal
Michael Snyder | The move to a cashless society won’t happen overnight."
HEADLINE: "France bans use of cash for more than €1000 ($1060)"
Meanwhile, no big surprise... on the stock market front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Experts Admit Conspiracy Theorists Right About Rigged Stock Market: 'The Dirty Secret Is Out'" ~shtfplan.com/headline-news/experts-admit-conspiracy-theorists-right-about-rigged-stock-market-the-dirty-secret-is-out_03282015~
On the holy crap-hit-the-fan, money-empire front, HEADLINE: "The Fed Has Left Us With The Highest Leveraged Debt Ratio In History" – David Stockman
HEADLINE: "More countries say to join China-backed AIIB investment bank" ~reuters.com/article/2015/03/28/us-asia-aiib-china-idUSKBN0MO00F20150328~
HEADLINE: "Paul Craig Roberts – The United States Is Broke And Europe Looks To China As Insane U.S. Policymakers Push For War" ~kingworldnews.com/paul-craig-roberts-the-united-states-is-broke-and-europe-looks-to-china-as-insane-u-s-policymakers-push-for-war~
On the *buddy can you spare a job* front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Pew Researcher: Rate of Illegal Immigrant Males In Workforce 12 Percent Higher Than U.S.-Born Males
Breitbart | An illegal immigrant male residing in the United States is more likely to be gainfully employed than a male who is a legal immigrant or U.S.-born citizen."
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Obama Keeps Americans In Exile, But Welcomes Illegals
Daily Caller | Obama’s push to legalize millions of illegal immigrants is leaving many Americans’ families locked out of the United States."
On the truth front, The Thor-Hammer Pounding of TRUTH Continues
This will be both personally and universally. However, the TRUTHS kept concealed behind the dark-side's Oz curtain are being 'exposed' daily.
A word of caution: don't make the mistake of 'trusting' any so-called revelations directly from the mainstream-gov establishment venues. This is for sheeple consumption only.
HEADLINE: "Secret History: The U.S. Supported and Inspired the Nazis" ~washingtonsblog.com/2015/03/nazis-got-ideas-america.html~
On the lack of transparency front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Government Secrecy at All-Time High :Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for social and industrial diseases. Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman."
On the war front, The Slush Fund Wars... And the War Profit Machine, Billions-Upon-Billions Bigger and Badder Than Ever
HEADLINE: "Meet the Overseas Contingency Operations Account – Washington D.C.’s Crony Capitalist War Slush Fund; ~libertyblitzkrieg.com/2015/03/27/meet-the-overseas-contingency-operations-account-washington-d-c-s-crony-capitalist-war-slush-fund~
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "The Top 10 Companies and The People That Make Billions of Dollars From War
Daily Sheeple - In their article titled Companies Profiting the Most From War, Thomas C. Frohlich and Mark Lieberman listed the 10 companies profiting the most from war. To identify them, they examined the companies with the most arms sales based on information from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)."
On the tyranny-at-work front, Martial Law Disguised as Military Training Drills... How To Acclimate the Gun-toting American Public
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Video Shows Troops Training to Intern Citizens in Fort Lauderdale
Paul Joseph Watson | Martial law-style drill caught on camera. March 29, 2015
Footage out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida shot earlier this week shows military and law enforcement practicing the internment of citizens during martial-law style training.
The clip shows armed troops arresting role players on the street before a column of prisoners are marched towards a mock internment facility. Black Hawk choppers are also seen whizzing between buildings.
The exercise was accompanied by very little media coverage."
On the *South will rise again, along with the West* front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Isn't it obvious? If Operation Jade Helm were happening in any other country, it would be immediately labeled a military drill for martial law ~naturalnews.com/049180_Operation_Jade_Helm_military_drill_martial_law.html~
HEADLINE: "Jade Helm 15: 10 States Now Involved with Massive US Military Exercise; COAST TO COAST!"
On the *we can film you, but you can't film us* front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Montana Cop Falsely Tells Citizen it is Illegal to Record him in Public
PINAC | A Montana cop insisted it was illegal to video record him in public."
On the communication front, Facebook Has Never Ever Been Your Friend ... The Worldwide Wiretap Web
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "NSA and Facebook Work Together
Kurt Nimmo | Lawyer at the European Court of Justice advises users to close down their Facebook accounts."
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Facebook Reveals its Master Plan – Control All News Flow
Michael Krieger | The implications of this are so huge that at this point I have far more questions than answers."
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Facebook successfully tests laser drones in UK skies
London Guardian | Social network prepares to use solar-powered drones with wingspan of a commercial airliner to beam internet access to rural areas."
On the *assimilating the sheeple* front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Google controls what we buy, the news we read — and Obama’s policies
NY Post | Google lobbyists met with Obama White House officials 230 times."
On the home front, The Death of Personal Liberty ... And the Extinction of the Middle Class ... Welcome To Amerika
ARTICLE: "The Gestapo is alive and well in Obama’s America
Hi. I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. Barack Obama is going rogue. By every metric, the Obama economy is melting down. We are seeing the beginning stages of another recession, at best, or a total economic meltdown, at worst.
At the moment, there are no decent-paying jobs in America. Obama has opened the border and given amnesty to at least 5 million illegal aliens already in the country, thereby putting them in competition with working-class and middle-class Americans.
Think I’m wrong? Did you know the government is giving businesses a $3,000 incentive to hire illegals over native-born Americans?
Did you know cities are hiring noncitizens (and even illegal aliens given amnesty by Obama) as policemen? All you need is a work permit. Someone in America illegally can wear a badge and enforce the law against you. Don’t believe me? Ask USA Today.
Did you think the border crisis was over? Obama’s amnesty has encouraged a new wave of poverty-stricken illegals at the border.
And in a bankrupt nation with more than $18 trillion in debt, Obama has used amnesty to give illegals access to food stamps, free healthcare, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, earned income tax credits. And by issuing drivers’ licenses and Social Security cards, they will be able to vote immediately (because States don’t have the technology to tell the difference between a legal citizen or a noncitizen).
The Obamacare fiasco gets worse by the day. The middle class is being bankrupted by skyrocketing increases in their health insurance premiums; hospitals are being bankrupted by the flood of illegal aliens accessing services; and the economy will drown in the new debt caused by Obamacare...
...But I haven’t gotten to the bad part yet. Is it possible the terrible news about the economy, the border, ISIS and Israel is all just a distraction? Because the really important news is that Obama has created a modern-day version of “the Gestapo.”
The Obama government is using an initiative called “Operation Chokepoint” to force legal businesses it doesn’t like out of business, by threatening and intimidating banks and credit card processors.
At the same time, the Obama government is urging banks to call the police to report citizens who withdraw $5,000 or more from their own bank accounts. Yes, I said banks are urged to call the police when you withdraw your own money.
This comes at the same time that FEMA announced it will no longer provide FEMA disaster relief funds to states whose governors deny “climate change.”
And let’s not forget Obama used an FCC party-line vote to take over the Internet and institute sweeping new changes to a system that is working perfectly as the form of communication for most Americans.
Obama’s first goal is clearly massive new taxes on Internet usage, just another way to destroy the middle class and redistribute income. But his real goal is controlling communications on the Internet — specifically the anti-Obama criticism and anti-government message so prevalent on the Internet.
But let’s circle back to the most Gestapo-like Obama initiative ever. It’s called “Operation Chokepoint.” This is your government’s attempt to put morality controls (just like those in Iran) on the American public by shutting down gun stores, precious metals companies, casinos, tobacco distributors, telemarketers and short-term money lenders.
How can they close legal businesses you ask? By threatening and intimidating banks and credit card processors to close accounts for businesses the government doesn’t like. Just like an Iranian ayatollah, if Obama doesn’t like your business, he will “choke off” your ability to stay in business. Hence the name, “Operation Chokepoint.”
Never forget Obama has been on a six-year-long relentless crusade to raise our taxes and take away our tax deduction for charitable donations, choking off contributions to churches. Yes, Obama is trying to “choke off” the funding that keeps churches in business, too.
Why is this happening? First, because Obama despises capitalism. He needs to put prosperous businesses out of business. By murdering the middle class’ ability to prosper, he creates his utopia of equality (i.e., “shared misery”), making everyone dependent on government in a classless, socialist society. Think Cuba and Venezuela.
Second, there is an obvious reason Obama hates these particular industries. The subtitle of my 2009 book, “The Conscience of a Libertarian,” says it all. The subtitle was “Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gold, Gambling & Tax Cuts.” Is it a coincidence that virtually every item I mentioned is under attack?
The businesses on the list of “Operation Chokepoint” are all dominated by people that Obama would describe as capitalists, patriots, conservatives, Tea Partiers, Christians and supporters of the Constitution. Not coincidently, those are the same groups targeted by Obama in the IRS scandal.
And then, of course, if Obama can’t close your business or “choke off” your ability to prosper, he can force banks to call the police if you dare to withdraw money from your own account.
Folks, this is eerily reminiscent of the Gestapo, or the Soviet KGB, or the East German Stasi. Is this the America you want? The NSA spying on your every move, the federal government in charge of your healthcare and now your free speech on the Internet, the IRS auditing enemies and critics of the government, the federal government forcing legal businesses they deem “unacceptable” out of business, and banks spying on their own customers and being forced to call the police when customers withdraw too much of their own money.
Yes, under Barack Hussein Obama, the Gestapo is alive and well in the former “Land of the Free.”
I’m Wayne Allyn Root for Personal Liberty. See you next week. God bless America. ~personalliberty.com/the-gestapo-is-alive-and-well-in-obamas-america~
Innocent or guilty: On the work-death camps of America front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Florida Death Camps? Record 346 Inmates Died While Locked in Florida Prisons in 2014
Free Thought Project | The U.S. prison industrial complex is spiraling out of control."
On the energy front, Free and Low-Cost Usage ENERGY Is Out There
Here's one example: *High End Alternative Energy* ~heae.biz~ "Note: Our Hydrogen/HHO systems can be installed on ANY fossil fueled engine or fire box, new or old! Possible Applications: Commercial & Residential Electrical Generators, Coal, Oil, Diesel, Natural Gas & even Nuclear Fired Power Plants, R/R Locomotives, Ships, Boats, Jet & Conventional Aircraft, Construction & Industrial Equipment, Cars, SUV’s, Pickup Trucks, 18-Wheelers, Recreational Vehicles, Motorcycles; most any Internal Combustion Engine."
On the food front, Need Food Growing Solutions? ... And Another Example of the Ongoing Campaign To Destroy the Small Family Farm
BLURB: "Announcing the Home Grown Food Summit! Brought to you by Marjory Wildcraft ~ How to become free of supermarkets and drugstores with the Home Grown Food Summit!
This April 6th-12th there is an online gathering of 30+ experts in backyard food production, homesteading, and off-grid living. Presented by the worlds leading researchers, organizations, and best-selling authors to help you become free of supermarkets and drugstores. This is the biggest event for home grown food ever organized online. Sponsored by Mother Earth News, The Natural News, The National Gardening Association, The American Preppers Network, and The Livestock Conservancy just to name a few."
It's FREE. Reserve your spot by clicking here: http://homegrownfoodsummit.com
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Police Raid Small Family Farm, Charge Family, Seize Animals Because they were Free Range
...The very next day, Rockwood had a veterinarian visit the farm to check on the animals to confirm that they were well taken care of and in good health. According to numerous reports, the vet said that the animals were just fine, and did not seem to share the concerns that the officers alleged during their walk-through.
A second veterinarian was also called in to verify the health of the animals and they also found them to be in perfect health..." ~thefreethoughtproject.com/family-farm-raided-animals-seized-trumped-regulatory-charges~
On the *create-innovate your own businesses* front, Time to Vote With Your Dollars and Boycott These Frankenfood Mega-Corps
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Thousands Of Layoffs Coming After Buffett Merges Heinz With Kraft, Creating 5th Largest Food Company In The World
Zero Hedge | Another day, another mega-M&A deal."
On the frankenfood front. HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Rep. Pompeo to Reintroduce Monsanto’s Dream Bill to Congress
Christina Sarich | Biotech would grow GMOs without labels or consumer input."
On the sellout scientists front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Major publisher retracts 43 scientific papers amid wider fake peer-review scandal; The publisher is BioMed Central, based in the United Kingdom, which puts out 277 peer-reviewed journals." ~washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/03/27/fabricated-peer-reviews-prompt-scientific-journal-to-retract-43-papers-systematic-scheme-may-affect-other-journals/?tid=pm_national_pop~
On the vaccine front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Students Contract Whooping Cough at School with 99.5 Percent Vaccination Rate
Adan Salazar | Health authorities continue to recommend DTaP vaccines despite their apparent inefficacy."
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Top gov’t. scientists say no to vaccines for their kids
Jon Rappoport | 2.3% of kids in Los Alamos public schools don’t get vaccinated. Their parents have received exemptions."
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Lawmakers declare vaccines essential to 'national security' after taking money from Big Pharma" ~naturalnews.com/049174_political_bribes_mandatory_vaccination_Big_Pharma.html~
On the drone *who needs real butterflies anyway* front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Winged drones fly beautifully as butterflies ~ Sunday, March 29, 2015
Researchers at German robotics company Festo have unveiled an impressive animal-inspired drone that mimics butterflies." — Discovery News
On the really bad news front, Who Are We As a People? Are We Metaphorically the Stage Hypnotist's Laugh-inducing Dupe? ... The Subliminal Programming of America ... Thank You, Media and Military Industrial Complex
BLURB from ~thepowerhour.com~ JEFF WARRICK, director of Programming the Nation, joins for a discussion on subliminal messaging in America. Since the late 1950’s, subliminal content has been tested and delivered through all forms of mass-media and even through our military. ~ Website: programmingthenation.com *DVD: Programming the Nation - History of Subliminal Messaging in America*
On the good news front, The Revival of Growing and Producing Good Homegrown Food
At this time, many more in the younger generation are avid about learning how to be self-sustaining and grow organic. Obviously, this should be encouraged in every way possible. Join in however you are able.
As well, in small agricultural towns, more and more there are enclaves of people dedicated to turning back the clock on Big Ag, and growing their own family's food. This common-sense, back-to-nature movement will spread from coast to coast, and across the world.
On the global mafia cabal front, Dead... Dead... Dead... Or, As Good As Dead... The Dark-side War To Rule Earth
One only has to consider the large number of highly suspicious deaths surrounding scientists, bankers and journalists to feel that something strange is afoot.
A Denver banker that supposedly shot himself 8 times in his head and torso with a nail gun, the infectious disease scientist who was stabbed 196 times, 3 investigative journalists who all work in explosive areas die within 24 hours…the list goes on and on.
Statistically, it makes no sense…unless it was all intended…
Last month 47-year old NASA Scientist, Alberto Behar died when his plane crashed near an airport just north of Los Angeles. Behar helped prove that there had once been water on Mars and was a leading robotics expert." ~asheepnomore.net/2015/03/20/dead-125-scientists-75-high-level-bankers-and-within-24-hours-3-investigative-journalists~
On the heroine front, ONCE AGAIN: Dr. Melba Ketchum ... her momentous Bigfoot DNA research despite vicious persecution.
BLURB: ~coasttocoastam.com/show/2015/03/29~
Bigfoot & Giant Discoveries
Date: Sunday - March 29, 2015
Host: George Knapp
Guests: Dr. Melba S. Ketchum
George Knapp welcomed DNA expert, Melba Ketchum, for the entire 4-hour program, for a discussion on her Bigfoot research, as well as her testing or planned testing of samples from four giant and elongated skulls, and other giant remains. She addressed some of the controversies surrounding her previous DNA analysis of alleged Bigfoot hair and related samples, which yielded strange results that suggested some kind of human hybrid or mutation. The criticism of her work hasn't come from geneticists but from people "not qualified to even review the paper," or people who never even bothered to read her analysis, she remarked.
There's a big cover-up going on with some of the giant remains and bones, as they disappear from various locations or are kept from the public, she reported. Historical references to giants are seen across cultures, and they have been depicted throughout time. There was a relatively recent account that a live giant was killed by the military in Afghanistan and flown back to the States, she noted. Some of the remains of giants show double rows of teeth, and six-fingered/six-toed hands & feet, indicating they were more than just very tall people, Ketchum continued.
Many Native American tribes have tales of "red-headed giants," some who were said to be cannibals, and Ketchum has acquired some bone samples for testing, through the Erickson Project. So far, it appears they're not related to Sasquatch, she revealed. She was able to obtain two large teeth from a giant mandible for testing from a museum in a Winnemucca, NV which got the remains from a cave in Lovelock. Among the 17 or so additional giant-type samples she is preparing to test are teeth from "Zana," a captured female Sasquatch-type creature who reportedly lived and mated with humans in Russia in the 1890s. For more, check out Ketchum's YouTube Channel.
Website(s): sasquatchgenomeproject.org
Book(s): Mystic Forest - Wishes, Mystic Forest - Memories
On the hero front, JOEL SALATIN... Blurb from ~thepowerhour.com~ radio show: ..." is a full-time farmer in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. A third generation alternative farmer, he returned to the farm full-time in 1982 and continued refining and adding to his parents’ ideas. Joel will share his thoughts on government regulations that make life difficult for the small farmer and the biggest challenges he has faced as a farmer. Joel will also discuss the importance of being self-reliant and will even share some of his tips on how to do so. Website: ~polyfacefarms.com~
Not close enough to visit Polyface? Visit ~eatwild.com~ or ~localharvest.org~ to find a farm similar to ours in your area!
On the freedom front, The Momentous March Toward Aquarian-Age Renaissance Freedom ... Stay Tuned!
Despite the super surveillance state taking over all of our lives... despite the Orwellian 1984 crackdown in sinister-progress all over our precious land, our precious world, FREEDOM cannot and will not ultimately be denied. For, personal liberty, the right to true freedom, is not only in our collective genetic code as human beings... but is an expression of Divine Love. It is our right as Divine Beings.
For an overview of the police state, and the clear and present dangers of Jade Helm 15: "Entire Federal Martial Law Plan Exposed" ~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U-PNPOiLjo#t=34~
On the justice instead of 'just us' front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Officer Indicted For Civil Rights Violations After Paralyzing an Innocent Grandpa
Free Thought Project | A federal grand jury has indicted Officer Eric Sloan Parker, 26, for civil rights violations relating to an incident captured on dashcam video February 6."
On the 3D Printing front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Chinese company creates 3D-printed car for just $1,770 (VIDEO)
RT | Chinese 3D tech company Sanya Sihai has created a bright orange electric-powered sedan which cost just $1,770 to manufacture."
Trendwise, Transhumanist Tech Enslavement Versus Luminous Humans With Psi-Spiritual Super Powers
BLURB: "...mythologist and futurist William Henry ~williamhenry.net~ discussed how four "mystical" technologies are converging to create a new layer of skin that will be enmeshed in a synthetic global brain, and how this new skin mimics the ascension cloaks of the ancient gods. These four technologies-- genetic, computer science, nanotech, and brain science are merging into a seamless technology that by 2020 will be offered to humans as a new kind of skin that has tremendous capabilities such as super strength, longevity, and even shape-shifting, he believes. The "digerati" and transhumanist technology companies are on the verge of duplicating the light body that religions and prophets spoke of, which in the time "before the fall" once belonged to humanity, Henry explained.
He outlined the choice that will soon be before us-- are we going to acquire these super attributes through technology or are we going to decide to stay totally organic and develop psycho-spiritual advancements from within? Henry expressed concerns about the transhumanist agenda and wondered whether spiritual development and love could go hand-in-hand with such technological transformations. He cited as possible downsides of technology merging with our bodies, the loss of free will, susceptibility to being hacked or implanted with memories by governments and corporations, complete surveillance, and the creation of a prison planet." ~coasttocoastam.com/show/2015/03/24~
THIS WEEK, Let your spirit soar and spring with Springtime. Enjoy an activity which most pleases you, and give your joy away to others.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com ~
Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Monday, March 30, 2015
Saturday, March 28, 2015
My Sexy Saturday ~ Keina and Drev's Love Story ~ a winged horse princess

Sexy Saturday kisses, everyone.
This SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS *WIP* snuck up on me during last Thanksgiving. It was supposed to be a short story, but has morphed to novella size at this point.
My heroine, Keina, is a winged horse shifter, who has been temporarily banished from her kind's realm to Earth, and has found her way to Talbot's Peak -- home to almost every shapeshifter and supernatural being there is.
My hero, Drev, is more than human. That is, he has super-soldier powers and abilities, which is a long story unto itself. Given, he gets on particularly well with shapeshifters, he lives in a large hideaway cabin in the midst of the forest that partly surrounds Talbot's Peak. Yep, lots of running room for shifters of every type and stripe.
Seven paragraphs from Chapter Nineteen ~
To keep himself from hauling her close, and ravishing her gorgeous body, Drev rolled out of bed, hitting the floor. He headed for his stash of sweats, bantering, "Off to the races."
"I'm right behind you, first-place stallion."
"If you want a change of clothes, Keina, there are some small sizes in the corner chest. And the bathroom is right through the door next to it." Drev paused, wondering if he needed to gentlemanly assist her in some way he wasn't. "Want me to collect your clothes from the front room?"
Keina grinned at him in all her naked glory. "No worries, Drev. I'll find my clothes, and get dressed. Go heat the stove. Fix my oats."
"Right away," he teased in response, then spun around to throw on some clothes.
Damn, his hellacious bruising had healed in record time. And he felt like a million dollar stud.
Hearing the bathroom door click shut, Drev grinned, and strode for his kitchen. Not everyday a man fought a bestial equine prince over a princess. And, not just any princess, a winged horse princess.
For more of My Sexy Saturday ~mysexysaturday.blogspot.com~
HER MIDNIGHT STARDUST COWBOYS, a ShapeShifter Seductions Presents Novel.
Sherilyn, Dono, and Zance invite you to read their love story ~
A woman desperate to save herself and her prize horses. Two shapeshifter cowboys who want her as their woman. That's only the beginning... Available: SMASHWORDS PREMIUM CATALOGUE ~ KINDLE ~ *TopSeller* at AllRomanceEbooks
Sherilyn, Dono, and Zance invite you to read their love story ~
A woman desperate to save herself and her prize horses. Two shapeshifter cowboys who want her as their woman. That's only the beginning... Available: SMASHWORDS PREMIUM CATALOGUE ~ KINDLE ~ *TopSeller* at AllRomanceEbooks
For more info on my para-fantasy erotic romances check the sidebar.
Love shapeshifters? Wanna know what life is like in a shapeshifter town? Join us at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS ~ Turning into Your Wildest Desire
Now Available: RIDE THE ROAN STUD, written by my alter ego, Stevie Klark.~stevieklark.blogspot.com~
Blurb: On a vision quest, Ghost Walker succumbs to the harsh desert of the Four Corners badlands. With death's talons striking, he is rescued by a mysterious mustang.
Running as horse, Grant Thunderhead senses an intruder trigger the forcefield protecting his steam engine caverns. Investigating, he finds a beautiful unusual man who will rescue his heart.
Excerpt/Buy link ~bookstrand.com/ride-the-roan-stud~
Blurb: On a vision quest, Ghost Walker succumbs to the harsh desert of the Four Corners badlands. With death's talons striking, he is rescued by a mysterious mustang.
Running as horse, Grant Thunderhead senses an intruder trigger the forcefield protecting his steam engine caverns. Investigating, he finds a beautiful unusual man who will rescue his heart.
Excerpt/Buy link ~bookstrand.com/ride-the-roan-stud~
Friday, March 27, 2015
Hot for Friday: Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys... a slow hand
Friday hotness kisses, everyone!
Note: This is Sherilyn and Dontoya's first serious kiss.
Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys
His brief chuckle was a deep rolling purr. "Human male in every respect, darlin'. Only better," he added, his tone not boastful, but a statement of fact. "Want to find out, my beautiful Sherilyn?"
She paused, then angled her face toward him. "Every molecule of me wants to find out."
"It has to be easy between us this first time. Nothing over-exertin'. Do you understand?"
"Because of...of my healing?"
"Also because you need energy to finish mending."
"I like a slow hand...as the song says."
He cupped her hip and his palm circled, a deliberate but easy touch. Heady desire coursed through Sherilyn, and the thought of his slow hands all over her body set her on fire.
Her clit hitched as he continued stroking her. Need clamped her belly like a vise, and Sherilyn told herself, whoa, not so fast.
"If you aren't the best feelin' woman. Just like I knew you would be when me and Zance first laid eyes on you."
"Speaking of laid...lay that handsome mouth of yours on mine...please."
His lips rapidly molded to hers, his kiss completely sensual. Without force, yet with alpha dominance, he deepened their kiss, conquering the sex goddess within her.
Sherilyn reveled, wishing for more. So much more.
When he penetrated the seam of her mouth, and the point of his tongue lazily twined with hers, she rolled so she could face him. With their lips and tongues dancing to a languid rhythm, Sherilyn enjoyed as she never had with a man.
For more of Hot for Friday ~bookboyfriendscafe.com~
Blurb ~
A woman desperate to save herself and her prize horses.
Two shapeshifter cowboys who want her as their woman.
When Zance, a timber wolf shifter,
and Dontoya, a black cougar shifter,
find Sherilyn dying due to a reckless driver,
there is only one way to bring her back to life.
But, that's only the beginning...
EXCERPT-BUY LINK: ~savannakougar.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html~
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Once again I have no topic, so I’m just going to freestyle and see where the words take me. We’ll start with a random observation I made last week while I was getting my teeth cleaned: I don’t think I’ve ever met a dental hygienist over the age of 40. They always seem to be young girls (“young” defined as 20s and 30s. I’m staring 60 in its wrinkled face. This is young to me). They’re all happy and smiling as they root around in your mouth and dig all the crap out from between your teeth. It’s like tooth geishas. Is that a thing?
If this job has a low threshold for burnout, I wouldn’t be surprised. There are only so many years of your life you can spend peering into somebody’s mouth. It has to get old real quick. I don’t know if this is a long-term term career for these ladies or if they’re trying to earn money to go to dental school. Hygienists seem like nurses’ aides: they do all the crap stuff, then the “real” professional (usually a man) comes in, talks to you for five minutes and collects a huge paycheck. I don’t know what hygienists get paid, but it better be substantial, considering what they have to put up with, halitosis being only the start.
At least they get to wear gloves and masks now. I can remember back in the Dark Ages, when my dentist did all the dirty work himself, maskless and bare-handed. Then you rinsed out with a Dixie cup. This was all pre-HIV. This same era used to have playground equipment set into concrete for kids to land on when they fell off the monkey bars, and if you wore a helmet while riding a bike even the school wuss would beat you up. My God, how the hell did we ever survive to adulthood?
Getting back to the question of pay, I’m going to assume hygienists don’t get much. What makes me say that? Because in 50-plus years of going to the dentist, I have never seen a male hygienist. Men gravitate toward the higher-paying, more prestigious careers. Judging by the dearth of men, I’d guess dental hygienist doesn’t fall into that category.
Ladies, if you want to make the big bucks, look around for the professions with the most men in them. That’s where the money will be. If you can’t land a job, you can still go to Plan B and marry one of these guys. Then you can afford to become a dental hygienist because you’ll have financial backup.
# # #
Over on the writers’ site, there’s a thread going on under Young Adult called “The Next Big Thing.” We chime in and try to guess what the next huge trend in YA will be so we can ride that train to the bank. So far no real trends have emerged, though I’ve noticed something interesting.
Thanks in part to Game of Thrones, we seem to be seeing an upsurge in Medieval-style fantasy. I just read (or skimmed) three of these in a row, and they all have the same basic plot: Hunger Games meets the X-Men. There’s a dystopian society with an oppressive government, downtrodden/enslaved masses, and a gathering rebellion, with a twist: the hero and his/her friends have superpowers. Besides the three I read, there are others out there. Was this a trend we missed?
If so, you’re already too late to hop aboard. These books were bought two years ago. The market’s saturated. The trend’s already over. If you want to write to a trend, forget it. Real trends come out of nowhere, flare up and die while you’re madly scribbling away. Just write what you want to and make it good and start the trend instead of chasing it. As the one writer said on Twitter, “Nobody was looking for Harry Potter.”
# # #
Finally, here’s how you don’t make friends. I go to the library daily because I’m too cheap to pay for home WiFi. I’m a regular fixture up there. The other day some woman said to me, “You were up here the other day, weren’t you?” I remembered her face, so I said, “Yeah, I come here for the Internet.” “Me too,” she said. She then followed up with, “Did you watch those ISIS beheading videos on YouTube?” Uhhhhh … I don’t think so. This is what you say if you’re trying to pick up Hannibal Lecter in a bar. This is NOT how you start a conversation with a stranger in a public library.
Lady, I don’t care how many times you’ve seen me in the lobby. You don’t know me. And after that little opening salvo, I sure as hell don’t want to know you. I think I made my position plain by my tone and disgusted expression, but I’m not sure. People who kick off conversations this way don’t always grasp the nuances of subtlety.
How do I keep attracting these psychos? I must be hanging out in the wrong venues. Normal people have WiFi at home and don’t have to go to the library. As soon as it gets warm enough, I’m going to start writing in public places, like Barnes and Noble and public parks. See what kind of sickos I can draw to me out in the real world. If nothing else, I’ll have something to write about. Hasta la vista!
Monday, March 23, 2015
Angelic Forecast from Volcano ~ March 23, 2015
Weekly Angelic Forecast from Volcano
Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...
Angelic Forecast ~ #342
Revelations Continue, and Truth Kicks the Door Down At This Cosmic Spinpoint
Wildcard: Within the next two weeks there will be significant revelations around three so-called world leaders. However, this vital information will be kept buried for the most part, and reported as half truths.
Several BRAVE ONES will leak the full truth, which will be covered on a few alternative media news sites. Only.
On the magickal, mystical front, this week the 'Mages of Ages Lost' slice and fiercely dice the black-magick tentacles of the Viper cabal. While these sacrifice-fed tentacles are weakening, their full removal is imperative.
Notice also, the heightening 'good-good' vibes bringing us closer to Nature, and thus, closer to the Divine. As well, in these quickening times, go with the fast, Aquarian-Age flow, and stay the path of the Good Heart. For, that will usher in the New Landed Renaissance.
On the personal front, as the times become more challenging for most of us, reaching out to others of like mind and heart, becomes ever more crucial. Relationship is the key.
Dissolve relationships that no longer work, that no longer serve you. Nourish those relationships where there is true support, and real caring and sharing -- where love is given and received.
Also, keep a sharp eye out for unusual but good opportunities. The more practice around finding such opportunities, then acting on them, the more opportunity you will discover in the future. For, that is the way of these accelerated and 'changing' times.
On the paranormal front, Beware the Unknown Realms... Friendly Is Not In The Vocabulary of Some
BLURB: "Mysterious Disappearances
Date: Sunday - March 22, 2015
Host: George Knapp
Guests: David Paulides
Researcher and author David Paulides joined George Knapp for the full program to share even more bizarre stories of missing persons in national parks and forests throughout the United States. He expressed concern that, since his research began, reports of mysterious disappearances have seemingly increased. "The numbers have incrementally gone up in the last three years," Paulides revealed, noting that he has now amassed a stunning 1,400 cases. He dismissed the idea that this increase is merely because of additional attention focused on the phenomenon, since archival searches for such events over the last ten years has borne out the troubling trend. "It doesn't seem to make sense, what's happening," he mused about the puzzling rise in disappearances.
Over the course of the evening, Paulides shared a number of baffling disappearance cases that he has amassed via his research. One such story centered around a British man named Jonathan Myles Robinson who was vacationing in a small, isolated community in Switzerland which is only accessible by a railway system that shuts down at midnight. Paulides recounted how Robinson seemingly vanished at around 3 AM while walking to his hotel one night. Despite an exhaustive search of the area, the man's dead body was not discovered until five days later when searchers spied it at the bottom of a cliff in a nearby town. Eerily, cell phone records indicate that Robinson likely fell to his death shortly after 3 AM on the night he disappeared and, Paulides stressed, "there was no way" he could have traveled the distance to where his body was found.
"This is a really, really unusual case," he said about the 2014 disappearance of a woman named Karen Sykes. An avid hiker on Mt. Rainier, Sykes had been dubbed the "guru of the trails" by local newspapers and even wrote a book on hiking safety. On a seemingly routine hike with a friend, she opted to advance a bit further up the trail after her companion became tired and decided to take a rest. Sykes never returned and her body was discovered three days later in a location described by the Parks service as "difficult to access and not commonly traveled" which would have required her to climb 6,200 feet and then halfway down into an adjacent valley. Her death mystified Sykes' friends, who insisted that she was "the last person in the world that would have ever gotten lost on Rainier." ~coasttocoastam.com/show/2015/03/22~ Website(s): canammissing.com
On the land changes front, The Sun Is Undergoing Massive Changes ... And the Destroyer Planet is Here
Sol, the Great Lion Star, has been seriously altering his composition since the mid nineties. Now with undisclosed celestial bodies in the solar system -- thank you *never a straight answer* NASA -- and the return of the planet-comet known as the Destroyer -- as witnessed by a German woman taking pictures of the recent eclipse, and observed by many over the last decade -- the sun is responding, and lashing out.
These solar alterations catapult the Earth changes, now occurring, to hyperdrive in certain areas of the planet. However, the loving embrace of humanity around Mother Earth will calm many of these super-extreme events. For, our loving energy does make the difference.
From the previous forecast: "...A Major Earthquake Is Likely Around Midyear ... And, Water Is Made Scarce For Some Regions
As has been stated before... EXTREME continues to be the watchword for weather conditions... the winds are likely to be fiercer than normal in some areas of the country -- and in the world at large. Meanwhile, earthquakes continue to ramp up, and volcanic activity only accelerates, especially on the ocean floor... as well, sinkholes are likely to increase as Spring approaches. And yes, there will be more 'announcements' around weather manipulation and weather warfare."
HEADLINE: "Mauna Loa: Earth’s second largest volcano showing signs of awakening from slumber" ~theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/2015/03/22/mauna-loa-earths-second-largest-volcano-showing-signs-of-awakening-from-slumber~
ARTICLE: "More and Larger Siberian Craters Appearing
Monday, March 16, 2015
More craters are being located in remote areas of Siberia, and some of them are massive. Russian scientists have now discovered seven of these craters, and believe that there are many more in the region. More worrying, like the unidentifiable explosive sounds and tremors that are being reported in the United States, their cause is unknown."
On the weather wars front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Air Force Base RADAR in New Mexico generates man made tornado using microwaves 3/19/2015
How many times is too many times before the general public realizes that microwaves are inducing severe weather?
Today, March 19 2015, a strong detection of damaging winds, and a detection of a possible strong tornado forming in the foothills East of Kirtland Air Force base in Albuquerque New Mexico.
The rotation formed almost directly over the dual dome RADAR stations located on the East side of the base (at the foothills producing the tornadoes rotation).
New Mexico, not exactly known for its tornado activity to begin with, plus the addition of a mountainous location further reduces chances of this being “natural” rotation occurring.
The NEXRAD weather RADAR shows the rotation of the storm develop and pass directly over the Air Force Base (due East of the NEXRAD tower)."
On the economic front, The Great Dollar Devaluation Scam ... It's All About Debt Slavery and Establishing the Global Company Store
From this point forward, the Viper elite and their globalist minions, now devastatingly push their *be a willing serf* global economy... all while various dark-side factions brutally duke it out to be kings of the money pile.
Meanwhile, the creative-innovative among us make and search out 'glide paths' that form vital local economies. Spend your dollars wisely, as always, and do everything you are able to promote a good local economy with those of high integrity. The more you vote with your dollars, the faster humanity not only survives but thrives.
On the bankster-gangster front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Justice Dept orders banks to CALL THE POLICE if you attempt to withdraw too much of your own cash" ~govtslaves.info/justice-dept-orders-banks-to-call-the-police-if-you-attempt-to-withdraw-too-much-of-your-own-cash~
On the truth front, what the dark-siders have nefariously hidden from humanity for an age, continues to batter down the proverbial doors -- and break open into the sunlight of divinely inspired AWARENESS.
For, TRUTH is their kryptonite, as is stated by one alternative news site.
Out of this, the battle lines will be drawn more sharply between those who choose to believe in the mesmerizing mainstream LIES, and those who WAKE UP to the real reality. This will not be a pretty picture, and will, unfortunately divide families and friends in a civil-war like scenario.
On the AWAKENING front, on all fronts of human life... this week, and going forward into summer... it's all about the Aquarian Age AWAKENING. A bombardment of higher, white-light frequencies descends. However, it remains each individual's choice to receive, or deny.
Now, within the general population, conflict and unity of purpose rise side-by-side. Warriors and leaders arise, champions for the people. In opposition, the enemies of humanity roll out their homeland spies, their greedy soulless snitches, and continue militarizing the police... all while drilling the public to accept the military on the streets of America.
From July 15th to September 15th, 2015, the U.S. Army Special Operations Command is conducting a massive military drill in an area covering the entire American Southwest. At first glance, I thought this drill was a response to the massive military drills being conducted by Russia. I wrongly assumed that Jade Helm 15 was a drill designed to protect the Southwest from an invasion by Russian-backed Latin American military forces (i.e. Red Dawn). However, after reading the operational plan of Jade Helm, it is clear that this drill is about the brutal martial subjugation of the people of Texas, Utah and Southern California who have risen up against some unspecified tyranny. Further, this drill is also about martial law being used as a preventative measure in states which “might” lean towards civil war against the United States government (i.e. California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico).
The operational elements and impact of Jade Helm 15 cannot be considered in isolation. A careful analysis reveals how this drill is connected to Army policies associated with the confinement of detainees in what is commonly called FEMA camps! This drill is undoubtedly the most frightening thing to occur on American soil since the Civil War." ~thecommonsenseshow.com/2015/03/18/the-jade-helm-15-drill-is-a-martial-law-civil-war-and-red-list-extraction-drill~
On the war front, Across the World -- Within Every Major Nation -- Key Components of the Military Rank and File Say NO ... Thus, the Great Divide Deepens and Widens
From the February 15, 2015 forecast:
"The Great Divide Deepens Between Those Who RamCharge Ahead and Those Who Remain the Sheeple
Now, in this Chinese Year of the Sheep/Goat -- beginning on February 19th -- the power of the people surges to new heights. In opposition, the dark-side establishment rolls out their Orwellian regime under the guise of 'safeguarding the citizenry'."
On the *gosh, how did this ever happen?* war front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "U.S. Loses Track of $500 Million Worth of Weapons in Yemen, Including Drones, Helicopters and 1.2 Million Rounds of Ammo
AllGov - Gone with the collapse of Yemen’s government is half a billion dollars worth of American military equipment and weapons provided to the former regime. The Department of Defense says it can’t say for sure what happened to $500 million in aid the U.S. military gave to Yemen after Shiite Houthi rebels toppled the government. The assistance covers a wide range of weaponry, aircraft and equipment—enough to equip a small army of rebels."
On the *is this serious?* war front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Chicago Preps For Nuclear Apocalypse As CBS Chicago Warns Residents Will Be 'Vaporized' While Blaming Attack On Russia Although False Flag Nuke Attack Warning Had Been Made: BLACK DOTS ARE MILITARY BASES" ~allnewspipeline.com/CBS_Chicago_Warns_Of_Nuclear_Apocalypse.php
On the Nuke Commander front, Another Military Nuclear Commander Has Been Relieved of Duty
SNIPPET: "...the firing of another US Military Nuclear Commander, Captain Heather Cole, and the circumstances surrounding her removal as another top US Military officer falls under the Obama regime. ~navytimes.com/story/military/2015/03/17/navy-tacamo-co-cole-fired-investigation-cultural/24915989~
On the tyranny-at-work front, Your Basic Right To Water As A Human Being, Forget About It
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "FedGov Moves To Seize Water Rights From 100,000 Montanans: 'All Surface Water And Wells' We can see a pattern developing. ...Local and state politicians use the Indian tribes as a tool to pursue a much larger agenda: the removal of private property from the hands of citizens and the transfer of control into the hands of the federal government. The politicians then receive federal funding to pursue their initiatives. Now a long line of bureaucrats enters the parade: the EPA to save the environment, the DOJ to save the legal rights of the oppressed, the Department of the Interior to manage the tribes’ revenues, and the DHS as the protector-enforcer.
There are many areas in the United States where water rights are either under assault or threatened by the federal government in this manner: the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, the waters of the Colorado River, and the Ogallala Aquifer (used by almost ¼ of the U.S.), to name a few. The important issue to consider with this is the abrogation of Constitutional Law and private property rights and the federal government making its own laws by bureaucratic edict..." ~shtfplan.com/headline-news/fedgov-moves-to-seize-water-rights-from-100000-montanans-all-surface-water-and-wells_03182015~
On the *cops are out of control* front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Report: Cops Kill Hundreds of Disabled Americans Every Year
RT | Filed in support of a mentally ill woman suing police for shooting her five times."
On the government transparency front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Obama Administration Sets New Record for Censoring and Denying Access to Government Documents
Michael Krieger | The backlog of unanswered requests at year’s end surged by 55% to more than 200,000."
On the communication front, No Surprise... The News Media Industrial Complex Is At It Again... Fake News Twenty-four Seven
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "CNN fakes location report after Brian Williams discussion
Examiner | The term “surreal” may not adequately describe the continuing national coverage of the ever-developing Brian Williams saga."
Also, the Big Global Players -- as in Google, Comcast, Other Big Corps, the power-factions in control of the FCC and the U.N. -- now they 'all' battle it out for fiefdoms and/or final control of the internet. The goal is to establish AI Oversight, and to reign with the evolving Sky Net-Terminator Machine.
On the social media *I spy, we all spy on each other* front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Special Ops Target Social Media - Spotting And Shutting Down Government Paid Trolls And Shills
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine - March 20, 2015
We see this attack is now coming from yet another front, our US military is being used, as reported by Washington Times in an article from March 18, 2015, titled "Special Ops Targets Social Media," which states the following:
...He warned that the “most disturbing confirmation provided in the newly publicized intelligence documents is that spy agencies in Western nations with free speech guarantees have been given carte blanche authority from political leadership to target private individuals and organizations deemed uncooperative with the will of the state with ruthless online reputation-destruction efforts."
On the cyber false-flag front, HEADLINE: "The Wolf Is Guarding the Hen House: The Government’s War on Cyberterrorism"
On the home front, The Seismic Building Toward Conflict On All Fronts ... and Lockdown is Here
To bring Americans to their proverbial knees -- to divide and conquer those of us who still cherish our freedom -- the dark-side controllers are upping their sinister, soulless game. Every top news story via the presstitute media is designed to further that diabolical goal, to further 'program' you and/or confuse you into compliance and acceptance.
As well, in the guise of *your safety*, lock-down measures are happening across the country. Every route out of Chicago can be closed off with choke-point gates. More and more, major highways have cement barricades or steel wire fencing, thus eliminating the option of turning around, if needed. Plus, the Appalachian trail is gradually being seized by the military in the name of training ops.
On the 'government lies' front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Federal Judge Rips Obama Admin Lawyer for Amnesty Deception: ‘I Believed Your Word’ and You Made Me Look Like a Fool!
Breitbart -The U.S. Government lied to a federal judge, misrepresented facts and illegally gave 100,081 illegal aliens immigration status despite a pending lawsuit and an injunction. That is the argument that attorneys representing Texas and more than two dozen other states made. During the heated court hearing Andrew Hanen, a U.S. District Court Judge, said that the apparent violation had made him look like an idiot since he initially believed the U.S. Government."
On the Orwellian Big Brother front, HEADLINE: "New York says killing yourself a basic human right, but protecting yourself against vaccines may be outlawed" ~naturalnews.com/049092_death_with_dignity_mandatory_vaccination_New_York.html~
HEADLINE: "Federal Government Prepares to Track Unvaccinated Adults" ~healthimpactnews.com/2015/federal-government-prepares-to-track-unvaccinated-adults~
On the energy front, the Big Bad Oil Wars... Control the Energy, Control the People ... and Control the Worldwide Economy ... That's the Evil Game Which Could Be Wiped Out With Commercial Hemp
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "The Perfect Storm For Oil Hits In Two Months: US Crude Production To Soar Just As Storage Runs Out
Zero Hedge | North Dakota is likely to see a “big surge” in production this June.
HEADLINE: "Pink Slips: 100,000 Jobs Wiped Out Amid Oil Price Collapse: 'Spreading Like Cancer' "
ARTICLE: "Global: Josh Tickell - The Fuel Film
By Michael Bachara, Hemp News staff
United States: The Fuel Film FUEL, is a comprehensive and refreshing look at energy solutions in America, compiled by biodiesel advocate and filmmaker Josh Tickell. The film has taken over twelve years to assemble, won the Audience Award at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival, and is an ever evolving project. It is a historic time line of where we have been, identifies our present predicament and a searches for a solution to our dependence on foreign oil and food supply. The film evokes emotions that compel viewers to participate in local community projects in the aid of our planet." ~hemp.org/news/category/cannabis/alternative-energy~
On the food front, Another Step Closer to *Soylent Green Is People*
HEADLINE: "Urban Death Project seeks to compost dead humans to feed the crops: has it really come to this?"
On the frankenfood *big corp* front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Maine Wants to Label GMOs, Like NOW
Maine lawmakers along with the Organic Consumers Association have put forth a bill with strong support to label GMOs immediately . Not with 'trigger clauses' and not in years to come – but NOW." ~naturalsociety.com~
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Study: Walmart & Major Retailers are ‘Making Us Fat’
Christina Sarich | Food economists say yes – here’s why."
On the cannabis healing front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Cannabis Takes on Alzheimer's Successfully: Story and Studies
There is another effective non-pharmaceutical solution for staving off and reversing Alzheimer's - cannabis." ~naturalsociety.com~
On the DNA front, Mad DNA Scientists On the Loose... and Those Who Want To Stop Them
HEADLINE: "Scientists Have Created 'DNA Scissors' That Can Alter Your Genes, but Should They Use Them?"
HEADLINE: "Scientists Seek Ban on Method of Editing the Human Genome"
On the really bad news front, You Remember Chairman Mao's Red Chinese Re-Education Camps, Don't You? ... The Difference: These Are Supposed To Be 'Fun'
HEADLINE: "Hillary Clinton Calls For 'Re-Education Camps' For Americans As NWO Moves One Step Closer To A Boot Stamping On A Human Face...Forever!"
On the good news front, Taking Action Against the Evils of the Dark-Side Establishment ... The Tipping Point Is Here
At this turnpoint in history, the force of the people grows exponentially. That is, instead of being 'sheeple', many more of us become Ram-Chargers against wrongdoing and wrongdoers. For, overall, we have had enough.
On the global mafia cabal front, Desperately Orchestrating a World War
The hardcore 'kill everyone off' globalists demonically battle to escalate the current war theaters into an insane blood bath. This, versus the moderate 'closer to sane' faction. For, they and their corp-minions don't want to kill the goose who laid their golden egg. They simply want ultimate control.
Because of this ongoing battle, it's Machiavellian move and countermove twenty-four hours a day. This week, their 'war of the worlds' fight to the death intensifies. And, the headline-news revelations will reflect some of this punch and counter-punch.
On the heroine front, Doctoral student, Heather Dewey-Hagborg
ARTICLE: "Anonymous No More – No Where, No How!
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Everywhere we go, we leave little traces of ourselves behind. The strand of hair, the wad of gum, the cigarette butt, nail clipping, or puddle of spittle. And all of these negligible bits and pieces that we so casually or unknowingly discard, contain our genetic information...
...Given that we’re now ‘under the protection’ of the surveillance state – such that police agencies are amassing an enormous database of our biomarkers – we might want to consider the wisdom of doing what our mothers always told us we should do. Doesn’t it make sense to pick up after ourselves – and avoid public spitting – rather than shedding valuable bits of information everywhere we go?
“You wouldn’t leave your medical records on a subway for just anyone to read,” Dewey-Hagborg said. “It should be a choice.” And that’s just what she is endeavoring to make it. She has developed a two-part product called ‘Invisible,’ which contains a bottle of Erase – to remove 99.5% of your genetic material – and one called Replace, to scramble the code on whatever remains. ~unknowncountry.com/news/anonymous-no-more--now-where-no-how~
On the hero front, BLURB: "...author William Scott ~williambscott.com~ discussed his campaign to force police to disclose the true number of people they kill every year, and why bad cops continue to be protected instead of arrested.
On the freedom front, Pacifism, Turning the Cheek Against the System Is Over For Most ... Activism, Active Resistance, Shouting From the Rooftops Is Here ... The People Will Not Be Denied
We stand on a legacy crosspoint. Go forth as brave rams in charge of our own lives, or bow down and be treated like the sheeple. For, this is the choice, and the daily choices, we will face from this momentous time forward.
On the second amendment front, Breaking: Hollow-wood Plans Movie Demonizing Gun Ownership With Hero Who Gets Gun Ban Passed
On the STAR WARS reality front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Boeing patents 'Star Wars'-style force fields Aircraft and military manufacturer Boeing has been granted a patent on a system that is designed to prevent explosion shockwaves from harming a target." ~cnet.com/news/boeing-patents-star-wars-style-force-fields~
Trendwise, The Ancient of Ancient Technologies Arises In the Fog of Proxy War ... Magrav Technology Conceived by Mehran Keshe Is Here, And Active
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Terrified US Aircraft Carrier Flees From Russian Subs To UK Safety ~ March 23, 2015 ~ By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
...The necessity of the US Navy to develop countermeasures against “magrav technology”, this report says, was clearly shown to them last year after Federation air forces completely disabled the feared AEGIS destroyer USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea. So demoralizing was this attack against the USS Donald Cook, when it limped into a Romanian port for repairs, all 27 of its officers put in for reassignment and/or retirement.
“Magrav technology”, its import to note, was conceived by the Iranian-born nuclear engineer Mehran Keshe [photo 3rd left], but whose works are banned from public use in the United States under an Executive Order signed by President Obama on 23 April 2012.
President Obama’s signing of his Executive Order against “magrav technology”, it should be remembered, was due to the Iranian’s using it to down, and then capture one of the United States most secretive and sophisticated drones in December, 2011, and then Iran sharing this new weapon with Syria too.
Immediately upon President Obama banning “magrav technology” in 2012, it should also be noted, Mehran Keshe replied to the American leader in an open letter by stating:
“Your Excellency President Obama,
We offer you a path towards real world peace through the development of this new technology for the whole human race
I invite you to a direct presentation of our technology to you and your cabinet, to be given on neutral ground where the president of Iran could also be present and where no one betrays anyone else, so that we can all understand the fundamental change that is about to be brought to mankind. Then let us talk about genuine world peace.
As I said in my Sunday interview in Los Angeles, let us convert the military factories of the US to provide resources for a US space organization, so that the tools of war become the craft of universal peace.
The aircraft carriers of the US will become nothing but floating bathtubs if our Magravs technology is used effectively, and the runways full of F16s and 18s and so on will be nothing but runway museums of iron birds, as these craft will not be able to fly if their electronic systems are once touched by Magravs space technology. These crafts and battleships would have to be rewired from A to Z before they could ever operate again.
President Obama, we invite you to understand this change and to let us show you the technology that is bringing it about. Then we invite you to the table of world peace.
Please sign a decree for genuine peace and not a gagging order for science and technology, which your people understand fully what we have developed as they try to protect the pride of your nation.
This is not a question of the pride of one group or country, but pride for all of us in the advancement of the human race to new levels of understanding of the universal order of creation, in which we each have our place.
Your Ambassador and Consul in Belgium have direct access to me from our previous talks and correspondence with them and would pass on any communication.
With kindest regards from a peace loving man who has developed this powerful technology for the good of mankind.”
Further forecast note: For years now, Mehran Keshe has offered this technology for the benefit of ALL humankind. However, the dark-side has cheated humanity out of what rightly belongs to us ALL, a workable energy source that cannot be controlled by 'them'.
THIS WEEK, enjoy the greening land around you. Celebrate with the Nature this sacred time of renewal and growth. And smile for no reason at all.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com ~
Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...
Angelic Forecast ~ #342
Revelations Continue, and Truth Kicks the Door Down At This Cosmic Spinpoint
Wildcard: Within the next two weeks there will be significant revelations around three so-called world leaders. However, this vital information will be kept buried for the most part, and reported as half truths.
Several BRAVE ONES will leak the full truth, which will be covered on a few alternative media news sites. Only.
On the magickal, mystical front, this week the 'Mages of Ages Lost' slice and fiercely dice the black-magick tentacles of the Viper cabal. While these sacrifice-fed tentacles are weakening, their full removal is imperative.
Notice also, the heightening 'good-good' vibes bringing us closer to Nature, and thus, closer to the Divine. As well, in these quickening times, go with the fast, Aquarian-Age flow, and stay the path of the Good Heart. For, that will usher in the New Landed Renaissance.
On the personal front, as the times become more challenging for most of us, reaching out to others of like mind and heart, becomes ever more crucial. Relationship is the key.
Dissolve relationships that no longer work, that no longer serve you. Nourish those relationships where there is true support, and real caring and sharing -- where love is given and received.
Also, keep a sharp eye out for unusual but good opportunities. The more practice around finding such opportunities, then acting on them, the more opportunity you will discover in the future. For, that is the way of these accelerated and 'changing' times.
On the paranormal front, Beware the Unknown Realms... Friendly Is Not In The Vocabulary of Some
BLURB: "Mysterious Disappearances
Date: Sunday - March 22, 2015
Host: George Knapp
Guests: David Paulides
Researcher and author David Paulides joined George Knapp for the full program to share even more bizarre stories of missing persons in national parks and forests throughout the United States. He expressed concern that, since his research began, reports of mysterious disappearances have seemingly increased. "The numbers have incrementally gone up in the last three years," Paulides revealed, noting that he has now amassed a stunning 1,400 cases. He dismissed the idea that this increase is merely because of additional attention focused on the phenomenon, since archival searches for such events over the last ten years has borne out the troubling trend. "It doesn't seem to make sense, what's happening," he mused about the puzzling rise in disappearances.
Over the course of the evening, Paulides shared a number of baffling disappearance cases that he has amassed via his research. One such story centered around a British man named Jonathan Myles Robinson who was vacationing in a small, isolated community in Switzerland which is only accessible by a railway system that shuts down at midnight. Paulides recounted how Robinson seemingly vanished at around 3 AM while walking to his hotel one night. Despite an exhaustive search of the area, the man's dead body was not discovered until five days later when searchers spied it at the bottom of a cliff in a nearby town. Eerily, cell phone records indicate that Robinson likely fell to his death shortly after 3 AM on the night he disappeared and, Paulides stressed, "there was no way" he could have traveled the distance to where his body was found.
"This is a really, really unusual case," he said about the 2014 disappearance of a woman named Karen Sykes. An avid hiker on Mt. Rainier, Sykes had been dubbed the "guru of the trails" by local newspapers and even wrote a book on hiking safety. On a seemingly routine hike with a friend, she opted to advance a bit further up the trail after her companion became tired and decided to take a rest. Sykes never returned and her body was discovered three days later in a location described by the Parks service as "difficult to access and not commonly traveled" which would have required her to climb 6,200 feet and then halfway down into an adjacent valley. Her death mystified Sykes' friends, who insisted that she was "the last person in the world that would have ever gotten lost on Rainier." ~coasttocoastam.com/show/2015/03/22~ Website(s): canammissing.com
On the land changes front, The Sun Is Undergoing Massive Changes ... And the Destroyer Planet is Here
Sol, the Great Lion Star, has been seriously altering his composition since the mid nineties. Now with undisclosed celestial bodies in the solar system -- thank you *never a straight answer* NASA -- and the return of the planet-comet known as the Destroyer -- as witnessed by a German woman taking pictures of the recent eclipse, and observed by many over the last decade -- the sun is responding, and lashing out.
These solar alterations catapult the Earth changes, now occurring, to hyperdrive in certain areas of the planet. However, the loving embrace of humanity around Mother Earth will calm many of these super-extreme events. For, our loving energy does make the difference.
From the previous forecast: "...A Major Earthquake Is Likely Around Midyear ... And, Water Is Made Scarce For Some Regions
As has been stated before... EXTREME continues to be the watchword for weather conditions... the winds are likely to be fiercer than normal in some areas of the country -- and in the world at large. Meanwhile, earthquakes continue to ramp up, and volcanic activity only accelerates, especially on the ocean floor... as well, sinkholes are likely to increase as Spring approaches. And yes, there will be more 'announcements' around weather manipulation and weather warfare."
HEADLINE: "Mauna Loa: Earth’s second largest volcano showing signs of awakening from slumber" ~theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com/2015/03/22/mauna-loa-earths-second-largest-volcano-showing-signs-of-awakening-from-slumber~
ARTICLE: "More and Larger Siberian Craters Appearing
Monday, March 16, 2015
More craters are being located in remote areas of Siberia, and some of them are massive. Russian scientists have now discovered seven of these craters, and believe that there are many more in the region. More worrying, like the unidentifiable explosive sounds and tremors that are being reported in the United States, their cause is unknown."
On the weather wars front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Air Force Base RADAR in New Mexico generates man made tornado using microwaves 3/19/2015
How many times is too many times before the general public realizes that microwaves are inducing severe weather?
Today, March 19 2015, a strong detection of damaging winds, and a detection of a possible strong tornado forming in the foothills East of Kirtland Air Force base in Albuquerque New Mexico.
The rotation formed almost directly over the dual dome RADAR stations located on the East side of the base (at the foothills producing the tornadoes rotation).
New Mexico, not exactly known for its tornado activity to begin with, plus the addition of a mountainous location further reduces chances of this being “natural” rotation occurring.
The NEXRAD weather RADAR shows the rotation of the storm develop and pass directly over the Air Force Base (due East of the NEXRAD tower)."
On the economic front, The Great Dollar Devaluation Scam ... It's All About Debt Slavery and Establishing the Global Company Store
From this point forward, the Viper elite and their globalist minions, now devastatingly push their *be a willing serf* global economy... all while various dark-side factions brutally duke it out to be kings of the money pile.
Meanwhile, the creative-innovative among us make and search out 'glide paths' that form vital local economies. Spend your dollars wisely, as always, and do everything you are able to promote a good local economy with those of high integrity. The more you vote with your dollars, the faster humanity not only survives but thrives.
On the bankster-gangster front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Justice Dept orders banks to CALL THE POLICE if you attempt to withdraw too much of your own cash" ~govtslaves.info/justice-dept-orders-banks-to-call-the-police-if-you-attempt-to-withdraw-too-much-of-your-own-cash~
On the truth front, what the dark-siders have nefariously hidden from humanity for an age, continues to batter down the proverbial doors -- and break open into the sunlight of divinely inspired AWARENESS.
For, TRUTH is their kryptonite, as is stated by one alternative news site.
Out of this, the battle lines will be drawn more sharply between those who choose to believe in the mesmerizing mainstream LIES, and those who WAKE UP to the real reality. This will not be a pretty picture, and will, unfortunately divide families and friends in a civil-war like scenario.
On the AWAKENING front, on all fronts of human life... this week, and going forward into summer... it's all about the Aquarian Age AWAKENING. A bombardment of higher, white-light frequencies descends. However, it remains each individual's choice to receive, or deny.
Now, within the general population, conflict and unity of purpose rise side-by-side. Warriors and leaders arise, champions for the people. In opposition, the enemies of humanity roll out their homeland spies, their greedy soulless snitches, and continue militarizing the police... all while drilling the public to accept the military on the streets of America.
From July 15th to September 15th, 2015, the U.S. Army Special Operations Command is conducting a massive military drill in an area covering the entire American Southwest. At first glance, I thought this drill was a response to the massive military drills being conducted by Russia. I wrongly assumed that Jade Helm 15 was a drill designed to protect the Southwest from an invasion by Russian-backed Latin American military forces (i.e. Red Dawn). However, after reading the operational plan of Jade Helm, it is clear that this drill is about the brutal martial subjugation of the people of Texas, Utah and Southern California who have risen up against some unspecified tyranny. Further, this drill is also about martial law being used as a preventative measure in states which “might” lean towards civil war against the United States government (i.e. California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico).
The operational elements and impact of Jade Helm 15 cannot be considered in isolation. A careful analysis reveals how this drill is connected to Army policies associated with the confinement of detainees in what is commonly called FEMA camps! This drill is undoubtedly the most frightening thing to occur on American soil since the Civil War." ~thecommonsenseshow.com/2015/03/18/the-jade-helm-15-drill-is-a-martial-law-civil-war-and-red-list-extraction-drill~
On the war front, Across the World -- Within Every Major Nation -- Key Components of the Military Rank and File Say NO ... Thus, the Great Divide Deepens and Widens
From the February 15, 2015 forecast:
"The Great Divide Deepens Between Those Who RamCharge Ahead and Those Who Remain the Sheeple
Now, in this Chinese Year of the Sheep/Goat -- beginning on February 19th -- the power of the people surges to new heights. In opposition, the dark-side establishment rolls out their Orwellian regime under the guise of 'safeguarding the citizenry'."
On the *gosh, how did this ever happen?* war front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "U.S. Loses Track of $500 Million Worth of Weapons in Yemen, Including Drones, Helicopters and 1.2 Million Rounds of Ammo
AllGov - Gone with the collapse of Yemen’s government is half a billion dollars worth of American military equipment and weapons provided to the former regime. The Department of Defense says it can’t say for sure what happened to $500 million in aid the U.S. military gave to Yemen after Shiite Houthi rebels toppled the government. The assistance covers a wide range of weaponry, aircraft and equipment—enough to equip a small army of rebels."
On the *is this serious?* war front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Chicago Preps For Nuclear Apocalypse As CBS Chicago Warns Residents Will Be 'Vaporized' While Blaming Attack On Russia Although False Flag Nuke Attack Warning Had Been Made: BLACK DOTS ARE MILITARY BASES" ~allnewspipeline.com/CBS_Chicago_Warns_Of_Nuclear_Apocalypse.php
On the Nuke Commander front, Another Military Nuclear Commander Has Been Relieved of Duty
SNIPPET: "...the firing of another US Military Nuclear Commander, Captain Heather Cole, and the circumstances surrounding her removal as another top US Military officer falls under the Obama regime. ~navytimes.com/story/military/2015/03/17/navy-tacamo-co-cole-fired-investigation-cultural/24915989~
On the tyranny-at-work front, Your Basic Right To Water As A Human Being, Forget About It
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "FedGov Moves To Seize Water Rights From 100,000 Montanans: 'All Surface Water And Wells' We can see a pattern developing. ...Local and state politicians use the Indian tribes as a tool to pursue a much larger agenda: the removal of private property from the hands of citizens and the transfer of control into the hands of the federal government. The politicians then receive federal funding to pursue their initiatives. Now a long line of bureaucrats enters the parade: the EPA to save the environment, the DOJ to save the legal rights of the oppressed, the Department of the Interior to manage the tribes’ revenues, and the DHS as the protector-enforcer.
There are many areas in the United States where water rights are either under assault or threatened by the federal government in this manner: the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, the waters of the Colorado River, and the Ogallala Aquifer (used by almost ¼ of the U.S.), to name a few. The important issue to consider with this is the abrogation of Constitutional Law and private property rights and the federal government making its own laws by bureaucratic edict..." ~shtfplan.com/headline-news/fedgov-moves-to-seize-water-rights-from-100000-montanans-all-surface-water-and-wells_03182015~
On the *cops are out of control* front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Report: Cops Kill Hundreds of Disabled Americans Every Year
RT | Filed in support of a mentally ill woman suing police for shooting her five times."
On the government transparency front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Obama Administration Sets New Record for Censoring and Denying Access to Government Documents
Michael Krieger | The backlog of unanswered requests at year’s end surged by 55% to more than 200,000."
On the communication front, No Surprise... The News Media Industrial Complex Is At It Again... Fake News Twenty-four Seven
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "CNN fakes location report after Brian Williams discussion
Examiner | The term “surreal” may not adequately describe the continuing national coverage of the ever-developing Brian Williams saga."
Also, the Big Global Players -- as in Google, Comcast, Other Big Corps, the power-factions in control of the FCC and the U.N. -- now they 'all' battle it out for fiefdoms and/or final control of the internet. The goal is to establish AI Oversight, and to reign with the evolving Sky Net-Terminator Machine.
On the social media *I spy, we all spy on each other* front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Special Ops Target Social Media - Spotting And Shutting Down Government Paid Trolls And Shills
By Susan Duclos - All News PipeLine - March 20, 2015
We see this attack is now coming from yet another front, our US military is being used, as reported by Washington Times in an article from March 18, 2015, titled "Special Ops Targets Social Media," which states the following:
...He warned that the “most disturbing confirmation provided in the newly publicized intelligence documents is that spy agencies in Western nations with free speech guarantees have been given carte blanche authority from political leadership to target private individuals and organizations deemed uncooperative with the will of the state with ruthless online reputation-destruction efforts."
On the cyber false-flag front, HEADLINE: "The Wolf Is Guarding the Hen House: The Government’s War on Cyberterrorism"
On the home front, The Seismic Building Toward Conflict On All Fronts ... and Lockdown is Here
To bring Americans to their proverbial knees -- to divide and conquer those of us who still cherish our freedom -- the dark-side controllers are upping their sinister, soulless game. Every top news story via the presstitute media is designed to further that diabolical goal, to further 'program' you and/or confuse you into compliance and acceptance.
As well, in the guise of *your safety*, lock-down measures are happening across the country. Every route out of Chicago can be closed off with choke-point gates. More and more, major highways have cement barricades or steel wire fencing, thus eliminating the option of turning around, if needed. Plus, the Appalachian trail is gradually being seized by the military in the name of training ops.
On the 'government lies' front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Federal Judge Rips Obama Admin Lawyer for Amnesty Deception: ‘I Believed Your Word’ and You Made Me Look Like a Fool!
Breitbart -The U.S. Government lied to a federal judge, misrepresented facts and illegally gave 100,081 illegal aliens immigration status despite a pending lawsuit and an injunction. That is the argument that attorneys representing Texas and more than two dozen other states made. During the heated court hearing Andrew Hanen, a U.S. District Court Judge, said that the apparent violation had made him look like an idiot since he initially believed the U.S. Government."
On the Orwellian Big Brother front, HEADLINE: "New York says killing yourself a basic human right, but protecting yourself against vaccines may be outlawed" ~naturalnews.com/049092_death_with_dignity_mandatory_vaccination_New_York.html~
HEADLINE: "Federal Government Prepares to Track Unvaccinated Adults" ~healthimpactnews.com/2015/federal-government-prepares-to-track-unvaccinated-adults~
On the energy front, the Big Bad Oil Wars... Control the Energy, Control the People ... and Control the Worldwide Economy ... That's the Evil Game Which Could Be Wiped Out With Commercial Hemp
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "The Perfect Storm For Oil Hits In Two Months: US Crude Production To Soar Just As Storage Runs Out
Zero Hedge | North Dakota is likely to see a “big surge” in production this June.
HEADLINE: "Pink Slips: 100,000 Jobs Wiped Out Amid Oil Price Collapse: 'Spreading Like Cancer' "
ARTICLE: "Global: Josh Tickell - The Fuel Film
By Michael Bachara, Hemp News staff
United States: The Fuel Film FUEL, is a comprehensive and refreshing look at energy solutions in America, compiled by biodiesel advocate and filmmaker Josh Tickell. The film has taken over twelve years to assemble, won the Audience Award at the 2008 Sundance Film Festival, and is an ever evolving project. It is a historic time line of where we have been, identifies our present predicament and a searches for a solution to our dependence on foreign oil and food supply. The film evokes emotions that compel viewers to participate in local community projects in the aid of our planet." ~hemp.org/news/category/cannabis/alternative-energy~
On the food front, Another Step Closer to *Soylent Green Is People*
HEADLINE: "Urban Death Project seeks to compost dead humans to feed the crops: has it really come to this?"
On the frankenfood *big corp* front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Maine Wants to Label GMOs, Like NOW
Maine lawmakers along with the Organic Consumers Association have put forth a bill with strong support to label GMOs immediately . Not with 'trigger clauses' and not in years to come – but NOW." ~naturalsociety.com~
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Study: Walmart & Major Retailers are ‘Making Us Fat’
Christina Sarich | Food economists say yes – here’s why."
On the cannabis healing front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Cannabis Takes on Alzheimer's Successfully: Story and Studies
There is another effective non-pharmaceutical solution for staving off and reversing Alzheimer's - cannabis." ~naturalsociety.com~
On the DNA front, Mad DNA Scientists On the Loose... and Those Who Want To Stop Them
HEADLINE: "Scientists Have Created 'DNA Scissors' That Can Alter Your Genes, but Should They Use Them?"
HEADLINE: "Scientists Seek Ban on Method of Editing the Human Genome"
On the really bad news front, You Remember Chairman Mao's Red Chinese Re-Education Camps, Don't You? ... The Difference: These Are Supposed To Be 'Fun'
HEADLINE: "Hillary Clinton Calls For 'Re-Education Camps' For Americans As NWO Moves One Step Closer To A Boot Stamping On A Human Face...Forever!"
On the good news front, Taking Action Against the Evils of the Dark-Side Establishment ... The Tipping Point Is Here
At this turnpoint in history, the force of the people grows exponentially. That is, instead of being 'sheeple', many more of us become Ram-Chargers against wrongdoing and wrongdoers. For, overall, we have had enough.
On the global mafia cabal front, Desperately Orchestrating a World War
The hardcore 'kill everyone off' globalists demonically battle to escalate the current war theaters into an insane blood bath. This, versus the moderate 'closer to sane' faction. For, they and their corp-minions don't want to kill the goose who laid their golden egg. They simply want ultimate control.
Because of this ongoing battle, it's Machiavellian move and countermove twenty-four hours a day. This week, their 'war of the worlds' fight to the death intensifies. And, the headline-news revelations will reflect some of this punch and counter-punch.
On the heroine front, Doctoral student, Heather Dewey-Hagborg
ARTICLE: "Anonymous No More – No Where, No How!
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Everywhere we go, we leave little traces of ourselves behind. The strand of hair, the wad of gum, the cigarette butt, nail clipping, or puddle of spittle. And all of these negligible bits and pieces that we so casually or unknowingly discard, contain our genetic information...
...Given that we’re now ‘under the protection’ of the surveillance state – such that police agencies are amassing an enormous database of our biomarkers – we might want to consider the wisdom of doing what our mothers always told us we should do. Doesn’t it make sense to pick up after ourselves – and avoid public spitting – rather than shedding valuable bits of information everywhere we go?
“You wouldn’t leave your medical records on a subway for just anyone to read,” Dewey-Hagborg said. “It should be a choice.” And that’s just what she is endeavoring to make it. She has developed a two-part product called ‘Invisible,’ which contains a bottle of Erase – to remove 99.5% of your genetic material – and one called Replace, to scramble the code on whatever remains. ~unknowncountry.com/news/anonymous-no-more--now-where-no-how~
On the hero front, BLURB: "...author William Scott ~williambscott.com~ discussed his campaign to force police to disclose the true number of people they kill every year, and why bad cops continue to be protected instead of arrested.
On the freedom front, Pacifism, Turning the Cheek Against the System Is Over For Most ... Activism, Active Resistance, Shouting From the Rooftops Is Here ... The People Will Not Be Denied
We stand on a legacy crosspoint. Go forth as brave rams in charge of our own lives, or bow down and be treated like the sheeple. For, this is the choice, and the daily choices, we will face from this momentous time forward.
On the second amendment front, Breaking: Hollow-wood Plans Movie Demonizing Gun Ownership With Hero Who Gets Gun Ban Passed
On the STAR WARS reality front, HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Boeing patents 'Star Wars'-style force fields Aircraft and military manufacturer Boeing has been granted a patent on a system that is designed to prevent explosion shockwaves from harming a target." ~cnet.com/news/boeing-patents-star-wars-style-force-fields~
Trendwise, The Ancient of Ancient Technologies Arises In the Fog of Proxy War ... Magrav Technology Conceived by Mehran Keshe Is Here, And Active
HEADLINE-SNIPPET: "Terrified US Aircraft Carrier Flees From Russian Subs To UK Safety ~ March 23, 2015 ~ By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
...The necessity of the US Navy to develop countermeasures against “magrav technology”, this report says, was clearly shown to them last year after Federation air forces completely disabled the feared AEGIS destroyer USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea. So demoralizing was this attack against the USS Donald Cook, when it limped into a Romanian port for repairs, all 27 of its officers put in for reassignment and/or retirement.
“Magrav technology”, its import to note, was conceived by the Iranian-born nuclear engineer Mehran Keshe [photo 3rd left], but whose works are banned from public use in the United States under an Executive Order signed by President Obama on 23 April 2012.
President Obama’s signing of his Executive Order against “magrav technology”, it should be remembered, was due to the Iranian’s using it to down, and then capture one of the United States most secretive and sophisticated drones in December, 2011, and then Iran sharing this new weapon with Syria too.
Immediately upon President Obama banning “magrav technology” in 2012, it should also be noted, Mehran Keshe replied to the American leader in an open letter by stating:
“Your Excellency President Obama,
We offer you a path towards real world peace through the development of this new technology for the whole human race
I invite you to a direct presentation of our technology to you and your cabinet, to be given on neutral ground where the president of Iran could also be present and where no one betrays anyone else, so that we can all understand the fundamental change that is about to be brought to mankind. Then let us talk about genuine world peace.
As I said in my Sunday interview in Los Angeles, let us convert the military factories of the US to provide resources for a US space organization, so that the tools of war become the craft of universal peace.
The aircraft carriers of the US will become nothing but floating bathtubs if our Magravs technology is used effectively, and the runways full of F16s and 18s and so on will be nothing but runway museums of iron birds, as these craft will not be able to fly if their electronic systems are once touched by Magravs space technology. These crafts and battleships would have to be rewired from A to Z before they could ever operate again.
President Obama, we invite you to understand this change and to let us show you the technology that is bringing it about. Then we invite you to the table of world peace.
Please sign a decree for genuine peace and not a gagging order for science and technology, which your people understand fully what we have developed as they try to protect the pride of your nation.
This is not a question of the pride of one group or country, but pride for all of us in the advancement of the human race to new levels of understanding of the universal order of creation, in which we each have our place.
Your Ambassador and Consul in Belgium have direct access to me from our previous talks and correspondence with them and would pass on any communication.
With kindest regards from a peace loving man who has developed this powerful technology for the good of mankind.”
Further forecast note: For years now, Mehran Keshe has offered this technology for the benefit of ALL humankind. However, the dark-side has cheated humanity out of what rightly belongs to us ALL, a workable energy source that cannot be controlled by 'them'.
THIS WEEK, enjoy the greening land around you. Celebrate with the Nature this sacred time of renewal and growth. And smile for no reason at all.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com ~
Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
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