Monday, January 9, 2012

Angelic Forecast from Volcano ~ January 9, 2012

Weekly Angelic Forecast from Volcano

Straight from the Carnal Cherub himself...

Angelic Forecast ~ #175

Watch for the 'revolutionary visionaries' this week. They will make a strong appearance via the alternative media. THOSE who cherish freedom are on the rise, and an upcoming force to be reckoned with. This is worldwide.

On a personal level, you may notice the need for freedom wells up inside you, and concerns several areas of your life. Also, the people you know who are least likely to have concerned themselves with the vigilance required to keep a free society, may suddenly be ignited with the idea of 'let freedom ring'. This is partly because it is now their time to AWAKEN.

The following week begins a new dynamic on Earth. This is a spiritual counterbalance to the smoke-and-mirror tactics of the soulless ones. As it currently exits in the realm of the what has been called the Akashic Records, the great fountain of TRUTH will be bubbling up, surfacing in ways that reveal the true herstory/history of humanity.

Sad for many on our beloved planet, evil becomes a sledgehammer this week. This will play out in several ways, some of them on the world stage, and some unseen and therefore unreported. This will 'also' involve the catastrophic foreclosure situation brought about, on purpose, by the bankster gangsters of Wall Street fame.

With the drums of war being beat to raise the dead or get the attention of the zombified, know that *currently* this is a bait and switch trick of the military industrial complex. While war is still on the main menu of 'those' who despise humanity, the pieces on their chess board have changed. This is because a new enemy has risen with a greater weapons' capability.

Space, both celestial events and exploration ventures taking place in outer space, will continue to be a major focus of many during the year, 2012. All the lies that have been told to the public about the nature of the solar system and our galaxy, will begin to unravel at a rapid rate. At the same time, UFO activity will only increase.

As the so-called mainstream media continues to shoot its credibility in the foot each and everyday, those who have resisted the AWAKENING will now come onboard, albeit many will do so reluctantly -- growling and grumbling like bears disturbed during their winter hibernation.

At this time, firearms will come under fierce attack by *those on the dark side* who want to disarm the innocent. There are terrible scenarios, already arranged, that are designed to enrage the populace and make weapons look like the problem. This will be an ongoing 'psy-ops' as it's called.

In regards to daily life, this week and the next three weeks will be an opportune time to start new projects, the ones you've been putting off, but really want to accomplish. Go for it!

Trendwise, It's a Wild and Wooly Year Ahead! The year 2012 is a FIVE year in numerology. Look for drama, non-stop action, adventure, periods of chaos, and lots of parties. Yes, it's time to keep the party hat on and get your groove on this year. For some of us that will be rediscovering Disco. FIVE is also the year of the detective. That means more people will be ferreting out the truth, and looking behind the scenes.

Remember music is a balm to the soul. Music also ignites your deepest passions. It is the universal language of the Aquarian Age. Speak, or sing, it to your loved ones.

Angelic blessings from Volcano & Sedona

MORE...Volcano’s Angelic Forecast for this week ~ ~


Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance ~


Savanna Kougar said...

Happy 2012 Miracles!

Pat C. said...

A five year? That's how many books I wanted to add to my backlist this year. Coincidence or higher power?

I know that isn't a picture of Castiel, but it could be. He's got the hair. Being naked is a plus.

Savanna Kougar said...

Oh, cool. Yes, add five to your backlist this year. The Higher Power is in your corner.

I love that angel man pic. I found it, but don't know where it really came from originally.

Serena Shay said...

Mmm, that definitely could be Cas and in such a lovely pose...makes me want to stroke those wings, and more! ;)

Now's a good time to start projects, huh. Good deal...I have a few that want to get started. :D

Savanna Kougar said...

Serena, yeah, it is a good time to get those projects going you want to accomplish most.