I'm delighted to welcome Nancy Haddock as our guest blogger this Friday. Nancy writes fun vampire mysteries. La Vida Vampire, the first book in her new series, will be released on April first. Congratulations Nancy! Check out the wonderful cover.
Good Friday, Title Magic readers! I’m sooo delighted to be guest blogging with this outstanding group of American Title Contest finalists! They have The Power!
“The power of what?” you might ask.
For starters, they have the power of the paranormal in their writing. That’s right! Romance promises a brighter future, and the paranormal element in romance -- or in any genre -- brings a touch of mysticism and magic into our lives.
What is your favorite paranormal element in a book? Preternatural beings, such as vampires, faeries, or dragons?
Do you like your paranormal flavor in the form of witches or wizards? What kinds of magical abilities would you claim for your own? Throwing fireballs, making love potions, casting wealth spells?
If you love the paranormal of psychic phenomenon, would you choose to be clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient?
I’ll be honest. My wildest fantasies aren’t about men. Nope, mine are about paranormal powers. I had a blast mixing and matching paranormal abilities in my upcoming release, LA VIDA VAMPIRE, but I have two favorites I didn’t give my main characters.
The first is teleportation! Yep, I want to be able to teleport – and not just to avoid the whole airport scene, or the increasingly expensive not-so-friendly-skies. I want to teleport simply so that I don’t have to pack for trips. Not only would teleporting get me where I want to go, it would let me pop home if I forgot my favorite hairbrush. Handy, huh?
My second paranormal ability – my back up if the whole teleporting thing didn’t work out – is to change clothes with a snap of my fingers. A new outfit appears, the old one goes into the ethereal cleaners, and all without setting foot in a clothing store!
Fun as it is to fantasize about paranormal powers -- and to give our characters a whole slew of them! -- the truth is that we often forget the powers that already reside within each of us. One of those is the power of choice. The American Title Contest finalists exercised their power to submit their work, and in a very public forum! This couldn’t have been easy, but they chose to seize the opportunity. They have The Power!
Next time you’re enjoying a paranormal romance, and really digging the powers the author has given the characters, remember you, too, have the power! Oh, and if you learn the secret of teleporting, give me a call. I’ve got a pot of gold with your name on it!
Nancy Haddock’s debut book, LA VIDA VAMPIRE, is a paranormal mystery romance, the first in a new series from Berkley. LA VIDA VAMPIRE will be released on April 1, 2008 in trade paperback. Nancy gives presentations on the Power of Persistence and other topics, and is currently persisting in her quest to re-learn surfing. To enter her monthly, “Where’s Cesca” contest, visit http://www.nancyhaddock.com/, and click on the Beach Party page.
Good Friday, Title Magic readers! I’m sooo delighted to be guest blogging with this outstanding group of American Title Contest finalists! They have The Power!
“The power of what?” you might ask.
For starters, they have the power of the paranormal in their writing. That’s right! Romance promises a brighter future, and the paranormal element in romance -- or in any genre -- brings a touch of mysticism and magic into our lives.
What is your favorite paranormal element in a book? Preternatural beings, such as vampires, faeries, or dragons?
Do you like your paranormal flavor in the form of witches or wizards? What kinds of magical abilities would you claim for your own? Throwing fireballs, making love potions, casting wealth spells?
If you love the paranormal of psychic phenomenon, would you choose to be clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient?
I’ll be honest. My wildest fantasies aren’t about men. Nope, mine are about paranormal powers. I had a blast mixing and matching paranormal abilities in my upcoming release, LA VIDA VAMPIRE, but I have two favorites I didn’t give my main characters.
The first is teleportation! Yep, I want to be able to teleport – and not just to avoid the whole airport scene, or the increasingly expensive not-so-friendly-skies. I want to teleport simply so that I don’t have to pack for trips. Not only would teleporting get me where I want to go, it would let me pop home if I forgot my favorite hairbrush. Handy, huh?
My second paranormal ability – my back up if the whole teleporting thing didn’t work out – is to change clothes with a snap of my fingers. A new outfit appears, the old one goes into the ethereal cleaners, and all without setting foot in a clothing store!
Fun as it is to fantasize about paranormal powers -- and to give our characters a whole slew of them! -- the truth is that we often forget the powers that already reside within each of us. One of those is the power of choice. The American Title Contest finalists exercised their power to submit their work, and in a very public forum! This couldn’t have been easy, but they chose to seize the opportunity. They have The Power!
Next time you’re enjoying a paranormal romance, and really digging the powers the author has given the characters, remember you, too, have the power! Oh, and if you learn the secret of teleporting, give me a call. I’ve got a pot of gold with your name on it!
Nancy Haddock’s debut book, LA VIDA VAMPIRE, is a paranormal mystery romance, the first in a new series from Berkley. LA VIDA VAMPIRE will be released on April 1, 2008 in trade paperback. Nancy gives presentations on the Power of Persistence and other topics, and is currently persisting in her quest to re-learn surfing. To enter her monthly, “Where’s Cesca” contest, visit http://www.nancyhaddock.com/, and click on the Beach Party page.
LA VIDA VAMPIRE is a RT 4 1/2 stars Top Pick for April.
Mega congratulations, Nancy. I'm thrilled for you. Helen
Nancy hi!
You can put me down for the teleport power, when you get it (and Trish too?) as we both hate to fly.
I'm intrigued by the title of the new book - is there a story on that?
Thank you so much for being with us today. Thought provoking blog!
Teleporting would be great, but I think my first choice of superpower would be invisibility. I can imagine having a lot of fun with that one. The other one that might be interesting is the ability to stop time like Piper can in Charmed. Not sure how that would help me in my life as I don't regularly have demons attacking me like she does. Would be useful when I'm late, though.
Hey Nancy
I’m with you on those two wished for powers. How often I’ve thought when packing for a trip, if I could just snap my fingers and be there I’d be so much happier about going!
Looking forward to reading Cesca's story!
Thanks for blogging with us! I've had dreams of flying since I was a wee little girl, and, always, I hit things--the tops of trees, electric lines, and so on. I would just love to soar without getting hurt (wouldn't Freud have a field day with all this)?
Hi Evonne!
LA VIDA did have a different title to begin with. While writing one day, I saw the heroine, Cesca, dancing around her room to the Ricky Martin song, "Livin' la Vida Loca." The words in Cesca's version were, "Livin' la vida vampire," and, since it fit both my character and my setting, a new title was born.
I love it when this kind of thing happens, don't you?!
Ooooh, Helen, stopping time is another good power! Invisibility, too. Now that would've come in handy when my children were teenagers!
And, hey, who has to worry about what you're wearing if you're invisible. Hmmm. I'm always up for doing less laundry!
Thank you for inviting me here, Helen. I truly am in awe of all the American Title finialists, present and past!
Happy Leap Day, Nancy! I can't wait for the book...I'm so happy for you! Who is your favorite character in La Vida Vampire?
Hiya, Nancy! Welcome to TM!
I'm so with you on the teleportation thing. The hubs and I were long distance for a while in college and often lamented the lack of a transporter instead of a five-hour drive to see each other. :-P
Congrats on the great RT review! I'm looking forward to La Vida Vampire!
Kay, hi! Everyone, meet Kay Thomas, the woman who gave Cesca her name!
La Vida was conceived from an idea sparked by a peanut butter commercial, but Kay suggested the name Francesca, and Cesca was born. Kay would have my eternal love for that one reason -- that is, if there weren't so many more reasons to love her.
And, Kay has recently sold her first book - woo-hoo!
Oh, yes, Kay. Snap our fingers and be there! No more packing!
Lexie, I'm still checkling about your Freud comment!
I still have those flying dreams, and I still hit those same things you do -- trees, poles, power lines. I'd sure like to get the knack of that! Let me know if you do!
Hi Misty!
Happy Leap Day to you, too, and thank you so much for stopping by to comment!
Since LA VIDA is written in first person, my favorite character would have to be Cesca, followed by "Shalimar" Millie. I love Cesca's enthusiasm for her new afterlife, her determination, and her loyalty. Millie is a kick because she's a golden girl who is simply herself.
Then again, I'm pretty wild about Deke Saber. He can dance with me anytime!
Have a marvelous Leap Day TGIF!
Hi Mel!
Wow, a five hour drive to see each other? That's love!
Given the choice, would you teleport direct or have a transporter? Just curious.
Thank you for your congrats on the RT review, Mel. I am very excited about it, and feel most blessed!
Heya Nancy!
Well, the joke was always about Scotty and his transporter, but anything instant would do.
Flying sans plane is right out unless there's some magical extra something that protects you from the elements. I always imagined Superman landing cold and wet. But that's just me! :-)
Mel, I always thought the same thing about Superman. Oh, and how the wind didn't sting his eyes!
Live long and prosper, Mel!
Hi Nancy, what a great blog. I bet my daughter would give a lot for the power to change clothes at the snap of her fingers.
I'll remember the power of perseverance when I'm tempted to give up but I wish I had the power to wave my hand on a finished manuscript and see it polished. LOL.
Teleporting reminds me of Aladin riding his magic carpet.
In a horror story by Edgar Allan Poe, the bad guy had the power to look at people and freeze them into statues.
Hi Mona!
Laughing about daughters changing clothes with a snap of the fingers. At least they'd never be wearing the same thing their friends were wearing!
Oooh, and the power to stop anyone with a look? Another handy power for a mom!
You have a awesome web site, Mona. Title Magic readers, but sure to check out Mona's books!
Love your blog, amazed at your ability to write about powers. Any tips on how you do it? Me, I'd love to write a fantasy, I even have a plot and characters for a trilogy, but the dang power and how to weave it into a book is stumping me. Great seeing you and way to go on your wonderful review!
Diana Cosby
Nancy, I'm lost in all the wonderful comments. Sorry, I'll get my thinking cap back on.
Happy Leap Day everyone. Gotta luv those powers. The transport thing would be marvelous. I've daydreamed about that, and written it in stories. But I think in this day and age, I would like the power to erase the memory of the bad guys. Get stopped by a cop determined to taser you without justification, just erase the memory that you were ever there. And erase the memory of all the cameras, etc.
Lexie, ah, those flying dreams. Mine aren't as often as yours -- and I have had encounters with those power lines, and monstrous trees, but fortunately I've been able to avoid them at the last minute.
Nancy, Your novel just sounds fantastic. Luv your heroine's name and the Title. It is amazing how the paranormal realm is one our side when we're writing about it. At least, my experience.
Biggie congrats on your RT review! That is soooo exciting!
My daughter already has the power to change her outfit with a snap of her fingers--or at least you'd think so the number of times she changes in a day. Unfortunately the clothes don't go into an alternate world to be cleaned. They land on the floor and eventually make their way to the washing basket.
Hello, Nancy!
Hmmm... Teleportation would rank up there for sure! I'd also like to help people channel the powers of manifestation -- like the Title Magic group has done! :)
Thanks for such a fun post!
Hi Diana!
How to assign powers and weave them into a book? Darn good question! I gave Cesca psychic ability to set her apart from all the other town girls the head vampire might've picked out to turn. I twisted that a bit by having her powers short out during certain moon phases.
As for the rest of the paranormal powers, I assigned them to the characters to see how they fit. If one didn't work, I tried another until the mix felt right.
It would've been easier to start with better defined roles for the minor characters, lay on the power I needed them to have to play their parts, and be done with it. Leave it to me to go the long way around!
BTW, if ya'll haven't read Diana's book HIS CAPTIVE, I highly recommend it. Highly!!! There's a lovely little touch of magic in the book, and a ton of magic in Diana's writing!
Hi Savanna!
Thank you so much for your warm wishes on the RT review, and for your other compliments!
Memory erasing would be another handy power -- good one, Savanna! I can see lots of possibilities for that!
Have a lovely weekend, and thank you for stopping by and commenting!
Rolling, Helen! Clothes should most definitely go into an alternate universe for cleaning!
Say I as I run a load of towels. (grins!)
Hi, Jenn!
The power of manifestation! Yes, Jenn! One of those powers we all have, but don't use nearly to our full potential often enough!
Everyone, Jenn uses some of her power to teach several awesome classes, including one on branding. If you get a chance to take this class, jump on it!
Just a note -
I'll continue to answer posts as I can. I've run into problems loading the page a few times this evening -- server error. Please bear with me!
Hi Nancy! Thanks so much for posting with us today. I've always wanted the ability to overcharge those booming car stereos. You know, those thumper-bumper car stereos that blast so much low bass your ear drums bleed? Ya. I'd love the ability to fry the circuits on those babies! The next time the kid next door comes home at 3 am with the stereo going full blast--pop! :) But for now, I'll have to settle for my ability to make it rain by either washing my car or hanging out my laundry. It's a fairly common paranormal ability but I'll take what I can get! :)
Anitra, I LOVE your favorite power to blast the blasters!
And washing the car to make it rain? Another good one. With all these stellar ideas, I see a whole series taking shape!
It's been a pure pleasure to post with the women of Title Magic, and I applaud you all!
Ack, I'm late to the party. Nancy, I love that cover. I'm putting it on my to-buy list now because I love vampire books.
I LOVE the idea of teleportation, especially since I'm scared to death of flying -- as Evonne mentioned in her initial response to your post.
Have to admit it'd be really cool to be invincible too, like Superman (well, except for that whole Kryptonite thing).
Helen had a great idea with the invisibility. The heroine in my American Title book has that ability, and I have to admit it'd be really neat. I'd be the world's best covert agent. :)
I'm even later to the party :(. Nancy, your book looks absolutely fabulous. Great cover!
Helen, I like your idea about stopping time. I think I'd like the power to stretch it out - add about five more hours to every day!
I'm even later to the party :(. Nancy, your book looks absolutely fabulous. Great cover!
Helen, I like your idea about stopping time. I think I'd like the power to stretch it out - add about five more hours to every day!
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