Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Coffee Time Magic

No, we're not talking Starbucks here. Although, I must admit a weakness for their grocery store mocha blend. And the ice cream ain't bad either. Rather yummy luxurious, actually. However, if coffee doesn't have a lot of chocolate and cream in it, forget about it.
Okay, Title Magicians, I'm posting because my name is on the schedule and I didn't know if our ATIV Winner was posting today. With my absolute blessing, please feel free to blog today, Helen.
In lieu of anything else I'll share a snippet of my virgin review from Coffee Time Romance. Nope, you're not getting the number of steaming cups, unless you check out the full review. I'm going with the positive caffeine-happy approach here.
ISBN#: 1606010131
March 2008
Siren Publishing ~
E-Book ~ $3.99 ~ 148 Pages ~ Fantasy Romance
"This story is very erotic and sensual, with a ferocious carnal appetite that can never be appeased. The syntax is extraordinary, and flows with an almost poetic feel. I do feel, however, that the constant sexual pleasures are somewhat overpowering to the plot line of the story. This being said, I very much want to read Part II, the continuation of Sheridan and Zag’s story. Ms. Kougar has an amazing way with words that very few authors could pull off, and she does so brilliantly."
Lototy ~ Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance
Coffee hot smooch from the Kougar...


Anitra Lynn McLeod said...

What a great review, Sav! I like the cover art on this novel just as much as the one for Red Lioness Tamed.

Savanna Kougar said...

Anitra, you are so kind! I'm actually having David Burton, the cover artist for Red Lioness, paint the cover art for Pleasures of Blue Lotus Oil, Book II, since a more voluptuous cover model image couldn't be found by Jinger, the Siren cover artist.
When I searched I couldn't find one either.

Anitra Lynn McLeod said...

I think more subtle but sensual cover art is a good thing. Some people really are put off by too sexy covers and I thought this artist really captured the essence of the novel without going over the top. The artist who did RLT would be great to do your next one: capturing the passion but keeping with your story theme. Honestly, I can't wait to see what your next cover will be!

And yet again, it seems to be you and me today. Sigh. I guess everyone is jet-lagged and job-lagged. Hopefully, they come back soon. Not that I mind chatting with you as you are so entertaining, but I kinda miss everyone chiming in. :)

However, this does give us the opportunity to continue with our plans of world domination. ;)

I would like to add that I want heated towels after my shower. Yes, it's a small thing, but after living in the brutal Utah winter, I would really like to get out of the shower and into a pre-warmed towel.

Gee, I don't think I ask for much, considering if I were ruler of the world I could demand diamond encrusted shoes. But those sound crunchy and uncomfortable. I would be a most benevolent ruler who asks for tiny comfort things. Like heated towels for me, and a heated bed for my dog. She has arthritis and a heated bed would really help. I wouldn't demand human sacrifices or anything. Maybe just pizza rolls on Friday. :)

Savanna Kougar said...

I know what you mean, my World Dominatin Partner, I miss everyone chiming in too.
Hey, heated towels, but do command it, and it shall be accomplished. Perhaps on our way to rulership, however -- have you seen those oil-filled heaters? Mom and I get those because the house isn't evenly heated. But they're great for draping your towel over. Voila, warm when you step out of the shower with no worries about burning the place down.
If you can find a heating pad that won't auto turn off, just turn on low and place under your doggie's bed, unless she'll chew the cord.
Not into the sacrifice thing either, human or animal.
Hey, pizza rolls, there must be a cute chef out there willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good by creating those special pizza rolls! We should guarantee him cooking immortality.

Anitra Lynn McLeod said...

Ah, yeah! Great suggestion for the heated towels! As for my puppy, I did get her one of those foam memory beds that uses her own heat to warm back at her and she seems to really love it but I just wanted more. Hey, since I'm a ruler of the world, I can demand more. :)

Oh, and for the pizza rolls, I want Gordon Ramsay to make them! Hey, if I'm a world ruler, I want the best! :)

Savanna Kougar said...

O do demand! I say, have it your way. O partner in World Dominion. If Gordon is your choice, we shall chant with united voice.
O pizza roll, o divine pizza roll, we demand the very best. And none shall be allowed their rest, until the perfect pizza roll from Gordon's own hand, arrives to you by your very sweet and fierce demand.

Anitra Lynn McLeod said...

LOL! Isn't there a dance that goes with the chant? Something like the Hoky Poky? One foot in, one foot out . . . ;)