Pulled an old classic out of the Book Room the other week: Blue Highways by William Least Heat Moon, circa 1982. Briefly, Willy had just lost his job and was having a midlife crisis, so he went for an extended drive around the back roads of America. By the end of the trip he had a whole new attitude, and a book.
What a great idea. Maybe not so much these days, given the price of gas, but still an attractive and even doable fantasy. Who hasn’t dreamed of just taking off in search of the elusive “America”? And writing about your experiences, if you’re so inclined.
People have traveled our country’s back roads by vehicle, on foot, on horseback, by bike, and with and without a companion or dog, and shared their discoveries in print so the rest of us don’t have to leave the couch. “Road trip” movies still show up in the theaters from time to time.
I love road trips. I’ve driven cross-country twice, though not at the leisurely pace described in these books. I had a destination and a timetable. I was also a lot younger. I’m not sure I could handle eight to nine hours behind the wheel these days. (I’ve driven close to 14, but home was at the end of the line in those cases.)
There’s also the matter of gender. Rereading the book after 20-odd years, I still think today what I thought back then: I couldn’t do this trip the way he did because I’m female. Willy drove on deserted roads and went into bars to talk to people and slept in the back of his van. He’d wander alone into the most remote locations our country has to offer and somebody else would be there. Yet nothing happened to him. That’s because he’s male. Even today a man can go places and enter into situations that a woman just can’t. A man walks into a bar; big deal. A woman walks into a bar and has to be careful who she talks to or even smiles at or she could wind up like Jodie Foster in The Accused. When I drove cross-country, I stuck to interstates and public places, got off the road by dark, and slept in motels. (Even that came with risks; at one place in Nebraska the woman at the desk gave me a room at the far end, clear across the building from the room being shared by a bunch of construction workers. She didn’t want any problems and neither did I.)
I did get to see, and buy a burger in, the world’s largest McDonald’s, a massive structure in Oklahoma spanning a six-lane highway like a high-calorie bridge. I’ve stood on a deserted stretch of the fabled Route 66. It looked hardly wide enough for even one car, let alone oncoming traffic. I should have detoured to Roswell, New Mexico and checked for aliens, but I was on a schedule.
This is why we owe a debt of thanks to people like William Least Heat Moon, who do the things we can’t because of time or money or gender constraints, and then write a book so we can vicariously share the journey with them. Thanks to these wanderer/writers, everybody gets to road trip.
I’ve love to see an update of this book, or visit some of the sites myself, just to see how many are still there. Maybe when one of my books hits the big time I’ll load up the car with pens, notebooks and the laptop and hit the road for a month. No sleeping in the car, though, and no wandering the streets after dark. I draw the line at that.
I suppose it would help if I wrote more books so I’ll have a better chance of one of them earning enough bucks to finance this. With any luck, the price of gas will have dropped by then. In the meantime, I wonder if the library has a copy of A Walk Across America?
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
Angelic Forecast from Volcano ~ February 25, 2013
Weekly Angelic Forecast from Volcano
Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...
Angelic Forecast ~ #234
Indiana Jones Rises and Rides Again ... this adventurous spirit rises again at this critical juncture in humanity's evolving history/herstory. For, this fictional archetype is one of the strongest aspects of humanity's soul and heart, and will not be denied.
This will mean wholesale discoveries of artifacts that reveal the true story of the ancient past on Earth. Even now, major battles are brewing between 'those' who want humanity to know this past -- to see these ancient upon ancient devices and treasures -- and 'those' who want to keep these newly uncovered, priceless secrets to themselves. Their goal is to profit from the advanced technology of the ancient gods, while keeping humanity oppressed and dumbed down.
On the magickal, mystical front, the Mages of Ages Lost combat the de-souling of humanity, strategically countering the dark-side elite. Most of these Ages Lost' magickal ones are either women, or men who work with the Divine Feminine forces.
Currently, the Mages, who have been born in this time, are unaware of themselves. But, will begin to awaken, and fast. However, those with this past magickal wisdom, who are aware, will be reaching out to anyone who desires the connection, and intends GOOD.
On the personal front, this is a week for contemplation and reflection. That is, in those spare moments during the constant business most of us face daily.
Quiet spaces will become your friend now. Take advantage of each and every soft gentle moment.
As society changes in quantum leaps and bounds now, keep a watch out for opportunities to prosper, and improve your life. The pouring out of wisdom like the pouring waters that signify the Aquarian Age, will become one way to help others, and help yourself. Be generous with your wisdom, and accept the generosity of others.
On the paranormal front, supernatural beings and forces emerge, making themselves known to each individual, and to society at large. Yet, a terrible suppression of these *truths* begins. The dark-side elite loose their goon squads and assassination teams.
The unsealing and revealing of Antarctica, the WWII Nazi base with saucers and laser tech, as encountered by Admiral Byrd. Currently, it belongs to the one of the breakaway civilizations. *YOUTUBE VID: Third Reich - Operation UFO (Nazi Base In Antarctica) Complete Documentary*
Many now realize that WWII history as told in text books, movies, and gov-approved tomes, is mostly spoon fed LIES. This week, this month, watch for news snippets about Antarctica.
Bigfoot DNA: From UNKNOWN COUNTRY ~ "Then they go even deeper: why the frantically hostile scientific response to what is, after all, a set of findings that emerge out of ordinary, non-controversial DNA analysis done by established labs?" ~unknowncountry.com/special/bigfoot-dna-backstory-what-really-happening~
On the economic front, this week, and for the coming weeks, keep some cash on hand, fill your gas tank if needed, and do your best to get your financial affairs in order.
In the near future, there could be some banking problems and/or extreme weather conditions--or a catastrophe like a severe earthquake. It is also wise to keep only enough in a bank to pay bills--for most of us, that is.
At this time, the worldwide economy is being slaughtered by the dark-side powers that be. Their bankster gangster minions want the people demonstrating in the streets 'begging' for a global currency, and for a totalitarian regime.
Meanwhile, in 'one' more inhumane way, the taxpayers are being royally screwed: Why Should Taxpayers Give Big Banks $83 Billion a Year ~bloomberg.com/ news/ 2013-02-20/ why-should-taxpayers-give-big-banks-83-billion-a-year-.html~
On the truth front, this week, TRUTH spotlights the cockroach robber barons among us, and the poisonous snakes with malevolent intent. You will recognize these psychopaths masquerading as human beings, by their deadly fruits and deeds. If you look.
On the war front, this will be a week where power shifts hands many times between warring factions and the major nations. This is being orchestrated on purpose to further confuse the people, and muddy the blood-letting waters of the new world order crowd.
At this time, interventions by the Benevolents, the White Hats, and the Good Side Force, will begin at such a high rate, it will be a shock and awe operation against the dark-siders.
However, this will not be noticed by the public at large until several years past. In part, because the presstitute media only follows orders. Also, more hell breaks loose in many of the war theaters.
Out of this, what is known as 'project blue beam' *could* be loosed upon the people soon. The message: the alien gods are here. Bow down, people of Earth.
From a prior forecast: "Project Blue Beam, a fake alien invasion and/or contact, could be rolled out within the next six months by the military industrial complex crowd. Whatever is hyped in any way around the ET progenitors of humanity will be FAKE!"
On the tyranny-at-work front, sadly, people who are innocent, who have done nothing, who are only going about their daily lives... WILL NOW be targeted, more and more, by law enforcement agencies -- as if they are prey to be taken down, then devoured by the system.
Now is the time to be aware, and take care. If you cannot slay the monster after you, stay out of its way. If necessary, run!
On the AWAKENING front, as never before, the spiritually powerful are calling forth mighty healing and helping miracles. For, the war on human consciousness escalates. Guard yourself against those in the establishment who would reduce you to a childlike borg.
On the communication front, a communication mishmash as Mercury goes retrograde. This means both in your personal life, and on the world stage. You might find you need to repeat yourself more often.
Plus, e-devices could misfire from the snake-like waves coming from the sun that are being under reported. As well, the cyber hacking wars continue, which will likely interfere with the internet.
As well, HEADLINE ~stevequayle.com~ Temporary tattoos could make ‘electronic telepathy,’ ‘telekinesis’ possible Temporary electronic tattoos could soon help people fly drones with only thought and talk seemingly telepathically without speech over smartphones
On the home front, Comes the time of the Desperado ... once weapons confiscation begins, it will be realized quickly that the 'real target' are those who are the standup men and women -- those who are the expert fighters and shooters -- not their cache of guns.
If you haven't, those with weapons expertise, now is the time to go Swamp Fox. "General Francis Marion *The Swamp Fox* used guerilla war tactics to outwit the British troops during the American Revolution."
On the food front, the more we all purchase the good healthy foods, and ignore BIG AGRA and GMO/GM frankenfoods, the faster there will be a renaissance of foods that nourish the body, heart, mind, and soul.
As was known in the ancient world: food is medicine.
On the land changes front, 'sinkholes' will be front and center for the next month. Likely, the strange trumpeting and the unexplained explosive sounds will ramp up again.
The comets, they come. But, are they merely comets?
AGAIN: Same ole... same ole, to repeat from last week: "all HELL is about to break loose over the next six months. Volcanoes, major and swarm earthquakes, superstorms, massive flooding, superspeed winds, volcanic eruptions beneath the oceans. Asteroids and comets, omy!
Also, gigantic sun flares or CMEs ~coronal mass ejections~ will be licking at the Earth's atmosphere like great serpentine tongues tasting prey before deciding whether to devour. Be prepared to stay indoors, if necessary."
On the energy front, this year, If the Power Goes Out... that is, if there is a massive outage that is not storm-related. If it's not a CME from the sun, direct the blame where it belongs, the corp-gov dark siders. Any so-called terrorists the administration will trot out, or whatever the scenario is they attempt to shove down our collective throats, will be just another set of lies.
On the really bad news front, given the mass mailing to Veterans telling them to turn in their guns, injustice now reigns in the country unchecked. Thus, the breaking point could be close -- from civil unrest to possible civil war.
No, there is no need for this scenario. It's not what the majority of 'the people' want. However, the dark-side controllers are using every diabolical trick and strategy to force conflict and war upon the people -- while making it appear as though the victim is the culprit.
On the good news front, over 400 county sheriffs are now on the side of the people, and have stated they will keep their oath to the constitution.
Also, behind the scenes, there are many on-the-good-side renegades preparing for what may come with their inventions, and ways to live off the grid.
On the global mafia cabal front, The Treachery at the Top Begins ... the soulless ones in control of the world economy, have always been in competition with each other. However, like mafia infighting, their treachery with each other will increase dramatically.
How could this play out?
Look for mass resignations, as has already occurred, in the financial realm ... a lot more professional hits, or so-called suicides, in the political/financial/religious/bio-tech/astronomy world.
There will likely be more chaos in the stock markets and the banking system, and an escalation in the gold and currency wars. More war bombardment, and off the chart drone strikes on the flimsiest of excuses. Also, the tenfold use of the innocent as pawns in *their* endless wars.
There could be whistleblowers airing dirty laundry in the brain-drain media, as well. Stay tuned.
Because the unbelievable is about to happen. Some of it will be spotlighted on the world stage.
On the freedom front, Let another Year of Miracles and Mayhem Begin. As the flames of freedom spread worldwide, racing ever stronger, ever fiercer -- as liberty seizes the hearts and minds of humanity everywhere, look out! This is the real 'reality show' on planet Earth.
Trendwise, stranger and stranger, and even stranger ... those times are upon us -- the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful in the extreme.
It has arrived. The time has come to batten down the hatches and hang on to those you love and trust. Dare to prepare as best as you are able. Help others who are doing the same. This will build good relationships for the future.
Another trend ... sadly, in the next several months a 'major but subtle' campaign will begin to eventually eliminate pet ownership -- except for the privileged few, of course. Every deception and lie in the book will be used to justify this soul-rending crime against humanity and animals.
KNOW THIS! Our pets want to be with us. Many in the animal kingdom want to befriend us, and be in loving partnership. This is the desire of Mother Earth, as well -- just as it once was upon this blue marble planet.
This week dance to the rhythms of your heart, your soul. The music will be within you, and will also be the music that catches your attention, what resonates with you the most. Enjoy!
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com ~
Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...
Angelic Forecast ~ #234
Indiana Jones Rises and Rides Again ... this adventurous spirit rises again at this critical juncture in humanity's evolving history/herstory. For, this fictional archetype is one of the strongest aspects of humanity's soul and heart, and will not be denied.
This will mean wholesale discoveries of artifacts that reveal the true story of the ancient past on Earth. Even now, major battles are brewing between 'those' who want humanity to know this past -- to see these ancient upon ancient devices and treasures -- and 'those' who want to keep these newly uncovered, priceless secrets to themselves. Their goal is to profit from the advanced technology of the ancient gods, while keeping humanity oppressed and dumbed down.
On the magickal, mystical front, the Mages of Ages Lost combat the de-souling of humanity, strategically countering the dark-side elite. Most of these Ages Lost' magickal ones are either women, or men who work with the Divine Feminine forces.
Currently, the Mages, who have been born in this time, are unaware of themselves. But, will begin to awaken, and fast. However, those with this past magickal wisdom, who are aware, will be reaching out to anyone who desires the connection, and intends GOOD.
On the personal front, this is a week for contemplation and reflection. That is, in those spare moments during the constant business most of us face daily.
Quiet spaces will become your friend now. Take advantage of each and every soft gentle moment.
As society changes in quantum leaps and bounds now, keep a watch out for opportunities to prosper, and improve your life. The pouring out of wisdom like the pouring waters that signify the Aquarian Age, will become one way to help others, and help yourself. Be generous with your wisdom, and accept the generosity of others.
On the paranormal front, supernatural beings and forces emerge, making themselves known to each individual, and to society at large. Yet, a terrible suppression of these *truths* begins. The dark-side elite loose their goon squads and assassination teams.
The unsealing and revealing of Antarctica, the WWII Nazi base with saucers and laser tech, as encountered by Admiral Byrd. Currently, it belongs to the one of the breakaway civilizations. *YOUTUBE VID: Third Reich - Operation UFO (Nazi Base In Antarctica) Complete Documentary*
Many now realize that WWII history as told in text books, movies, and gov-approved tomes, is mostly spoon fed LIES. This week, this month, watch for news snippets about Antarctica.
Bigfoot DNA: From UNKNOWN COUNTRY ~ "Then they go even deeper: why the frantically hostile scientific response to what is, after all, a set of findings that emerge out of ordinary, non-controversial DNA analysis done by established labs?" ~unknowncountry.com/special/bigfoot-dna-backstory-what-really-happening~
On the economic front, this week, and for the coming weeks, keep some cash on hand, fill your gas tank if needed, and do your best to get your financial affairs in order.
In the near future, there could be some banking problems and/or extreme weather conditions--or a catastrophe like a severe earthquake. It is also wise to keep only enough in a bank to pay bills--for most of us, that is.
At this time, the worldwide economy is being slaughtered by the dark-side powers that be. Their bankster gangster minions want the people demonstrating in the streets 'begging' for a global currency, and for a totalitarian regime.
Meanwhile, in 'one' more inhumane way, the taxpayers are being royally screwed: Why Should Taxpayers Give Big Banks $83 Billion a Year ~bloomberg.com/ news/ 2013-02-20/ why-should-taxpayers-give-big-banks-83-billion-a-year-.html~
On the truth front, this week, TRUTH spotlights the cockroach robber barons among us, and the poisonous snakes with malevolent intent. You will recognize these psychopaths masquerading as human beings, by their deadly fruits and deeds. If you look.
On the war front, this will be a week where power shifts hands many times between warring factions and the major nations. This is being orchestrated on purpose to further confuse the people, and muddy the blood-letting waters of the new world order crowd.
At this time, interventions by the Benevolents, the White Hats, and the Good Side Force, will begin at such a high rate, it will be a shock and awe operation against the dark-siders.
However, this will not be noticed by the public at large until several years past. In part, because the presstitute media only follows orders. Also, more hell breaks loose in many of the war theaters.
Out of this, what is known as 'project blue beam' *could* be loosed upon the people soon. The message: the alien gods are here. Bow down, people of Earth.
From a prior forecast: "Project Blue Beam, a fake alien invasion and/or contact, could be rolled out within the next six months by the military industrial complex crowd. Whatever is hyped in any way around the ET progenitors of humanity will be FAKE!"
On the tyranny-at-work front, sadly, people who are innocent, who have done nothing, who are only going about their daily lives... WILL NOW be targeted, more and more, by law enforcement agencies -- as if they are prey to be taken down, then devoured by the system.
Now is the time to be aware, and take care. If you cannot slay the monster after you, stay out of its way. If necessary, run!
On the AWAKENING front, as never before, the spiritually powerful are calling forth mighty healing and helping miracles. For, the war on human consciousness escalates. Guard yourself against those in the establishment who would reduce you to a childlike borg.
On the communication front, a communication mishmash as Mercury goes retrograde. This means both in your personal life, and on the world stage. You might find you need to repeat yourself more often.
Plus, e-devices could misfire from the snake-like waves coming from the sun that are being under reported. As well, the cyber hacking wars continue, which will likely interfere with the internet.
As well, HEADLINE ~stevequayle.com~ Temporary tattoos could make ‘electronic telepathy,’ ‘telekinesis’ possible Temporary electronic tattoos could soon help people fly drones with only thought and talk seemingly telepathically without speech over smartphones
On the home front, Comes the time of the Desperado ... once weapons confiscation begins, it will be realized quickly that the 'real target' are those who are the standup men and women -- those who are the expert fighters and shooters -- not their cache of guns.
If you haven't, those with weapons expertise, now is the time to go Swamp Fox. "General Francis Marion *The Swamp Fox* used guerilla war tactics to outwit the British troops during the American Revolution."
On the food front, the more we all purchase the good healthy foods, and ignore BIG AGRA and GMO/GM frankenfoods, the faster there will be a renaissance of foods that nourish the body, heart, mind, and soul.
As was known in the ancient world: food is medicine.
On the land changes front, 'sinkholes' will be front and center for the next month. Likely, the strange trumpeting and the unexplained explosive sounds will ramp up again.
The comets, they come. But, are they merely comets?
AGAIN: Same ole... same ole, to repeat from last week: "all HELL is about to break loose over the next six months. Volcanoes, major and swarm earthquakes, superstorms, massive flooding, superspeed winds, volcanic eruptions beneath the oceans. Asteroids and comets, omy!
Also, gigantic sun flares or CMEs ~coronal mass ejections~ will be licking at the Earth's atmosphere like great serpentine tongues tasting prey before deciding whether to devour. Be prepared to stay indoors, if necessary."
On the energy front, this year, If the Power Goes Out... that is, if there is a massive outage that is not storm-related. If it's not a CME from the sun, direct the blame where it belongs, the corp-gov dark siders. Any so-called terrorists the administration will trot out, or whatever the scenario is they attempt to shove down our collective throats, will be just another set of lies.
On the really bad news front, given the mass mailing to Veterans telling them to turn in their guns, injustice now reigns in the country unchecked. Thus, the breaking point could be close -- from civil unrest to possible civil war.
No, there is no need for this scenario. It's not what the majority of 'the people' want. However, the dark-side controllers are using every diabolical trick and strategy to force conflict and war upon the people -- while making it appear as though the victim is the culprit.
On the good news front, over 400 county sheriffs are now on the side of the people, and have stated they will keep their oath to the constitution.
Also, behind the scenes, there are many on-the-good-side renegades preparing for what may come with their inventions, and ways to live off the grid.
On the global mafia cabal front, The Treachery at the Top Begins ... the soulless ones in control of the world economy, have always been in competition with each other. However, like mafia infighting, their treachery with each other will increase dramatically.
How could this play out?
Look for mass resignations, as has already occurred, in the financial realm ... a lot more professional hits, or so-called suicides, in the political/financial/religious/bio-tech/astronomy world.
There will likely be more chaos in the stock markets and the banking system, and an escalation in the gold and currency wars. More war bombardment, and off the chart drone strikes on the flimsiest of excuses. Also, the tenfold use of the innocent as pawns in *their* endless wars.
There could be whistleblowers airing dirty laundry in the brain-drain media, as well. Stay tuned.
Because the unbelievable is about to happen. Some of it will be spotlighted on the world stage.
On the freedom front, Let another Year of Miracles and Mayhem Begin. As the flames of freedom spread worldwide, racing ever stronger, ever fiercer -- as liberty seizes the hearts and minds of humanity everywhere, look out! This is the real 'reality show' on planet Earth.
Trendwise, stranger and stranger, and even stranger ... those times are upon us -- the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful in the extreme.
It has arrived. The time has come to batten down the hatches and hang on to those you love and trust. Dare to prepare as best as you are able. Help others who are doing the same. This will build good relationships for the future.
Another trend ... sadly, in the next several months a 'major but subtle' campaign will begin to eventually eliminate pet ownership -- except for the privileged few, of course. Every deception and lie in the book will be used to justify this soul-rending crime against humanity and animals.
KNOW THIS! Our pets want to be with us. Many in the animal kingdom want to befriend us, and be in loving partnership. This is the desire of Mother Earth, as well -- just as it once was upon this blue marble planet.
This week dance to the rhythms of your heart, your soul. The music will be within you, and will also be the music that catches your attention, what resonates with you the most. Enjoy!
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com ~
Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Thursday, February 21, 2013
The Perils of Genre Hopping

So does this. Doing promo this time around was particularly difficult because in order to tell the story, I had to jump genres. Slayer is aimed at readers in their upper teens and beyond. There’s a little swearing, some violence and no sex. No problem there. The problems hit when I try to court readers, or direct potential buyers to my sites.
I’m on two blogs, this one and Shapeshifter Seductions. This one has a clear adult warning: nobody under 18. There goes a good chunk of Slayer’s target audience. The other site’s devoted to romantic shapeshifter flash fiction, which doesn’t apply to Slayer. Sometimes the flashfic gets racy. The kids might like that, but I doubt if their parents would.
It’s no better on my author sites. Let’s take a look at my pages on Amazon and BookStrand. I’ve got three mainstream shapeshifter romance novels, three erotic guy-on-guy books, and a M/M/F ménage that includes a woman having threeway sex with a man and a vampire, and sex between two guys. To this I’ve now added a book about a 19-year-old who learns how to kill vampires and has a sweet romance. I’m sure whatever readers I have left are scratching their heads by now.
That’s not counting the dozen or so SF and fantasy stories I wrote way back when that may still be floating around out there, or the story I had published in a recent anthology about serial killers. At least I had the sense to put a pen name on that one.
This, boys and girls, is called genre jumping. If you’re a writer, it’s one of the best ways you can go about shooting your career in the foot.
I hear a lot of talk about “branding” these days when it comes to writers and writing. Stephen King’s “brand” is horror. Sara Paretsky and Sue Grafton are “branded” as mystery writers. You want epic fantasy, head for the Tolkien shelf. Nicholas Sparks writes chick books. I’m not quite sure what James Patterson does because I’ve never read any of his stuff. Whatever it is, he’s selling tons of it. Like a fast-food franchise or hotel chain, people know what to expect from him, so he’s the one they go to when they’re in the mood for that.
What can my readers expect from me? Given my track record, chaos.
If you want to build a readership, you have to be consistent. You have to establish a brand. No flitting around from genre to genre, or even subgenre to subgenre. If you start out writing M/F contemporary and feel a hankering to write M/M or urban fantasy or M/M urban fantasy, put a pen name on it to differentiate. Otherwise the readers are liable to get confused. I was told this by a publisher, and it’s solid advice.
So how’d I do? Well, my backlist speaks for itself. My one “series” consists of a M/M, a M/M/F, and now a YA spinoff. The next book in the trilogy, if I ever complete it, is M/F. I can’t even stay consistent within a series.
I admit now I should have written the M/Ms under a different name. I thought if readers liked my writing they’d follow my name, not my subject matter. They followed Isaac Asimov, and he wrote in several genres (science fiction, mystery, nonfiction, whatever the hell he wanted to). Of course, he was Isaac Asimov and I’m not. I’ve since learned readers tend to specialize, with little crossover between genres or subgenres, even when they’re by the same writer. If we as writers want a healthy career, we have to specialize too.
Yeah. Good luck with that. With my series I’ve been following the characters, and this is where they led me. The characters called for a young-adult plotline, not erotica or even flat-out romance. This is the book I wanted to write and the way I wanted to write it. And now, as the saying goes, what do I do for an encore?
At the present time I have no idea what my next book will be. It might be another YA. It might be a romance. If it’s a romance, it could be either M/F or M/M, depending on whichever plot rises out of the muck. If it’s M/F, I’ll put a different byline on it, my nod to genre differentiation. Slayer came out under P. E. Cunningham, my SF/F name. I haven’t published in that genre for awhile, so there might be less confusion. Except the book I subbed to Harper Voyager’s open call was fantasy, and under that name. Oh crap.
Time for damage control. I’ll have to go back to an earlier plan, and use different names when I genre-hop. If that means I wind up with six different names and six different readerships, so be it. As long as I can earn gas and grocery money, I’m good. The hardest part will be the application of butt to chair so I can write the damn books, never mind what genre they are. And how is your life going?
Monday, February 18, 2013
Angelic Forecast from Volcano ~ February 18, 2013
Weekly Angelic Forecast from Volcano
Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...
Angelic Forecast ~ #233
Strange, and Stranger Times Are Upon Us ... now, it becomes wise to pay close attention to the way the world twists and turns. Know too, the serpentine path of events will be difficult to follow, and thus, to decipher.
Now, a mega-triggering of events begins across the globe. This 'triggering' will be from both the dark-side controllers and the good side liberators, and these events will be monstrous, to small unseen gamechangers.
Currently, final sides are being chosen, and the battle prepared for. Be aware of these media-covered-up undercurrents, or you could be pulled under.
On the magickal, mystical front, the forces and spirits of Nature reach out to those of us who love goodness and beauty. It is time to become close allies with Nature -- with the animals and the plant kingdom -- during the massive societal changes arriving in the near future.
Know this, cooperation will be our Divine salvation as upheavals of every sort quake the Earth.
On the personal front, a flashpoint week ahead. Several trends in your life could flash together, then combine or collide. Out of this, move fast when making key decisions.
This is likely to be true, especially when dealing with finances, or overall financial situations. However, now is 'not' the time to take chances with your basic resources.
On the paranormal front, he's alive, she's alive! That is, Bigfoot, or the Bigfeet people. Here's more evidence ~ HEADLINE: DNA Report Proves Bigfoot Is Real Say 11 Scientists Of 5 Year Study, published by the DeNovo Journal of Science.
This week, there will be ever more UFO sightings, and Mars is gradually coming out of the shadow-government closet. That is, the real truth about the red planet.
On the economic front, it's a chump's game from this point forward. This includes the entire financial establishment, despite the good people still involved.
Less and less trust in the stock market, and banks, will cause major shifts toward new ways of doing business. Wisely, people are deserting this on-the-way-to-the-bottom Titanic.
Meanwhile, the banks, and the Bankster Gangsters, will dangle enticements, meant to con the people into investing in the system. Remember, the presstitute media' experts are not your friend. And never were.
On the truth front, wisdom now reveals TRUTH. The old souls among us, and those with wise natures, begin releasing more hidden truths. As the year, 2013, progresses this information will shake, rattle, and roll humanity's core belief systems.
On the war front, this week, and ongoing, major confrontations between nations will continue in the 'staged' war theater. Likely North Korea will be hyped as the next up and coming BIG ENEMY.
However, the world-war battle behind the scenes is being fought using the horrific weapon of weather manipulation. Also, the use of satellite-based weaponry ramps up this week.
Once again, 'let's go to war' will be sold to the public as a good and necessary thing. NOTHING could be further from the truth.
On the tyranny-at-work front, the real snakes come sliding and slithering out of the global woodpile now. With their fake smiles, or their 'serious save the world' faces, the so-called world leaders who grab the spotlight this week, will 'speak with forked tongue'. As never before.
On the AWAKENING front, the major timeline convergence is here, and ongoing. Many Earth timelines are being joined in preparation for the grace and beauty of the new age. Or, the future that the new world order crowd doesn't want you know is possible.
On the communication front, 'trauma-drama-karma' ... this now becomes the realm of communication for many of us at this time. These old energies inside us now surface and swirl as humanity moves forward, and into the Aquarian Age.
For, this is how the path is cleared, toward what could be called the way of crystalline communication, that will occur between individuals, and like-minded groups.
On the home front, folks are getting testy for a whole range of good reasons. However, do your best 'not' to be cruel to those who 'don't' deserve it.
Do your best 'not' to pick on someone who can't fight back, as is happening now, even from those who don't realize what they're doing -- and wouldn't do it if they truly understood.
However, the time has come to go after 'those' who *do* deserve it. Enough is enough.
On the food front, one farmer attempts to slay the giant Monsanto in court. And raw milk proponents are taking on the establishment.
Meanwhile, Marijuana has been bastardized, turned into a GM franken-plant in South America. This means when legalization occurs, the HUGE profits will now go to the BIG GMO corporations, and the little businesses will be shut out. Also, this GM Marijuana is a health destroyer, not a health restorer as the Divine intended.
Here's another reminder! Stock up on as much good food and other supplies as you are able. You will be grateful you did in the future.
On the land changes front, Asteroids, Comets, Meteors Oh My! Here they come. However, to what quantity and frequency remains unknown, since there are 'forces' able to divert or destroy such celestial objects.
Same ole... same ole, to repeat from last week: "all HELL is about to break loose over the next six months. Volcanoes, major and swarm earthquakes, superstorms, massive flooding, superspeed winds, volcanic eruptions beneath the oceans. Asteroids and comets, omy!
Also, gigantic sun flares or CMEs ~coronal mass ejections~ will be licking at the Earth's atmosphere like great serpentine tongues tasting prey before deciding whether to devour. Be prepared to stay indoors, if necessary."
On the energy front, what are known as free energy, or Tesla-type devices, have been in use behind the scenes by the Military Industrial Complex for decades... at least.
Besides, the fact that metering this type of energy is impossible, and it's much easier to control/oppress people with a dark ages' oil economy... that stated, there is another nefarious reason why these devices are being suppressed.
Once this type of energy field is truly understand by the public, creating your own so-called flying saucer and/or flying car is no big deal. That means, a whole new level of freedom and prosperity. For, our destiny is in the stars.
On the really bad news front, the world is about to explode on many levels, beyond what has been happening already. Hang onto your tails, and your loved ones.
Make plans for as many contingencies as you can. And know, as the year progresses, it could come down to neighbor against neighbor in some circumstances, and areas.
On the good news front, more celestial help is on the way for humanity and for Mother Earth. The overall goodness of humanity shines forth more brightly, attracting beneficial assistance at this time.
Also, look for practical ways to improve your life with new products from smaller business enterprises. Much ingenuity is occurring, and will continue especially if supported by the people.
On the global mafia cabal front, the factional fighting happens at the highest levels now. One sign will be high profile resignations -- also, the disappearances and deaths of politicians, and top-echelon corporate types.
On the freedom front, The Warrior Spirit spreads throughout the land. Once again, the same 1776 revolutionary fervor seizes hold of the hearts, minds, and souls of those who say: "Don't Tread on Me". For, the rattlesnake awakens, and shakes his tail.
As well, there is a new Sheriff's movement sweeping across the country. *Come and Take It* counties throughout the land, are being declared, as opposed to *Bend Over and Take It* counties.
Meanwhile, the snake-in-the-grass media will continue demonizing everyone who believes 'true' freedom is a basic human right. While, maintaining their hypocritical reports on the Middle East 'freedom fighters'.
Trendwise, on the verge of civil conflict, it's here. The larger metropolitan areas will no longer be safe for many of us.
Meanwhile, the insane puppet dance of lies and deception continues, all to keep the public dumb enough, and entertained enough -- for long enough. At the same time, the preening emperor begins to fall from grace. Hard.
*Lunacy at Breakneck Speed* is the theme for the next four months, and sums up the current state of the world.
Across the planet, there is corruption in deed, corruption of the heart and soul, non-stop and accelerating deception, a lemmings mentality, raging tyrannical psychopaths on the loose -- rape, pillage, and plunder of the people unparalleled -- leaders who act like spoiled, demonic five year olds.
It's a world of trouble. Now is the time for ALL the good people to come together. Stand together. And create the world anew.
This is a perfect week to take walks and wax poetic, to mentally dance with your muse. Share with others, as you feel inspired.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com ~
Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Happy Valentine's Release Day! And Coming Soon...
It’s release time again! This Friday my YA Slayer for Hire comes out from Evernight Teen. It’s a spinoff from my books Belonging and Legacy, featuring the son and daughter of Wallace, Jeremy and Colleen. Basic plot: Rabid fangirl Billie finally meets the lead of her favorite show, only to discover he's a dick. His co-star, however, is one major hottie. The two fall in love while saving the star from real vampires. (BTW: Slayer for Hire is the name of the TV show. It's about two guys who hunt vampires. I should probably be sending Eric Kripke a percentage of my royalties.)
This was yet another case of sequelitis taking over. Once I figured out what happened to the kids, I had to write it down. Sometimes a story or characters just nags and nags at you until you have to commit it to paper. Writers live for those moments.
For those of you who read the first two books, thank you. For those of you who decide to follow this family into the next generation, thank you in advance. Looks like I’ve got a series going. If you want to find out how it finally ends, please see last week’s blog.
A word of warning: the first two books were M/M and M/M/F, respectively. Both contained explicit sex scenes. Slayer is a young adult book. The girl’s 19 years old. There are NO SEX SCENES. Let me repeat that: NO on-screen sex. It’s just two young people, a girl and a boy, discovering each other and finding lasting romance while protecting a TV star from his #1 vampire fan. Happens all the time when you’re that age.
And now, the action-scene excerpt:
# # #
The guy with the cross tattoo shook himself all over like a dog. Then he grinned at me with those big prosthetic teeth. His B.O. hit me with a stench like three-week-old hamburger. “You look tasty,” he said. He started toward me.
All of a sudden my sight of those scary teeth was blocked by a shapeless wool poncho. I never heard Dina run up. She just appeared between me and Tattoo Boy. They started to circle like dogs.
I backed out of reach, but didn’t run. I’d just seen this skinny guy toss Rolly like a basketball. Dina would need help. What I could do with no weapons, I had no idea. Kick, maybe? Worked on the hockey field.
That’s when I noticed Tattoo Boy’s eyes. When he’d grinned at me, they’d been blue. They were red now. I don’t mean bloodshot. I’m talking solid scarlet, with a black pit of pupil in the centers. He hadn’t had a chance to slip contacts in. My gut did a ten-story plummet. Reality had just run off the rails here.
He bared his pointy teeth at Dina and hissed.
She bared her own pointy teeth and hissed right back at him.
Okay. Totally freaked now.
In a move almost too fast to follow, Dina whipped off her poncho and flung it in Tattoo Boy’s fangy face. Under the poncho she had on a scoop-neck top, jeans, and a bandolier full of wooden stakes. She yanked one free. Once Tattoo Boy untangled himself from the poncho and flung it away, she dove in and rammed her stake into his chest.
He looked at the stake. Then he looked at her. His lips started to move. Before any words could form, lips, face and everything else cracked and crumbled and collapsed on the mall’s worn linoleum with a little puff.
I kept waiting for Rog to yell, “Cut.”
Dina calmly plucked another stake from her bandolier. She looked over at me. Her eyes were solid crimson.
“You might want to run now,” she suggested.
She left me before I could speak or scream, or do anything other than pant. I stared around at everything except that pile of ash on the floor, and realized our part of the mall was almost deserted. I glimpsed Matt, recognizable by his height, up at the other end, herding people toward the exits.
What about Dylan? Surely they’d gotten him to safety when this disaster started, right?
I ran, but not for the nearest exit. I headed for the spot where I’d last seen Dylan. Matt seemed to have his own safety under control, but I couldn’t cut out until I knew for sure Dylan was all right. What kind of fangirl would I be if I did?
But first, I detoured for the sporting goods store. I needed a weapon. I grabbed a hardwood baseball bat from the front-of-the store display. Not my first choice, but it was handy. Then I plunged toward the junkyard of abandoned cameras, dollies and cranes where Dylan had last been filming.
I didn’t see anyone around. Maybe they’d all got out. Then two shapes buzzed past me, so fast I only saw blurs, like the vampires on Slayer for Hire, just without the SFX.
Trust me, I did not like how the evidence was mounting up.
The blurs slowed enough to resolve into two of the fang-faced attackers. They grabbed two people struggling to wedge themselves out through an emergency exit. One was Rog. The captain of this flick had stuck with his sinking ship past the last minute. He had Dylan with him, at least until the leather boys yanked them apart. I hefted my bat and pelted toward them.
“Hey, I know you,” one of the Fango Brothers said to Rog. “You were on Leno. You directed RoboSoldier II. Man, that movie sucked.” He swooped in close. He looked like he was biting Rog’s neck.
The other one had hold of a struggling Dylan. “Relax, pretty boy. We’re part of your fan club. Our president wants to meet you. She sent us to pick you up, seeing as how you won’t answer her letters.”
“I don’t see her letters or emails or anything. We’ve got people who do that.” Dylan abruptly stopped struggling. He’d finally noticed the guy sucking on Rog’s neck. “What the hell?”
His captor shrugged one shoulder. “He skipped breakfast.”
# # #
Slayer will be available this Friday at www.evernightteen.com. It should also become available in both ebook and print from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Bookstrand in the coming weeks. Belonging and Legacy are available from Siren Publishing at www.bookstrand.com/pat-cunningham
COMING SOON... X-Preview of Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys ~
Blurblet ~
COMING SOON ~ A woman desperate to save herself and her prize horses. Two shapeshifter cowboys who have decided she is their one woman. That's only the beginning...
Chapter Seventeen:
Sherilyn almost believed she dreamed.
Sherilyn almost believed she dreamed.
Sherilyn almost believed she dreamed. Dontoya thrust inside her pussy, his cock so powerful, she shivered inside. Never had she felt so much like a woman.
He forced her pussy walls to stretch, to take his thick cock as he tenderly plunged deeper. Sherilyn had never enjoyed sex more.
She keened moans of pure pleasure as Dontoya possessed her with a dominance natural to him--obvious in every move he made, obvious in the languid prowess of his body against hers.
Never had she wanted to give herself more to a man.
Dontoya not only took her with his big bold cock, but handled her with care, both emotionally and physically. Her heart swelled with gratitude, and Sherilyn hoped like hell he would continue caring for her this way.
Dontoya, she sang inside her mind. God help her, but the feel of his fine, fine ass was driving her insane with lust. She undulated, matching his slow primal strikes inside her.
"Easy, darlin'," he hoarsely whispered. "Let me do the work this time."
Surprised, Sherilyn slitted her eyes. His smoke-hot gaze met hers, then devoured her face as if he'd found some sort of long-sought heaven.
With a strong thrust of his cock, he pinned her to the bed. "Give me your wrists."
Sherilyn shuddered inside at his command, one that promised more pleasure. He caressed his palms from her head, and she relinquished his perfectly sculpted ass.
After raising her hands high above her head, Dontoya slid his work-calloused hands along her arms. Damn, but he turned her on--got her juices flowing faster than light speed.
He anchored himself on his elbows, and circled his thumbpads on the sensitive skin of her wrists. Sherilyn heaved ragged breaths. Her pussy convulsively clenched his cock, or tried. With his size, she wondered if he felt the small spasms.
As he lowered his head, his gaze scorched her. She trembled when his mouth brushed over hers. He nibbled slow kisses on her lips, the corners, the bottom fullness of her >Okay, she hadn't been with that many men...but, oh, please.
"Promise." The word escaped before she had a chance to stop it.
"Widen those beautiful thighs of yours."
His command and his praise of her, flashed like sexy lightning through her. Sherilyn eased her legs apart, his hand guiding her.
"That's it, darlin'."
Tremors of anticipation filled her womb as he sensually caressed her hip and thigh--as his eyes blazed to a fiery bronze, his gaze penetrating her.
"Promise," he roughly purred.
He fused their mouths, his kiss long moments of exquisite plunder. Then his tongue masterfully slipped between her lips, tangling with hers.
The sultry embrace of his tongue coaxed Sherilyn into complete surrender. Her pussy throbbed, molten, his to do with as he pleased.
Nearly mindless, unable to do anything else, she rocked her hips. Still lanced to the bed with his heavy cock, her mound pushed against his groin, the sensation highly erotic.
God, she adored the feeling of being his sex captive--another surprise to her.
He nipped her bottom lip, then used his strength to halt her undulations. "No, darlin'."
With a possessive rumble, he planted his elbow and raised above her a few inches. He withdrew his hard, hard cock only to lunge deep inside her.
With a power she craved and loved, he drove inside her. First to the hilt, then his shaft plunged inside her pussy. Over and over.
Over and over again. God, could she ever get enough?
Sherilyn continued basking in his slow yet forceful thrusts. No wonder women wanted him.
After she cast aside a pang of jealousy, she succumbed to her orgasmic excitement. Surging like a tidal wave, pleasure-pain rolled from the top of her mound to her clit. "Oh, God, Dontoya."
Ecstasy filled her, emanating from the steady strong glide of his cock--by how he constantly stretched her pussy walls. The next instant, Sherilyn flew, mindlessly soaring...and gone, slipping within a new realm of bliss.
She heard his beastly groan as he speared to her core. With a strong arch his back, he spilled his cum.
"Sherilyn, mate. My mate."
When he let go of her wrists, then tenderly crushed her beneath him, Sherilyn swore no other man had ever felt this good, this fine.
Certainly, no man's cock ever possessed her with such continued virility.
A tiny voice punished her with "he should have worn a condom...what about disease?" Sherilyn dismissed it quickly, her ability to be logical rescuing her.
Hell, she'd been as good as dead. If Zance could heal her with his magic wolf juice...and since they'd both gone to great lengths caring for her, she doubted Dontoya would have done anything to harm her.
Lost in clouds of rapture, Sherilyn combed her fingers though his long, silky smooth hair. He began to rise, and she murmured, "No...please. You feel wonderful."
"He does, does he?"
She started at Zance's already familiar twang.
"I'm not hurting her, am I, pard?" Dontoya asked once he'd swung his gaze toward Zance and raised his chest from her.
At that moment, it smacked her like an icy snowball in the face. She'd lost control of her life, her entire life, just like she'd lost control now, surrendering beneath Dontoya.
"Somethin' wrong, sweetheart?" Zance asked. "Is me being here botherin' you?"
Well, double-dare hell, what did she say to that? Given the sheer immensity of the life changes she faced, Sherilyn didn't have a clue what she was feeling...not exactly, anyway.
"Take that big breeder of yours outta her. I need to check her eyes. She smells fine, though."
With the latent grace of a big cat, Dontoya tenderly withdrew his cock. He planted a sweet kiss on her mouth, then rolled from her, and off the bed.
"She needed," he began.
"Yeah, pard, I know. Her female emotions are raw, and her hormones are donside her.
With a power she craved and loved, he drove inside her. First to the hilt, then his shaft plunged inside her pussy. Over and over.
Over and over again. God, could she ever get enough?
Sherilyn continued basking in his slow yet forceful thrusts. No wonder women wanted him.
After she cast aside a pang of jealousy, she succumbed to her orgasmic excitement. Surging like a tidal wave, pleasure-pain rolled from the top of her mound to her clit. "Oh, God, Dontoya."
Ecstasy filled her, emanating from the steady strong glide of his cock--by how he constantly stretched her pussy walls. The next instant, Sherilyn flew, mindlessly soaring...and gone, slipping within a new realm of bliss.
She heard his beastly groan as he speared to her core. With a strong arch his back, he spilled his cum.
"Sherilyn, mate. My mate."
When he let go of her wrists, then tenderly crushed her beneath him, Sherilyn swore no other man had ever felt this good, this fine.
Certainly, no man's cock ever possessed her with such continued virility.
A tiny voice punished her with "he should have worn a condom...what about disease?" Sherilyn dismissed it quickly, her ability to be logical rescuing her.
Hell, she'd been as good as dead. If Zance could heal her with his magic wolf juice...and since they'd both gone to great lengths caring for her, she doubted Dontoya would have done anything to harm her.
Lost in clouds of rapture, Sherilyn combed her fingers though his long, silky smooth hair. He began to rise, and she murmured, "No...please. You feel wonderful."
"He does, does he?"
She started at Zance's already familiar twang.
"I'm not hurting her, am I, pard?" Dontoya asked once he'd swung his gaze toward Zance and raised his chest from her.
At that moment, it smacked her like an icy snowball in the face. She'd lost control of her life, her entire life, just like she'd lost control now, surrendering beneath Dontoya.
"Somethin' wrong, sweetheart?" Zance asked. "Is me being here botherin' you?"
Well, double-dare hell, what did she say to that? Given the sheer immensity of the life changes she faced, Sherilyn didn't have a clue what she was feeling...not exactly, anyway.
"Take that big breeder of yours outta her. I need to check her eyes. She smells fine, though."
With the latent grace of a big cat, Dontoya tenderly withdrew his cock. He planted a sweet kiss on her mouth, then rolled from her, and off the bed.
"She needed," he began.
"Yeah, pard, I know. Her female emotions are raw, and her hormones are doublin' fast now."
Doubling fast now!...what the 'f'? Yeah, what the fuck? Because that's what they both want. To fuck me senseless.

~ Have a Magickal Valentine's Day ~
Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Monday, February 11, 2013
Angelic Forecast from Volcano ~ February 11, 2013
Weekly Angelic Forecast from Volcano
Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...
Angelic Forecast ~ #232
The Chinese Year of the Water Snake is here. Now, those of real wisdom combat the sinister corruption slithering across the world. Or, this is the lightsword rematch between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader.
This time Obi-Wan Kenobi is the victor. That is, if it is the Will of the people.
On the magickal, mystical front, the true wisdom of the 'time-lost' antediluvian Magicians now emerges into our societal consciousness, and becomes an endless wave of energy and information during the year, 2013. Time to tune into this way of magick, that has been kept hidden from most of us.
On the personal front, this will be a tricky, sidewinder type of week for most of us, especially around finances. With the down-turning economy, the deceptive snakes are coming out of the woodwork, and looking to make you their prey.
On a bright note, this week will also be about the joys of family, biological and including your soul family. There could be reconciliations with family members--even ones in the miraculous category. The vibes are right.
As well, look for financial opportunities that will tide you over, but are on the up and up, and not about making you the victim of a con man/woman.
On the paranormal front, UFO sightings continue to make headlines throughout the world, even if ignored by the cleavage-babes' media. Sightings will go in fits and starts from this point forward. However, many more of these events will be up close and personal.
Like the humanoid-type fetus found in a sheep's womb recently, this sort of creature-strangeness will continue, and only escalate as the year progresses. Also, there will be, in next three months, more sightings and stories about mermaids.
As well, some wild animals will keep reaching out to people, as has already been reported. One example in the news, was the dolphin who asked a diver for help.
On the economic front, watch out! Behind the scenes major manipulations of the world currencies are happening at lightspeed. Cyber attacks on the banking system are ongoing, and ruthless.
This means quick fluctuations in the stock market, and global prices. Plus, there could be bank holidays disguised as cyber hacking.
That stated, most of the currency and gold-wars chaos happening on the world stage, is being manufactured by the 'dark-side powers that be'. This is an evil strategy.
It's about forcing people worldwide to abdicate their 'rights'. To wave the flag of surrender, and join the hive, one world mind.
Brave 'white hat' forces continue to battle the bankster gangster crowd. This is slowing down the sinister plans of the dark-side elite, thus, delaying WWIII.
On the truth front, Currently, there is an assassination-purge going on of TRUTH TELLERS and whistleblowers. Watch your backs, dearest ones, and flood the public domain with any so-called 'conspiracy theory' info and/or research. Do this as quickly as possible. This will help you stay alive. ~In remembrance of Phillip Marshall, a true hero who lived and walked in his truth~
During this Year of the Water Snake, TRUTH slithers up from the deep, deep dark, where it has been kept deliberately buried. These 'truths' will be from the modern times and from the most ancient of times. Watch for it. Because mass enlightenment follows.
On the war front, another complicated week and month ahead. The big-player nations square off, vying and fighting like vipers for position and territory worldwide.
Meanwhile, behind the proverbial scenes, 'these same nations' plot their strategies to gain one-world domination for their bankster gangster masters. Bloody cruel wars, engineered famines and genocides, brutality beyond belief--these are the tools of their military and mercenary trade.
This week, or next, there is likely to be a CIRCUS CIRCUS event that will be exploited by the presstitute media, as a reason to ATTACK the so-labeled enemy like a pack of rabid zombie dogs. Or, bomb them out of existence.
On the tyranny-at-work front, the Palpatine-emperor decrees mandates out the wazoo, while his willing political cohorts 'appear' to battle back. It's all for show.
It's all to buy more time against the 'mass awakening' population -- before the giant that is freedom roars awake. This will be a drama of epic proportions, so stay tuned. And pay attention to your soul. For, this is the key to lasting victory over totalitarianism.
On the AWAKENING front, now comes an awakening to the miraculous by many more on Mother Earth. Out of the GOOD HEART, out of our good acts, miracles that meet our deepest needs now appear in our lives, and on the world stage.
This will be subtle, even unrecognizable at times. However, at this point in our history/herstory, the time has come for miracles on a mass public scale.
For, we walk in new energies of potential.
On the communication front, "from the nightmare toward the dream" ... as spoken by Robert Ghost Wolf on December 29, 1998 with radio legend, Art Bell. Robert Ghost Wolf was a true shaman for these times, a renaissance man who spoke from his heart, and now speaks past his grave to ALL of us.
On the home front, this week *craziness* is the order of the day. Minute by minute, the level of insanity rises like the waters of death in an Indiana Jones trap.
Escape from the 'psycho looney tunes' culture being forced on the people, will require ingenuity, intention, and working together as a community. For lasting and real salvation tune into your spiritual nature. Connect with Mother Earth. Walk on the land and beneath the bright rays of the sun.
On the food front, HEADLINE & SNIPPET: Virus in GM Foods Could be Dangerous ~Friday, February 8, 2013 ... "GM crops such as corn, which are being grown around the world for both human and farm animal consumption, include a virus gene that could be poisonous to humans that has not been tested for safety." ~unknowncountry.com~
As stated before:Natural foods grown/raised locally and organically as possible, is your best bet to keep your health in these times. Whoever is able and able-bodied, return to the land, and help with food production.
Plus, BEWARE! Pet treats from China are poisoning dogs and cats again.
On the land changes front, all HELL is about to break loose over the next six months. Volcanoes, major and swarm earthquakes, superstorms, massive flooding, superspeed winds, volcanic eruptions beneath the oceans. Asteroids and comets, omy!
Also, gigantic sun flares or CMEs ~coronal mass ejections~ will be licking at the Earth's atmosphere like great serpentine tongues tasting prey before deciding whether to devour. Be prepared to stay indoors, if necessary.
On the energy front, every attempt is being made by secret rebel groups to bring 'free energy' technology to the people. If you are involved, or become involved, spread this knowledge and technology far and wide -- as swiftly as possible. This will help defeat the big oil cartels, and end the dark oil age.
In the meantime, if you can, get off the energy grid as much as possible with solar energy, by making alcohol for fuel, and using other energy devices. Modern wood-burning stoves will become invaluable to some.
On the really bad news front, like hungry boa constrictors, the bankster gangsters and their masters, continue to squeeze the life out of the people. There will be no relief until the people say, NO MORE. And take action.
On the good news front, ever more people are abandoning the system, and searching for better ways to survive and thrive. This will become an unstoppable movement, despite the establishment's brutal and ongoing crackdown.
On the global mafia cabal front, the factional splits are lessening as the dark-side realizes some of the people are savage and intelligent wolves in sheeple clothing. Look for the rise of this brave fierce ones.
On the freedom front, Once again in our country's history, the rattlesnake of liberty coils and rises with the warning: DON'T TREAD ON ME!
Trendwise, New Moon in Aquarius ~ Chinese Year of the Water Snake
With the new moon in Aquarius, and given we now walk in the Age of Aquarius -- all things will be new, or made anew during the following year, 2013.
That is the golden opportunity and the great challenge before each one of us, and before humanity as a whole. *What has been*, the old structures of society are crumbling into eventual dust.
As has been stated previously, and to paraphrase the wisdom of others: there is a choice before all of us at this critical turning point. Do we bring forth a renaissance paradise or allow another soul-stealing dark ages?
Will we the people demand real honest-to-goodness freedom? Or will the black-hearted tyranny of the 'new world order crowd' be set upon us, a venomous attack that not only steals our very lives, but steals our precious souls, as well?
In truth, the wildfires of freedom now boldly sweep across the world, and have become invincible. However, will these towering fires of liberty continue to blaze ever more brightly, or be constantly crushed beneath the leviathan boot heel of the dark-side global oppressors?
That becomes the choice this year of 2013. Our choice as individuals. And our collective choice as human beings living upon the blessed Mother Earth.
This week, where love is freely given from the heart, there will be miracles, great and small. Enjoy.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com ~
Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...
Angelic Forecast ~ #232
The Chinese Year of the Water Snake is here. Now, those of real wisdom combat the sinister corruption slithering across the world. Or, this is the lightsword rematch between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader.
This time Obi-Wan Kenobi is the victor. That is, if it is the Will of the people.
On the magickal, mystical front, the true wisdom of the 'time-lost' antediluvian Magicians now emerges into our societal consciousness, and becomes an endless wave of energy and information during the year, 2013. Time to tune into this way of magick, that has been kept hidden from most of us.
On the personal front, this will be a tricky, sidewinder type of week for most of us, especially around finances. With the down-turning economy, the deceptive snakes are coming out of the woodwork, and looking to make you their prey.
On a bright note, this week will also be about the joys of family, biological and including your soul family. There could be reconciliations with family members--even ones in the miraculous category. The vibes are right.
As well, look for financial opportunities that will tide you over, but are on the up and up, and not about making you the victim of a con man/woman.
On the paranormal front, UFO sightings continue to make headlines throughout the world, even if ignored by the cleavage-babes' media. Sightings will go in fits and starts from this point forward. However, many more of these events will be up close and personal.
Like the humanoid-type fetus found in a sheep's womb recently, this sort of creature-strangeness will continue, and only escalate as the year progresses. Also, there will be, in next three months, more sightings and stories about mermaids.
As well, some wild animals will keep reaching out to people, as has already been reported. One example in the news, was the dolphin who asked a diver for help.
On the economic front, watch out! Behind the scenes major manipulations of the world currencies are happening at lightspeed. Cyber attacks on the banking system are ongoing, and ruthless.
This means quick fluctuations in the stock market, and global prices. Plus, there could be bank holidays disguised as cyber hacking.
That stated, most of the currency and gold-wars chaos happening on the world stage, is being manufactured by the 'dark-side powers that be'. This is an evil strategy.
It's about forcing people worldwide to abdicate their 'rights'. To wave the flag of surrender, and join the hive, one world mind.
Brave 'white hat' forces continue to battle the bankster gangster crowd. This is slowing down the sinister plans of the dark-side elite, thus, delaying WWIII.
On the truth front, Currently, there is an assassination-purge going on of TRUTH TELLERS and whistleblowers. Watch your backs, dearest ones, and flood the public domain with any so-called 'conspiracy theory' info and/or research. Do this as quickly as possible. This will help you stay alive. ~In remembrance of Phillip Marshall, a true hero who lived and walked in his truth~
During this Year of the Water Snake, TRUTH slithers up from the deep, deep dark, where it has been kept deliberately buried. These 'truths' will be from the modern times and from the most ancient of times. Watch for it. Because mass enlightenment follows.
On the war front, another complicated week and month ahead. The big-player nations square off, vying and fighting like vipers for position and territory worldwide.
Meanwhile, behind the proverbial scenes, 'these same nations' plot their strategies to gain one-world domination for their bankster gangster masters. Bloody cruel wars, engineered famines and genocides, brutality beyond belief--these are the tools of their military and mercenary trade.
This week, or next, there is likely to be a CIRCUS CIRCUS event that will be exploited by the presstitute media, as a reason to ATTACK the so-labeled enemy like a pack of rabid zombie dogs. Or, bomb them out of existence.
On the tyranny-at-work front, the Palpatine-emperor decrees mandates out the wazoo, while his willing political cohorts 'appear' to battle back. It's all for show.
It's all to buy more time against the 'mass awakening' population -- before the giant that is freedom roars awake. This will be a drama of epic proportions, so stay tuned. And pay attention to your soul. For, this is the key to lasting victory over totalitarianism.
On the AWAKENING front, now comes an awakening to the miraculous by many more on Mother Earth. Out of the GOOD HEART, out of our good acts, miracles that meet our deepest needs now appear in our lives, and on the world stage.
This will be subtle, even unrecognizable at times. However, at this point in our history/herstory, the time has come for miracles on a mass public scale.
For, we walk in new energies of potential.
On the communication front, "from the nightmare toward the dream" ... as spoken by Robert Ghost Wolf on December 29, 1998 with radio legend, Art Bell. Robert Ghost Wolf was a true shaman for these times, a renaissance man who spoke from his heart, and now speaks past his grave to ALL of us.
On the home front, this week *craziness* is the order of the day. Minute by minute, the level of insanity rises like the waters of death in an Indiana Jones trap.
Escape from the 'psycho looney tunes' culture being forced on the people, will require ingenuity, intention, and working together as a community. For lasting and real salvation tune into your spiritual nature. Connect with Mother Earth. Walk on the land and beneath the bright rays of the sun.
On the food front, HEADLINE & SNIPPET: Virus in GM Foods Could be Dangerous ~Friday, February 8, 2013 ... "GM crops such as corn, which are being grown around the world for both human and farm animal consumption, include a virus gene that could be poisonous to humans that has not been tested for safety." ~unknowncountry.com~
As stated before:Natural foods grown/raised locally and organically as possible, is your best bet to keep your health in these times. Whoever is able and able-bodied, return to the land, and help with food production.
Plus, BEWARE! Pet treats from China are poisoning dogs and cats again.
On the land changes front, all HELL is about to break loose over the next six months. Volcanoes, major and swarm earthquakes, superstorms, massive flooding, superspeed winds, volcanic eruptions beneath the oceans. Asteroids and comets, omy!
Also, gigantic sun flares or CMEs ~coronal mass ejections~ will be licking at the Earth's atmosphere like great serpentine tongues tasting prey before deciding whether to devour. Be prepared to stay indoors, if necessary.
On the energy front, every attempt is being made by secret rebel groups to bring 'free energy' technology to the people. If you are involved, or become involved, spread this knowledge and technology far and wide -- as swiftly as possible. This will help defeat the big oil cartels, and end the dark oil age.
In the meantime, if you can, get off the energy grid as much as possible with solar energy, by making alcohol for fuel, and using other energy devices. Modern wood-burning stoves will become invaluable to some.
On the really bad news front, like hungry boa constrictors, the bankster gangsters and their masters, continue to squeeze the life out of the people. There will be no relief until the people say, NO MORE. And take action.
On the good news front, ever more people are abandoning the system, and searching for better ways to survive and thrive. This will become an unstoppable movement, despite the establishment's brutal and ongoing crackdown.
On the global mafia cabal front, the factional splits are lessening as the dark-side realizes some of the people are savage and intelligent wolves in sheeple clothing. Look for the rise of this brave fierce ones.
On the freedom front, Once again in our country's history, the rattlesnake of liberty coils and rises with the warning: DON'T TREAD ON ME!
Trendwise, New Moon in Aquarius ~ Chinese Year of the Water Snake
With the new moon in Aquarius, and given we now walk in the Age of Aquarius -- all things will be new, or made anew during the following year, 2013.
That is the golden opportunity and the great challenge before each one of us, and before humanity as a whole. *What has been*, the old structures of society are crumbling into eventual dust.
As has been stated previously, and to paraphrase the wisdom of others: there is a choice before all of us at this critical turning point. Do we bring forth a renaissance paradise or allow another soul-stealing dark ages?
Will we the people demand real honest-to-goodness freedom? Or will the black-hearted tyranny of the 'new world order crowd' be set upon us, a venomous attack that not only steals our very lives, but steals our precious souls, as well?
In truth, the wildfires of freedom now boldly sweep across the world, and have become invincible. However, will these towering fires of liberty continue to blaze ever more brightly, or be constantly crushed beneath the leviathan boot heel of the dark-side global oppressors?
That becomes the choice this year of 2013. Our choice as individuals. And our collective choice as human beings living upon the blessed Mother Earth.
This week, where love is freely given from the heart, there will be miracles, great and small. Enjoy.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com ~
Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
Thursday, February 7, 2013
The Book I Won't Be Writing
I didn’t mean to write a series. Belonging was supposed to be a stand-alone. However, my sequelitis kicked in, and before you know it, there was Legacy. That book sparked my spin-off, the upcoming Slayer for Hire, involving my threesome’s children. Preacher’s book is sitting in limbo right now, waiting for the plot to gel, and I’ve got an idea involving Wallace’s daughter Dina, who co-stars in Slayer for Hire.
I suppose these two books will get written eventually. I love the characters, and the ideas just keep coming. I can’t let go of them yet. I want to keep it going. As long as I keep coming up with plots and publishers keep showing interest, I suppose I can squeeze another couple stories out of these people.
But there’s one story I don’t think I could write, even though I recently figured out a way to give it an HEA. That’s the wrap-up, the grand finale. For lack of a better word, the end.
There’s a huge elephant in this family’s room, one they (and I) have been trying not to deal with. There’s Wallace the vampire, his human lover Jeremy, their half-vampire lover Colleen, and the kids. So far, so good. Here’s the problem: everybody except Wallace is mortal, or partially mortal. Nobody wants to be turned. They’re content with their mortality and everything it means.
What it means is, Wallace’s family—his partners, his children, everyone he loves—will eventually grow old and die. Sooner or later, inevitably, even the kids will be gone, and immortal Wallace will have to go on without them. The only ending I could imagine involved Wallace walking into the sunlight. That’s something I, as these people’s “mother,” just don’t want to face.
Luckily for me, though not necessarily for one of the other characters, my subconscious couldn’t take it either and came up with a workable solution. It involves someone we haven’t seen for awhile: Shayla, the adopted daughter of Gus and Annie Stanton.
Don’t get your squick in an uproar. Shayla’s not the five-year-old we last saw in Legacy. At least 25 years have passed since then (Jeremy’s son Matt is 22 in Slayer, and he has two older siblings). She’s had a full life in the interim, with relationships and jobs and possibly a failed marriage that didn’t produce any children (the reason why it failed?). She comes back to California to reconnect with her family, and walks right into peril.
At one point in the long-lost past, Gus and Annie were slayers. A vampire from that era returns to exact his revenge. However, since vampires don’t age, they don’t always have a firm grasp on the passage of time. This one finally gets his vengeful ass in gear 50 years too late. Natural causes have already done the job for him. Well, the vamp decides, if he can’t kill the slayers, he’ll replace the flock they staked, his family, with their family. He targets the Stantons’ children and grandchildren, starting with Shayla.
Wallace’s retaliation comes too late. The vampire’s already turned her.
Now Shayla’s joined the undead. There’s no cure. All Wallace and his family can do is take her in, and teach her how to be a vampire. Over the course of the following weeks, as Wallace and Shayla share vampire hunting and blood on the nighttime streets of Los Angeles, the inevitable happens.
It’s not as icky as it sounds. Like I said, this Shayla is a grown woman. She’s roughly the same age Wallace was when he got turned. She knows about her parents’ former vocation. She’s known for years Wallace is a vampire (his failure to age was a dead giveaway). She knows he’s the one who saved her from vampires when she was a child. She even had a crush on him in her teens, though nothing ever came of it. She grew up, left California, had a life, and came back. Now she’s undead and falling in love with a man she’s always admired. Wallace has always been fond of her too, and that fondness quickly grows.
So the threesome becomes a foursome, at least emotionally. (Adult or not, no way Jeremy’s sleeping with someone he remembers as the little girl he used to sing to sleep.) Colleen and Jeremy are good with it, even relieved. Now they can grow old together without guilt, knowing Wallace will have someone to look after him when their time finally comes. The new couple might even find a pretty young man they can share, and start the flock over again.
That’s my happy ending, but I don’t think I can write it. It’s enough for me to know I’m leaving Wallace and his family in a good place. There’s also the time factor to think about. I was able to fudge it with Slayer because it’s a different genre appearing under another publisher. There’s a 25-year gap between Legacy and Slayer, yet both appear to take place in the current now. Somebody’s bound to notice. Either that, or Matt and his siblings were born and matured within the space of a couple years. I know they did that in the final Twilight book, but I try to stay away from Twilight plots.
Maybe I can write the book, stick it in the closet for 10 to 15 years, then shop it around and hope the new generation of readers isn’t swift on math. Or just direct the curious to this blog. That’ll reassure any concerned readers, and save me a lot of time. Life goes on, even for vampires, especially when their creators are willing to twist time, space and logic to guarantee they get their HEA. I wish real life could be manipulated that easily. I’d be a whole lot richer and a whole lot thinner. Wouldn’t we all?
I suppose these two books will get written eventually. I love the characters, and the ideas just keep coming. I can’t let go of them yet. I want to keep it going. As long as I keep coming up with plots and publishers keep showing interest, I suppose I can squeeze another couple stories out of these people.
But there’s one story I don’t think I could write, even though I recently figured out a way to give it an HEA. That’s the wrap-up, the grand finale. For lack of a better word, the end.
There’s a huge elephant in this family’s room, one they (and I) have been trying not to deal with. There’s Wallace the vampire, his human lover Jeremy, their half-vampire lover Colleen, and the kids. So far, so good. Here’s the problem: everybody except Wallace is mortal, or partially mortal. Nobody wants to be turned. They’re content with their mortality and everything it means.
What it means is, Wallace’s family—his partners, his children, everyone he loves—will eventually grow old and die. Sooner or later, inevitably, even the kids will be gone, and immortal Wallace will have to go on without them. The only ending I could imagine involved Wallace walking into the sunlight. That’s something I, as these people’s “mother,” just don’t want to face.
Luckily for me, though not necessarily for one of the other characters, my subconscious couldn’t take it either and came up with a workable solution. It involves someone we haven’t seen for awhile: Shayla, the adopted daughter of Gus and Annie Stanton.
Don’t get your squick in an uproar. Shayla’s not the five-year-old we last saw in Legacy. At least 25 years have passed since then (Jeremy’s son Matt is 22 in Slayer, and he has two older siblings). She’s had a full life in the interim, with relationships and jobs and possibly a failed marriage that didn’t produce any children (the reason why it failed?). She comes back to California to reconnect with her family, and walks right into peril.
At one point in the long-lost past, Gus and Annie were slayers. A vampire from that era returns to exact his revenge. However, since vampires don’t age, they don’t always have a firm grasp on the passage of time. This one finally gets his vengeful ass in gear 50 years too late. Natural causes have already done the job for him. Well, the vamp decides, if he can’t kill the slayers, he’ll replace the flock they staked, his family, with their family. He targets the Stantons’ children and grandchildren, starting with Shayla.
Wallace’s retaliation comes too late. The vampire’s already turned her.
Now Shayla’s joined the undead. There’s no cure. All Wallace and his family can do is take her in, and teach her how to be a vampire. Over the course of the following weeks, as Wallace and Shayla share vampire hunting and blood on the nighttime streets of Los Angeles, the inevitable happens.
It’s not as icky as it sounds. Like I said, this Shayla is a grown woman. She’s roughly the same age Wallace was when he got turned. She knows about her parents’ former vocation. She’s known for years Wallace is a vampire (his failure to age was a dead giveaway). She knows he’s the one who saved her from vampires when she was a child. She even had a crush on him in her teens, though nothing ever came of it. She grew up, left California, had a life, and came back. Now she’s undead and falling in love with a man she’s always admired. Wallace has always been fond of her too, and that fondness quickly grows.
So the threesome becomes a foursome, at least emotionally. (Adult or not, no way Jeremy’s sleeping with someone he remembers as the little girl he used to sing to sleep.) Colleen and Jeremy are good with it, even relieved. Now they can grow old together without guilt, knowing Wallace will have someone to look after him when their time finally comes. The new couple might even find a pretty young man they can share, and start the flock over again.
That’s my happy ending, but I don’t think I can write it. It’s enough for me to know I’m leaving Wallace and his family in a good place. There’s also the time factor to think about. I was able to fudge it with Slayer because it’s a different genre appearing under another publisher. There’s a 25-year gap between Legacy and Slayer, yet both appear to take place in the current now. Somebody’s bound to notice. Either that, or Matt and his siblings were born and matured within the space of a couple years. I know they did that in the final Twilight book, but I try to stay away from Twilight plots.
Maybe I can write the book, stick it in the closet for 10 to 15 years, then shop it around and hope the new generation of readers isn’t swift on math. Or just direct the curious to this blog. That’ll reassure any concerned readers, and save me a lot of time. Life goes on, even for vampires, especially when their creators are willing to twist time, space and logic to guarantee they get their HEA. I wish real life could be manipulated that easily. I’d be a whole lot richer and a whole lot thinner. Wouldn’t we all?
Monday, February 4, 2013
Angelic Forecast from Volcano ~ February 4, 2013
UPDATED: February 11, 2013 ~ Blogger cut a huge section out.
Weekly Angelic Forecast from Volcano
Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...
Angelic Forecast ~ #231
The theme this week ~ Freedom, the Wild Soul ~ Dance in your imagination to what these words evoke within you.
For, now awakens this buried part of ourselves. The time has arrived in our human history upon Mother Earth to experience 'freedom of the soul' at a whole new level.
This activation of the 'wild soul' in concert with the 'wild heart' will prove uncomfortable for many, and downright liberating for others. Regardless, for most of us, it will prove to be a messy emotional process.
Helping another with their roller coaster emotions, will be a way to help yourself. The opportunity, of course, is for all of us to come together--soul to soul, and heart to heart.
On the magickal, mystical front, the spirit of water returns to energize and bless every one of us. The more appreciation within you for all forms of water, the more you will enjoy these balancing and loving harmonies.
On the personal front, sit tight this week and watch the world go by. Closely observe what happens around you. Beware, and only become involved when you are convinced it is in your best interests. This is important.
This is also a wonderful week to start planning any kind of Valentine's Day celebration--whether you simply pamper yourself, or are putting on the Ritz. Remember, the Aquarian Age is all about the heart center, and bringing forth LOVE...love of self, and embracing others with your heart's energy.
On the paranormal front, once again, this will be a week when a variety of UFOs are spotted all over the world. This will be due to two main reasons.
There is a war in the heavens, or the skies above. And, the Beneficent beings, who are on the side of humanity, wish to be seen as a way to introduce their presence. Also, the Beneficents are currently altering certain negative events the dark-siders want to inflict on the people.
As ancient history continues to reveal itself, the paranormal becomes the normal. That is, creatures thought to be mythical will be proven to be real, as has been stated before. For now, the records are being truthfully decoded, and cannot be kept hidden for much longer.
On the economic front, disaster and continued collapse, is the name of this 'break the back of the people' game. As well, cyber attacks will continue on the banking system.
This, while the stock market slides into the deep dark abyss, even as it's being propped up with inflated dollars. And thus, made to look as if its 'falsely' improving.
Of course, given the gold wars and the currency wars, the dark-side's game plan could be changed midstream, either shooting the markets up or down.
Meanwhile, the bankster gangsters, and their soulless masters, continue to offer themselves, and their one-world-government, as *the* salvation. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Also, this week, there will likely be, at least, one major surprise involving the state of the economy.
On the truth front, humanity moves ever closer to that time when TRUTH will be known, not because it is a proven fact, but because it is simply known to be the TRUTH. Of course, this is already happening. However, at a level not yet discernable to most of the population.
On the war front, this week will be about moving the war chessboard pieces in the Middle East, and in other key war theaters. The major powers are battling for top position at this point in time. This, to demonstrate their mettle to their new world order masters.
Sadly, there could be a war accident of horrific proportions, an event that could occur around this dark-side infighting--one that could/would alert the people of the world to what is actually happening...and why.
On the tyranny-at-work front, rises the darkness to show itself off, and make the people cower. The once-hidden snakes slither from their evil holes, armed with their devastating 'deathstar like' technologies.
On the AWAKENING front, now comes the mental warrior, or those who are, and will specialize in battling against the dark forces by using the formidable power of their will, and their mind. All of us will grow in these abilities, however.
On the communication front, technology versus telepathy, the battle is shaping up, at this time. While technology can be a good thing, it's much more difficult to control people who are in telepathic contact.
On the home front, keep banding together with like-minded people. Also, with those you work beside--that is, whoever proves trustworthy. If you are strong enough, come to the rescue of others whenever you are needed. However, always remember 'discernment is your best friend' and 'charity begins at home'.
On the food front, a complex week, and month ahead, as the battle lines are drawn against the corp-gov's constant raids on small farms and ranches. The time has come for these robber-baron predators to be spotlighted, and shown for the dark-hearted cowards they are. In reality.
As well, many more of the people will rebel against the establishment's frankenfoods, and will flock to the best real foods they can find to purchase. This means, of course, growing and producing real food benefits you, and everyone else.
On the land changes front, Mother Earth is rocking from a series of large earthquakes, including quakes on the west coast. Also, more volcanoes are coming to life, roaring like monsters and blowing their stacks.
This will only continue as the year progresses. Get ready for a rough and tumble ride in many areas, especially around the 'ring of fire'.
Worldwide, superstorms will increase and rage, changing many landscapes forever. Watch out for the destructive force of the wind in the near future.
On the energy front, gather together as many ways of producing energy as you are able--old-fashioned wind and water power methods, old-fashioned and new-fashioned wood stoves, steam engines, solar collection, moonshine stills for alcohol-using devices, generators, and for fueling cars/trucks.
Learn how to produce energy from others, and pass that learning on. Again, pass along knowledge about the new-fangled energy devices that are being suppressed by the corp-gov. Energy independence is one salvation for the coming times.
On the really bad news front, this week will reveal 'truths' most don't want to know exist. Out of witnessing these nightmare scenarios, many more of the people will awaken. However, some will be lost to the Great Delusion.
Across the planet, death becomes a stampede, taking several forms--immoral wars, famine brought about on purpose, bio-weapon pandemics, catastrophic events, both natural and those triggered by dark-side technologies.
On the good news front, with the vigorous, take-no-prisoner energies of the Aquarian Age, and with the upcoming Year of the Snake, true WISDOM becomes valued, revered over the current shallow celebrity culture. This will be a gradual change, yet as strong as a Himalayan avalanche.
On the global mafia cabal front, killer drones and robo-soldiers, berserker purges against so-called enemies of the state, bankster gangster scams to wring every last penny out of your pocket, communist-style land grabs increase, mind-controlled and drug-controlled assassins for more horrific false-flag events, the loss of affordable health care, foreign invasions given legal sanction by the system--the totalitarian regime goes whole, razorback-ruthless 'charging at you' hog at this point in time.
On the freedom front, for THOSE who love and believe in true freedom, NOW is the time to watch your backs as never before. NOW is the time to form an old-west posses of protection for each other. NOW is the time to seriously train as swamp-fox renegades. It has come.
Trendwise, this week is a frenzy of colliding trends. 'What was' crashes against what is forming, and what will be. This means the cultural energies are shifting and quaking and battling. A melee of grand proportions.
Reach inward for a state of calm, and for making crucial decisions. When confusion persists, ride out the wave, and look for that bright spot of clarity, then decide, and take action.
This week, noticing and enjoying nature will be a balm to your soul. Entertain the idea of wisdom during those moments that belong only to you.
Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona
MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ sirenbookstrand.blogspot.com ~
Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~
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